Assigning Memberships to Members

Lucas J. Pols
2 min readAug 10, 2023


There are three scenarios for assigning a membership to a member: A new User, an Existing User, and An Archived Member that is returning.

New User

If you have completed the sets above, when you add a new user, you will see the option to add a membership to that user. Select the tier and start date when inviting, and the system will guide the user through adding their information to pay for their membership.

If you want to see the view from the user side, click here.

Existing User

Suppose the user has already accepted an invite from the collective. In that case, you can assign the user a membership directly by clicking on the three dots icon on the user, either under team or membership.

Archived User

For an archived user, click the three dots icon and click reactivate. You will have the opportunity to invite the user and assign them a membership simultaneously.

Start Dates

You can either choose to start a membership today (either leave the start date blank or select today) or a date in the future. Start dates in the future are used for groups that have already onboarded members and want to start implementing the membership feature prior to a members renewal.

If you choose today as the start date the system will send the invitation and restrict the user until the payment has been completed.

If you choose a date in the future and the member is already part of the collective, that user will continue to have access until the invoice comes due. The user can fill in their payment information in advance and the system will auto renew the membership when their payment is due.



Lucas J. Pols

Chairman of the Board @ Spark xyz | President Tech Coast Angels