How to rewire your brain

Luca Tognon
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2021
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

If you are here maybe It’s because you are not 100% happy where you are right now. But don’t worry. You are in good company.

With this article, I wanna share with you some little advice I practiced and they can have a great impact on you.

Start Journaling your day.

My first reaction when I read about this advice was “ I don’t need that b***hit. Why should I write down my thoughts? Of course, I won’t do that! ”

Eventually, I did.

This practice is useful because helps you free your mind and at the same time it gives you a different perspective about what is going on in your head.

Some days your mind will be very busy with thoughts, other days less. That’s normal. So write down what’s going on, your mind will be grateful!

It is also helpful so you can better understand yourself and follow up about your days, your mood, your feelings, and your goals.

Practice Mindfulness.

Don’t worry, for this you don’t need to take the first flight to Tibet.

You can find everything you want online. In my personal experience, I use this app and that is a great way to start.

This is not my only experience but neuroscientist approve of this approach (check out this podcast if you want to know more).

Just keep in mind that if you wanna be the best in something, you first need to master yourself.

No man is free who is not master of himself.

— Epictetus

Explore new hobbies.

If you are reading this maybe it’s one of your hobbies. Congratulations. Reading is a great way to open your mind, expand your imagination and be a better problem solver.

Despite this, I recommend exploring creative hobbies like playing a musical instrument, photography, painting and at the same time something for your body like sport, hiking, yoga...

This is very helpful to improve your mood when your life seems to be stagnant in the same working routine and it gives you a boost of motivation.

Step out of your comfort zone.

This probably is the most challenging but maybe the most rewarding. You should be aware of what scare you and then act toward those things. Indeed I’m not saying you should skydive so you won’t have any problem in your life, instead, you should act small to overcome your fears.

If you are terrified to socialize with people you can start just by greeting someone. And this serve you to build the confidence you need to move forward. Maybe in the next few days, you can start a real conversation, but without that first scary step, you wouldn’t be able to start a conversation. It can take some time for sure, be patient with yourself and don’t lose momentum because when you start nobody can stop you.

I like to conclude with this Tim Ferriss quote:

Fear is your friend. It is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn’t do, more often than not it shows you what you should do

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Thanks for reading.



Luca Tognon

I write about how you can improve your life, be interested in new ideas and always look for something to learn. — From Italy