Lucia Fasano
2 min readOct 18, 2021


Every loss is unique — Poem

I’ve never felt this sadness

I’ve never felt this grief

I’ve never felt this mourning

Because every loss is unique

And when I lost my own daddy

I thought that I would die

I carried on without him

And still I am surprised

That each loss blindsides and winds me

And I’m left with disbelief

And I’m left confused and angry

Because every loss is unique

And sometimes it’s the music

And sometimes it’s the TV

And sometimes it’s over dinner

Or sometimes it’s their breathing

And sometimes I am stronger

And prepared for the news

But the pain still lasts the longer

And the feeling comes anew

And each fallen life has providence

Even when the months have passed

And the one who comforted and guided you

Is the one who just has passed

I can’t be the only one to fear

The welcoming of someone dear

I can’t be the only one who feels

That this is the last thing they can bear

But nevertheless we carry on

We organize, we speak

We love and grow and smile again

Because every loss is unique



Lucia Fasano

i write poetry, music, comics, scripts. I sing just about everything. support on and