This 1775 Bible proves that we have being Living in a Lie.

Luciana Finotti-Ferreira
3 min readDec 3, 2023

Today’s World continues to surprise me! a 13th month of the year?

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Hello wonderful people.. Today I am going to write about something that is Not really a Passion of mine, but It certainly catches my attention and interests me a lot, So I thought I would share with you all.

The other day my husband sent me this video with a text message saying “you have to watch this” and as I was busy at the time I ended up watching it a few days later. It was actually after he was telling me about it, was very intriguing the things he was telling me, So I decided to listen for myself, so here it is:

So the Video starts by showing this 1775 Bible where it proves that March is actually the first month of the year and Sunday is the first day of the week, second day Monday and so fourth until that seventh day or Sabbath. Well, to me that part wasn’t so surprising at all as I always thought Sunday was indeed the first day of the week anyways, but I guess It is still for some other people (please let me know in the comments, during your whole life which day is the first day of the week FOR YOU?).

So who altered the configuration of our week and why?



Luciana Finotti-Ferreira

Hello, I'm Luciana, a Passionate entrepreneur Financial Consultant who also believes in the power of holistic and natural alternatives. Health is our 1st wealth