5 Steps to Improve Your Daily Routine And Stop Being Always Busy

Luciana Paulise
6 min readAug 10, 2022
coffee and time management
Photo by Stas Knop: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-mug-on-red-background-2916450/

Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. While you may be doing tons of things at the same time, why is it that you may feel that you achieved nothing? You may be working a lot, but not finishing the tasks or spending more time on the wrong activities. The same happens to your team. The difference lies in how you prioritize and how long you spend on each activity. 96% of the issues, errors, or successes in our life are due to the system, the routine, we create through time.

Time management refers to the way that you create your routine. Your “system” to prioritize and allocate tasks into your daily schedule. The following set of behaviors, the 5F, will help you manage your time more effectively.

1) Fly high: visualize and plan all the tasks that need to be done

Visualize and plan all the tasks that need to be done during a period of time. You have to cultivate the habit of imagining, as precisely as possible, what you expect to see and what problems may arise, so you consider as many tasks as possible from the very beginning. Start with next week. What do you need to get done? Define how many hours you want to work a day and how you want to go about breaks, snacks, and free time. Define no more than three main goals for the week. Now, divide those projects or goals into smaller…



Luciana Paulise

Luciana Paulise is a culture coach, speaker and book author. MBA, Quality Engineer and Scrum Master, expert on change management, innovation and productivity.