The logarithmic rise of AI: preparing for the singularity

LucKie Waheed
2 min readMar 6, 2024


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been gradually progressing, but it does not resemble a straight line as expected by its growth rate. The commencement of AI was very sluggish, however, today we are seeing an exponential rate that could result in an ‘intelligence explosion’ in which artificial general intelligence (AGI) will equal or exceed human cognition.

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

The Logarithmic Rise of AI

AI’s Exponential Growth Curve

The development of AI in a logarithmic manner is just the way intelligence works recursively. As AI becomes more developed, it can also help in creating other more powerful AIs leading to continuous self-improvement. This positive feedback loop is similar to the exponential growth observed in other radical technologies such as data production and computing power.

The Potential of AGI

AGI marks the endpoint for this logarithmic growth — this means having a system that can replicate or surpass human intellectual capabilities over a wide range of cognitive domains. Although narrow AI systems are good at specific tasks, AGI would have general problem-solving skills and the ability to learn from one area and apply them into another field.

Although many experts argue that the journey to AGI is not without hurdles, they believe we are getting closer to this vital stage of development. Notably, individuals such as Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI) and Shane Legg (DeepMind) have claimed that AGI might be achieved in the next few decades.

AGI Pros and Cons

Potential Benefits

The arrival of AGI can thus lead to responses for some of the most complicated dilemmas faced by mankind today. This may include disease cure, climate change reversal, space exploration or uncovering universe puzzles, which can be solved through rational thinking using AI. The presence of a super intelligent system can help hasten scientific discoveries, enhance efficiency in resource use and stimulate innovation in all sectors worldwide.

Existential Risks

However, there are also significant dangers associated with the rise of AGI. An unconstrained superintelligence that does not conform to human values and objectives could mean an end to humanity. There is also concern about how AGI would disrupt society; concerns range from widespread unemployment to power imbalances leading to inequality among people.

The Necessity for Ethical Governance of AI

As we approach the AGI milestone, it is essential to establish concrete ethical frameworks and governance models to guide AI. We have to make sure that as artificial intelligence gets smarter, it remains value-aligned with us, respects individuals’ rights and enhances humanity rather than being an existential risk.

The exponential increase in AI is beyond doubt; AGI seems more likely every day. It depends on our capability to safely, responsibly and ethically navigate its growth whether this explosion of intelligence will be a cosmic breakthrough or a civilization-ending disaster.

