School Environment For Kids


Best School In Lucknow

Throughout the life of its students the school is an vital personal and social place. A family-friendly school provides a physically stable, emotionally comfortable and socially supportive atmosphere for any boy.

Lucknow International Public School is a CBSE affiliated best school in Lucknow.

Teachers are the most significant single element in creating an successful and inclusive classroom.

Children are good learners which may be weakened and even damaged by their desire to read. A child-friendly education acknowledges, promotes and embraces the increasing potential of children as learners by offering a school community, teaching habits and learner-focused instructional material.

A school’s willingness to be and consider itself child-friendly is strongly linked to the encouragement, engagement, and cooperation that it gets from families.

Kid friendly schools strive to build an atmosphere of learning in which children feel inspired and willing to learn. Staff members are polite and accommodating to youngsters, and take care of all their needs for health and safety.

A framework for rights-based, child-friendly schools

The values of the Convention on the Protection of the Child should be used to guide all social structures and institutions that influence children. This is especially important for schools that represent a significant proportion of primary school age children amid access gaps across most of the globe.

These rights-based — or child-friendly — schools will not only help kids understand their right to a high standard basic education.They are also required to do several other things — helping children know what they need to understand to meet the demands of the new century; improving their safety and well-being; maintaining healthy and secure learning environments, free from aggression and abuse; increasing confidence and enthusiasm among teachers; and mobilizing community support for education.

A rights-based, child-friendly school has two main features:

· It is a child-seeking education — systematically recognizing missing children to have them registered in education and participating in schooling, addressing children as objects with rights and the State as duty-bearers with responsibilities to uphold certain rights, and explaining, encouraging and helping to track the interests and well-being of all children in the society.

· It is a kid-centered education — acting in the best interests of the infant, contributing to the recognition of children’s maximum potential, and concerned both with the “whole” kid (including their wellbeing, nutritional condition, and well-being) and with what happens to children — in their families and communities — before and after they join kindergarten.

A rights-based, kid friendly school must above all embody a high quality atmosphere defined by several important aspects:

It is inclusive of children — it:

· Does not by distinction exempt, prejudice or stereotype.

· Provides free and mandatory, inexpensive and available education particularly to at-risk families and children.

· Respects diversity and promotes fair schooling for all children (e.g., mothers, working children, ethnic minority and HIV / AIDS-affected youth, young children, perpetrators of abuse and violence).

· Responds to diversity by fulfilling children’s various situations and needs (e.g., gender, social status, race, and skill levels).

It is effective for learning — it:

· Promotes high quality teaching and learning practices with individualized training suitable to the developmental age, abilities and personal style of each child and with constructive, cooperative, and inclusive forms of personal.

· Provides organized information, and materials and services of high quality.

· Enhances the power, motivation, dedication, reputation and profit of teachers — and their own appreciation of children’s rights.

· By identifying and having children understand what they need to know and showing them how to understand, it encourages better learning outcomes.

It is healthy and protective of children — it:

· Ensures a balanced, hygienic, and clean learning atmosphere, with appropriate water and wastewater infrastructure and balanced schools, strong policies and procedures (e.g., drug-free kindergarten, corporal punishment, and harassment), and wellness programs such as dietary supplements and counselling.

· Provides health education which is focused on life skills.

· Promotes teachers and learners both physical and psycho-socio-emotional wellness.

· Helps to protect and guard against bullying and hurt all babies.

· Provides children with the meaningful interactions.

Experience now demonstrates that a rights-based, child-friendly school system can be a effective resource for both encouraging children to satisfy their rights and supplying them with a high quality education.At the national level, the concept should be used as a strategic target for policies and initiatives contributing to child-friendly frameworks and conditions for governments, development agencies and civil society organisations, as a basis for coordinated projects leading to greater allocations of funding for education, and as a part of staff preparation.At the neighbourhood level, the system will act as both a target and a resource for continuous enhancement for school employees, parents, and other neighbourhood stakeholders by regional self-assessment, preparation, and administration and as a way to unite the group around education and children’s rights.



Lucknow International Public School

Lucknow International Public School is a CBSE affiliated best school in Lucknow.