Who is Magdalena Abakanowicz?

Lucky oksun
2 min readJun 20, 2023


Magdalena Abakanowicz was a prominent Polish artist known for her groundbreaking contributions to contemporary sculpture. Born on June 20, 1930, in Falenty, Poland, she became one of the most renowned female artists of her time. Abakanowicz passed away on April 20, 2017, leaving behind an impressive body of work that continues to inspire and provoke thought.

Abakanowicz’s artistic journey began at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where she studied painting from 1950 to 1954. However, she soon turned her attention to sculpture, focusing on textile-based creations that challenged traditional notions of the medium. In the 1960s, Abakanowicz started experimenting with woven structures made from natural materials like sisal and hemp. She explored themes of transformation, vulnerability, and the human condition through her works.

One of Abakanowicz’s most iconic series is “Abakans,” which she began in the late 1960s. These sculptures, also referred to as “soft forms,” were large, organic shapes made by weaving ropes and natural fibers. The abstract yet powerful presence of the “Abakans” emphasized the human body’s absence while evoking notions of identity and collective experience. The series challenged the conventional boundaries of sculpture and established Abakanowicz as a leading figure in the international art scene.

In the 1970s, Abakanowicz shifted her focus to creating monumental installations. One of her notable works from this period is “Backs,” a series of larger-than-life, headless human figures made of sackcloth. These faceless figures, arranged in groups or individually, conveyed a sense of anonymity and vulnerability. The “Backs” explored the themes of oppression, anonymity, and the loss of individuality in a mass society.

Throughout her career, Abakanowicz continued to produce thought-provoking sculptures, installations, and public art projects. Her works often explored themes such as identity, power, and the human condition in relation to the collective experience. She pushed the boundaries of sculpture, integrating unconventional materials and techniques to create emotionally charged and visually striking artworks.

Abakanowicz’s impact extends beyond her artwork. She played a significant role in breaking gender barriers in the art world, being one of the few women artists to achieve international recognition during a time dominated by male artists. Her contributions paved the way for future generations of women artists and helped redefine the possibilities within the medium of sculpture.

To experience Abakanowicz’s work visually, you can explore the following web links:

  1. Video: “Magdalena Abakanowicz: Sculptures in the Open Air” — This video showcases Abakanowicz’s monumental sculptures displayed in various outdoor settings:

2. Image Gallery: “Abakanowicz’s Works” — A curated collection of Abakanowicz’s sculptures and installations, providing a visual overview of her artistic journey:

3. Documentary: “Magdalena Abakanowicz: Life and Art” — A documentary film delving into Abakanowicz’s life, artistic process, and the profound impact of her work:

These resources will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Abakanowicz’s artistry, allowing you to explore her sculptures and installations visually while gaining insights into her life and artistic vision.


