Should I always charge clients for meetings?I regularly send challenge questions to my mailing list. The most recent one came in the form of whether or not there is a ever a case for…Nov 7, 2017Nov 7, 2017
Published inPrototyprUsing Jekyll for rapid prototypingAs a front-end designer, I increasingly find myself working on UI/UX projects and design systems (styleguides). There is no debating the…Sep 4, 20172Sep 4, 20172
Become the Check-in HeroIn this article I want to offer some strategies for managing client communication during a project. Often thought of as a pebble in the…May 29, 2017May 29, 2017
Saying I don’t know like a proWe all want projects to run smoothly. We want clients to trust us when we advise them. We want them to confidently put the success of their…May 3, 2017May 3, 2017
Step into my office— a freelancing FAQI’ve recently been getting a lot of questions around what it’s like to start working for yourself as a designer/developer. I don’t have all…Feb 18, 20163Feb 18, 20163
Using jQuery and the Mailchimp API to get around the “Already Subscribed” error.Let’s let users subscribe multiple times to a single list in Mailchimp!Nov 16, 201515Nov 16, 201515
Don’t make me write it, I won’t make you read it.Writing proposals that cut to the chase.Sep 1, 2015Sep 1, 2015
Road trips with clientsSelling the discovery phase as a deliverable in web projectsMay 29, 2015May 29, 2015
Styling Background Images with CSSFull-screen hero sections with large tag-lines and over-sized background images has been one of the most common design patterns in the past…Apr 23, 20151Apr 23, 20151