Week 5 — :)

Lucy BIitz
9 min readApr 27, 2020


Can you tell I’m lacking the imagination to come up with new blog titles? Week 5 has resulted in a serious lack of motivation, and the come down after a really lovely day on Wednesday has resulted in watching the first two Ice Ages, an 8-part series on the Australian cricket team within 2 days, and munching on left over birthday cake. Safe to say that it’s been a week of highs and not so highs.

The fifth week of quarantine. Otherwise known as the week where people realise that they can no longer spend all their days sitting doing nothing, and aim to become more productive. Whether it succeeds or not, there is definitely recognition of this need, and people will go to any lengths to prove to other family members that they are actually doing things in quarantine. Well, all those except Josh. Josh managed to get two hours of sleep on Tuesday, after staying up until 6am to finish the birthday video he made for me (it was amazing, I’ll give him that), not falling asleep until 7am and waking up at 9 because he was informed by mother and father that being late to birthday breakfast would result in severe consequences.

The four of us had a long conversation at dinner yesterday (roast beef, YUM), about the amount of housework done around the house. Honestly, I don’t know how we got to the conversation, and normally it ends in one of us storming off after being accused of being too lazy (Josh), but we all managed to remain calm during this chat. Dad suggested that each of us write down the number of chores that we’ve done at the end of each day. After Josh and I both shot this down, for several reasons which are probably all too easy to guess, Mum revealed that she thinks that I do the second highest amount of housework on a daily basis. Which of course, I already knew. I think Dad was shocked by this statement (not sure why), but Josh was quite accepting. I actually can’t remember the last time his room looked anything other than a bomb site. But he’s a long way off Molly, so I guess that’s something.


Monday evening was quiz night again, this time with the Sheen/Mortlake/Barnes/Kew crew. We have constant arguments over which of these areas is the best, and favourite to live in. No guesses for which I would choose. Anyway, we all had to create two rounds each — bearing in mind there are eight of us. So we started at 8.30 and didn't finish until 12.30 — whoops.

Notice Ed’s background. This was us giving each other virtual hugs :(


This was my reaction when Soph didn’t reply to my call —

If you can’t tell I’m bored by now, I don’t know what else I need to do to convince you. Also if you can’t tell that I’m trying to fill these blogs with such pointless stuff, then look again. Sorry if some of the content in here is driving you nuts. I sincerely apologise.

Like with most of my days of the week, I can’t remember what else I did. A few people have been asking me whether I write each section of the blog each day or just compile all my memories (or lack of) on Monday. I opt for the latter, but right now I can’t remember why, since I can never quite recall my activities from the days. I think at some point I sent off some Geography coursework, but I can’t remember when. So instead of me boring you with more pointless information, here’s your weekly TikTok favourites —

If you don’t understand this one, we can’t be friends. Simple as.

Wednesday — The 18th

Never in a million years did I think that I would have to celebrate becoming an adult whilst confined in my house and without the compulsory pub trip with Miss Sophie Blitz and co. When lockdown began, I started preparing for the worst, despite some trying to reassure me that April 22nd was ages away and this would all be over before then. Basically, I thought Wednesday was going to be a bit crap. Honestly, it was far from that.

I came downstairs to decorations all over the kitchen and parcels piled high on the table —

These decorations are still hanging in the kitchen. I’ve refused to let anyone take them down to make sure that the day is fresh in our memory. Also to remind Mum and Dad that I have changed as a person and now am equal to them in terms of status. (I can hear them reading this and muttering, nice try.)

We then had SUCH A NICE BREAKFAST (and of course I was exempt from clearing up or helping them cook :)).

Then had the first video call of the day. Marina recently had a birthday in quarantine, so we were sharing experiences with each other. After many more technological issues — moving from Houseparty, to snapchat call, to Zoom, we finally had a lovely chat and they made me feel so lucky to have such amazing friends. More soppiness will follow.

Here is a photo of one of the MANY deliveries that I received during the day…

Just wanted to give Holly and Nell the biggest hug ever.

I think I answered the door about 7 times on Wednesday to more and more parcels and packages. Bottles of Prosecco, a birthday balloon from Bea (loved it), presents from Millie, Alice and SO MUCH CAKE.

Then got the mother of all packages from Iz and Molly. Before you message me and say the message on the brownie is spelt wrong, this is a joke between several of us. For Iz’s 16th, Molly and I made a chocolate cake, and Molly was in charge of icing. And of course, she spelt it wrong and didn't realise until all of the guests had arrived and one of Iz’s friends pointed it out. Also had an AMAZING lemon drizzle cake (of course) from Tilda. And notice the two scrapbooks from each of them. These were meant to be for my 16TH BIRTHDAY, but of course, neither of them finished them in time, and so rescheduled.

We had then scheduled a virtual cocktail party with the whole fam at 5.30 — complete with a dress code and DJS! Hannah and Alex did an amazing job with manning the playlist, and threw in some old family favourites. Lighting the cake took some time, and everyone attempted to sing happy birthday together, but obviously technology doesn't always deliver. The end result was pretty special though.

Ended the day by chatting with more friends, playing games and talking about the rest of my day.

Again, here they are attempting to hug themselves as if it were someone else. Safe to say that all of us prefer the real thing.

*Emotional paragraph alert*

Honestly, it was the most amazing day. I think because everyone knew that it was going to be weird not seeing each other, they made sure that I felt like they were so close to me anyway. I had surprises from friends and family, more bottles of alcohol than I knew what to do with, and enough cake to feed the entire street. Lockdown has made me realise so many things that I’m so grateful for — my garden, my house, my neighbourhood — but my birthday made me realise so much more. I’m so lucky to have friends who live so close to me, and came to chat to me from a distance. I’m so lucky to have friends who will come and drop off presents even when they don’t live close at all. My family (both those who I live with and extended), who are some of the most important people in my life. Had things been normal, every single one of them would have been in the house chatting and dancing whilst Dad was manning the barbecue and I was getting more drinks. But even in the absence of all these people who I so desperately wanted to hug, they made it feel as if they were sat right next to me, singing with me as I belted out the words to We Are Family. For all of you who made Wednesday so special, thank you. I loved every minute.

Thursday and Friday

Again, who knows what happened on these days. After going to bed late on Wednesday due to several pink G&Ts (OH MY GOD, WHO KNEW THAT SOMETHING SO INCREDIBLE EXISTED), I surfaced at around 1pm on Thursday, and don’t remember the rest. Not because I had drunk too much, simply because my short-term memory is so awful.

Here’s your answers for last weeks quiz —

And this week’s quiz of newsworthy events —

We made a family TikTok on Thursday after the one I made last week blew up. *secretly bursting with joy that obviously I’m TikTok famous now and need more recognition ;)*. Dad wanted to be part of the fun, but maybe took it too far. See below.

I actually painted on Friday, something I haven’t done in ages, and asked Instagram to respond.

Some responses made sense, and centred around light at the end of the tunnel, protecting yourself from negativity. Others included ‘a time capsule’. If someone could please explain this to be, it would be appreciated. Whatever floats your boat.


More painting.

Lets see if the eagle eyed among you can spot what I’m watching on the left side of my laptop.

We ended Saturday in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE. Josh and I spent a while on Friday trying to come up with the logistics to create virtual mafia, a game that the Blitz/Lack/Taylor crew played obsessively whilst in Croatia last year. And it was such a huge success.

Everyone plays on their own, and you have to shut your eyes for a lot of the game, so each person needed to be in their own room. The rules are relatively complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it’s the best thing ever. Much more of that to come next week.


Went for a walk with the parentials. Came back and played Monopoly. And for the first time since lockdown, Dad didn't win. THANK. GOD. Mum absolutely smashed it despite my retainment of all four stations and a considerable sum.

Sorry to all of those who tune in for the #bakingwithBlitz section of these blogs. I am currently on a ban from baking from my mother, since we still have cake everywhere you look in the kitchen. Hopefully I’ll be able to fill the section next week. ;)

And again, here’s Blitz junior —

Round 3, Lads! To tell you the truth, I’m quite insulted at Lucy’s written attack at me. I mean she could’ve started with anything else, but apparently insulting me just couldn’t wait. Ok some corrections, first of all the birthday video wasn’t amazing, it was legendary, and yes, it cost me valuable sleep time which wasn’t helped by the many cocktails that followed in the evening. Safe to say I felt like sh*t on Thursday morning. Second, I never storm off because I’m not immature, unlike smelly, stupid Lucy. Third, I am the favourite child. Not relevant to anything that’s been said, but it had to be included. Bye.

- JB

That’s all for Week 5. Sending a million virtual hugs to all of you this week. Looking forward to writing again next week.

Stay safe, Blitz x



Lucy BIitz

Went to Costa Rica in 2017. Now back to school and the wonders that A-Levels bring - I write blogs if I have time.