Four ways that you can switch career to become a software engineer

Female Power SV
4 min readApr 11, 2019

Software engineer has become a very hot career path in these few years, thanks to the glamorous silicon valley overnight success legends like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the amazing pay packages and benefits that tech companies provide. As a software engineer in silicon valley, many people asked me how to switch career to become a software engineer. I will shed some light and share four ways how you can transition into software engineer career.

do or do not, there is no try.

1. Get a Computer Science Diploma at School

This is the most obvious and intuitive way to do it. You will have a solid foundation and a credible diploma to apply for jobs by the time of the graduations. You also have access to faculty, teaching assistants, office hours, alumni network , and possibly campus career fair. The cost of this path is that you have to put a full stop to your current job and fully commit to it. The cost is also higher since you have to pay for tuition, school supply expenses, living expenses and on top of that, without your current income. I would recommend this route to people who are determined to dedicate to software engineer career and willing to invest 100% of their time into it.

2. Get a Computer Science Diploma Online



Female Power SV

Seasoned Female Software Engineer in Silicon Valley | Writer | Columnist | Career Coach