Commercial solar installation companies

Solar panel companies for commercial installation system

Lucy Ballesteros
2 min readJul 22, 2021
Solar panel companies for commercial installation system

Commercial solar installation companies

As the rolling blackouts and power outages devastates California. An wildfire season off to a early start. Commercial solar companies are playing a big part in keeping businesses open. Its critical for the community’s that depend on them. To power the essential businesses that our daily life’s depend on. Commercial solar installations companies are keeping business running with solar energy an batteries backups. Its critical to the economy to keep these businesses powered an open. I support the commercial solar installation companies in there effort to power business an keep Americans working. With sb100 under way I wonder if California will be zero-carbon emission by 2045. The old way of doing things are coming to an end getting our power from back east from coal plants. Then transport the power through lines half way across the county. Its dirty energy it pollutes our environment an failing power lines starting fires. With the weather changing at a rapid rate, the severe winds an the dry conditions. I wouldn't want to live in the foothills, with all the dry brush an outdated power lines all over the place. I hope California can achieve its mission. It will help reduce some unnecessary fires, that seam to start small an just take off. Our fire fighters are over worked and over whelmed by each fire season. It just seams to get worse every year, an not to include all the smoke. Its being felt across the country, bad for anyone with asthma or any lung conditions. Last years grape crop the farmers were forced to collect insurance. The big wineries didn't want the grape's because the smoke pernitrates the fruit. Gave it a smoky taste I know of a company that put the grapes through a osmoses machine an purified the juice. The process is time consuming an in the process lost half the juice. The cost was past to the consumer. Its all tied together as a American I hope the state of California's solar companies can power help the state achieve its goal to be zero-carbon emission by 2045. An be a standard for all states in our great country. An be a global example to leave a for generations to come.

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