How to shop online with Aeropost

Lucy Viro
3 min readApr 23, 2019


Step 1 register in

Once you have created your profile you can start with the fun stuff: shopping!!

Congrats! You are now part of the Aeropost community of shoppers. Go to your favorite stores from the USA and select all the goodies.

Step 2 Choose how you will be shopping.

You must know, there are 2 ways to shop online with aeropost:

  1. Buying from Easy peasy doubt free.

This is the easiest, most practical and headache free approach to online shopping. You can search for an item directly in the site’s search bar or you can copy and paste a link from say, amazon, and that’s it, you get the final price put in your hands. Our system calculates all the fees like import, shipping, customs & duties. There’s no need to get your calculator out to add up the tax % and wondering about the shipping costs related to the package’s weight; does all of that for you, giving you ONE TOTAL PRICE. So you know exactly how much a product is going to cost you.

Look at all the choices of stores!! When you shop through you can search for items from amazon and eBay, and many other online stores. You avoid having to register in those sites, or input your personal information, plus allows you to shop from multiple stores, but hint hint….if you purchase several items from the same store the system gives you a multiple item discount!

Ohhhh yes baby! Satisfaction guaranteed. Say you bought a pair of sneakers and they just weren’t what you expected. No worries, just return them. Aeropost takes care of the return process and gets you another pair that fits, at no additional cost. Our warranty program Aeroprotect has your back.

Seriously need more reasons? Fine, check these out 7 reasons why is “the” way to shop in the good ole’ U.S. of A.

2. Shopping directly from a site using the box service (a Miami address)

Shop, shop all the goodies!

You’re probably familiar with this kind of shopping online, or know someone who buys using the box service. At we are keeping it simple with ONE MIAMI ADDRESS FOR EVERYONE: 1 Aeropost Way, Miami, FL 33206.

In this format of shopping, you navigate your favorite stores, select your items and proceed to checkout. Then, when the request for an address comes up, send your packages to: 1 Aeropost Way Miami, FL 33206.

You purchase directly from the store’s sites, which means you have to register and place your personal and payment information on each of the sites you shop from.

Also, you may have to make several payments throughout the process, starting with the payment directly on the website where you buy.

If you use the box service, don’t forget to pre-alert!

