Ludi RehakinRustaceans3 Pieces of Code I Can Write in Rust (but not Go)I recently started learning Rust. I was drawn to the language for two reasons.Feb 2622Feb 2622
Ludi RehakHow to Set GOARMNew GOARM options have landed in Go 1.22. To set GOARM to maximize performance on 32-bit ARM CPUs (GOARCH=arm), refer to this table.Jan 16Jan 16
Ludi RehakWhy Chrome Crashes the Rust Book’s Web ServerChapter 20 of the Rust book gives a step-by-step guide to building a simple web server. As the final project, it exercises many Rust…Oct 22, 20233Oct 22, 20233
Ludi Rehakprint(“lol”) doubled the speed of my Go functionHere is a Go function, if_max(). It finds the max value of an array of integers. Simple enough:Aug 24, 20236Aug 24, 20236
Ludi RehakChatGPT for Text Style Transfer: Part 2Text style transfer (TST) is a NLP task that involves altering the style of text, while retaining its original meaning.Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
Ludi RehakWhat I learned about the 1600s from Google’s Books Ngram ViewerHow n-grams have trended over the centuriesSep 6, 20221Sep 6, 20221