The Impact of Self-Service AI on the Advertising Business Model

Ludovic Regard
3 min readJun 17, 2024


The rise of self-service artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, is poised to radically transform traditional business models, including those of the advertising industry. This article delves into how self-service AI impacts advertising strategies and what it means for the future of digital marketing.

Shift in Search Habits

Traditionally, users turn to search engines like Google to find information, generating billions of queries daily. These searches fuel the advertising models of search engines, which rely on selling ad space based on keywords. However, with the advent of self-service AI, users can ask questions directly to AI systems and receive immediate, detailed responses without the need to sift through search results.

This shift could reduce the volume of traditional searches, directly impacting ad impressions and clicks. Fewer searches mean fewer opportunities for search engines to display ads, potentially leading to a significant decline in advertising revenue.

Decrease in Click-Through Rates

Self-service AI is designed to provide comprehensive and satisfactory answers to user queries. If users find all the information they need through an AI interaction, they won’t need to click on multiple links to gather information. This reduction in clicks could significantly impact the revenue models of platforms that depend heavily on pay-per-click advertising.

For instance, if fewer users click on search results because they obtain complete answers from AI, platforms like Google and Bing may experience a drop in advertising revenue. The traditional model, which relies on high click-through rates, may need to be rethought.

Reallocation of Advertising Budgets

As AI becomes more prevalent, companies might start reallocating their advertising budgets. Instead of focusing solely on search engine ads, businesses might invest in advertising within AI platforms. For example, companies could pay for their products or services to be mentioned in AI-generated responses.

This shift could lead to a redistribution of advertising spend away from traditional digital ads towards new forms of AI-integrated advertising. Platforms will need to adapt by offering innovative advertising solutions that leverage AI technology to maintain their share of advertising revenue.

Evolution of SEO Strategies

Search engine optimization (SEO) has long been a critical practice for improving visibility in search results. However, with AI taking a more prominent role, companies will need to adapt their SEO strategies to ensure their information is accessible and favored by AI algorithms.

Marketers will face new challenges in understanding how AI systems prioritize and select information. This evolution will require businesses to rethink their content strategies and keywords to align with AI’s data processing methods, adding a new layer of complexity to digital marketing efforts.

Data Collection and Utilization

Data drives the digital advertising industry. Companies like Google and Facebook have built their advertising empires on the collection and analysis of vast amounts of user data. Self-service AI platforms also collect valuable data on user interactions and preferences.

As AI platforms capture more market share, they could compete with traditional advertising giants in data collection. This competition could diminish the data advantage that companies like Google have traditionally enjoyed, pushing them to innovate further to maintain their competitive edge.

New Monetization Models

To adapt to these changes, companies could develop and integrate their own AI solutions, offering sponsored answers or paid recommendations within AI responses. These new revenue streams would allow companies to monetize their AI services innovatively.

For instance, a search engine might introduce premium features within its AI responses or allow businesses to pay for highlighted product placements in AI-generated content. Such models could offset declines in traditional ad revenue and open up new avenues for growth.


Self-service AI has the potential to disrupt the current advertising model significantly. Changes in search habits, decreased click-through rates, budget reallocations, evolving SEO strategies, data collection competition, and new monetization models are challenges the industry must address.

To stay competitive, digital advertising platforms must innovate and explore new ways to integrate and monetize AI technology. The future of advertising may well depend on how effectively these platforms can adapt to the intelligent, data-driven landscape that self-service AI is shaping.

