Unveiling the History of India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

Rahul Vats
2 min readJun 19, 2023

India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has long remained an enigmatic intelligence agency, operating behind the scenes to safeguard national security. As we delve into its history, we uncover the remarkable journey of RAW, tracing its origins, key milestones, and contributions to the nation.

Origins and Establishment:-

RAW traces its roots back to September 21, 1968, when it was established under the guidance of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Initially conceived as a response to intelligence failures during the Sino-Indian war of 1962 and Indo-Pakistani war of 1965, RAW aimed to enhance India’s intelligence capabilities and provide actionable intelligence to policymakers.

Mandate and Objectives: The primary objective of RAW is to gather external intelligence pertaining to national security threats, both military and non-military, with a focus on India’s neighboring countries. It is responsible for monitoring political developments, counter-terrorism activities, espionage, and providing strategic inputs to the Indian government.

Key Milestones:

  1. Early Years: RAW faced initial challenges as it built its infrastructure and intelligence networks. Its early successes include the gathering of crucial information during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, which led to the creation of Bangladesh.
  2. Cold War Era: RAW played a crucial role during the Cold War era, monitoring activities of neighboring countries and managing relationships with intelligence agencies from around the world.
  3. Counterterrorism: RAW intensified its efforts in counterterrorism operations, particularly in response to growing insurgencies and terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir and northeastern states.
  4. Nuclear Proliferation: RAW played a vital role in monitoring and countering nuclear proliferation activities, both regionally and globally.
  5. Cyber Warfare: Recognizing the importance of cyber warfare, RAW expanded its capabilities in the digital domain to safeguard national interests and counter cyber threats.

Future Outlook:-

As the world evolves and new threats emerge, RAW continues to adapt and enhance its capabilities. The agency has increased collaboration with international intelligence agencies, adopted modern technologies, and diversified its expertise to effectively counter complex security challenges.


India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has played a pivotal role in safeguarding national security since its inception. With a rich history spanning over five decades, RAW has contributed significantly to India’s defense and foreign policy objectives. As it continues to evolve, RAW remains a critical pillar of India’s intelligence community, ensuring the nation’s security in an ever-changing global landscape.



Rahul Vats

Rahul Vats, founder of AmalaLife, biotechnologist, and author of "Keeping an Open Mind." Passionate about harnessing biotech for a healthier future.