Terrifying Facts About Artificial Intelligence: Unveiling the Dark Side of ChatGPT

Luigi Supremo Official
3 min readJun 21, 2023


Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable advancements in recent years, but alongside its potential benefits, there are also concerns about the dark side of this technology. One prominent AI model, ChatGPT, has garnered attention due to its capabilities and potential risks. In this article, we will delve into the terrifying facts about learning AI, focusing on ChatGPT and its implications for society. From concerns about the loss of control to biased decision-making, we will explore the unsettling aspects of AI development.

  1. Loss of Control: One of the most alarming aspects of AI development, including models like ChatGPT, is the potential loss of control. Geoffrey Hinton, a renowned AI scientist, expressed his concerns about AI surpassing human intelligence and the need to address its dangers [1]. This fear is shared by many experts, with a survey revealing that 36 percent of AI professionals believe that AI development may lead to a catastrophic outcome [1]. The idea of an uncontrollable AI raises unsettling questions about its potential impact on society.
  2. Biases and Discrimination: AI systems, including ChatGPT, rely on training data to learn and make decisions. However, these models can perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on. William Isaac, a senior research scientist at DeepMind, highlights the concern that AI can reinforce human biases, leading to unfair outcomes in areas such as job screening and criminal identification [2]. Such biases can have severe societal consequences and contribute to the perpetuation of inequality and discrimination.
  3. Lack of Transparency and Explainability: Another unsettling aspect of AI, particularly with models like ChatGPT, is the lack of transparency and explainability. These models operate using complex algorithms and neural networks that are difficult to interpret and understand fully. This lack of transparency raises concerns about accountability and the ability to trust AI systems. Users and developers may find it challenging to comprehend how AI systems arrive at their decisions or recommendations, making it difficult to address potential errors or biases.
  4. Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Decision-Making: AI systems, including ChatGPT, are being tasked with making decisions that have ethical implications. The ability to analyze vast amounts of data and generate responses raises concerns about the moral framework guiding AI’s decision-making process. The complexity of ethical dilemmas, such as determining who is responsible in critical situations or dealing with life-and-death choices, presents significant challenges for AI development. Ensuring that AI models like ChatGPT make ethically sound decisions is a pressing concern.
  5. Impact on Employment and the Workforce: The rise of AI and automation poses potential threats to employment. As AI systems become more capable, there is growing apprehension that jobs traditionally performed by humans may be replaced. This shift in the workforce can have significant socioeconomic consequences, including unemployment and income inequality. The integration of AI systems like ChatGPT must be accompanied by strategies to mitigate the adverse effects on workers and to ensure a just transition.

Conclusion: Artificial intelligence, including models like ChatGPT, brings both promises and perils. While AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, it also raises legitimate concerns about the dark side of this technology. From the loss of control to biased decision-making, transparency issues, ethical dilemmas, and the impact on employment, it is crucial to address these terrifying facts and actively work towards responsible AI development. As society continues to embrace AI, it is paramount to strike a balance between progress and ensuring the well-being and safety of humanity.


  1. Here’s Why AI May Be Extremely Dangerous — Whether It’s Conscious or Not …
  2. The true dangers of AI are closer than we think



Luigi Supremo Official

Luigi Supremo is a seasoned journalist with a strong background in journalism, he strives to deliver accurate and engaging news to his readers.