A creative and dynamic individual with exceptional communication skills, whose strengths include sales, project management, problem solving and business development. Luimar has past experience in the energy sector as an Electronic Engineer and has been actively involved with Startups since 2015. As a result of his entrepreneurial endeavors, at 20 he was Anzisha Prize’s semi-finalist as one of the most prominent African entrepreneurs below the age of 22. In 2019, Luimar became a Tony Elumelu Foundation Alumni and won the 1000 Entrepreneurs Challenge by Digital Africa in 2020. He is a Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers and Namibia’s Head of Sales at JABU, Southern Africa’s fastest growing e-commerce for small retailers. More about Luimar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luimarsilva/

My latest posts: www.bit.ly/luimar

Luimar Silva

Luimar Silva

Exploring my passion for entrepreneurship ― and documenting everything I learn along the way. Original posts: www.bit.ly/luimar