¡ASTRO‌ ‌DAO!‌ ‌

6 min readNov 19, 2021


The newest way to self-manage organizations


¡La nueva forma de manejar organizaciones!

ASTRO is an application that allows foundations, corporations, clubs, collectives, cooperatives, among other forms of groups or organizations, to manage pooled funds. The golden opportunity is provided by Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NEAR. A fascinating space in which we can all organize our groups with ASTRO DAO in a more democratic and inclusive way. Let‘s get started!

How pathetic it is to think that an organization, collective or social group boasts of being democratic and inclusive when in reality the decisions in general lines do not go through filters, but by bosses or head leaders; thus concentrating power in the leadership that he directs as judge, jury and executioner … “our daily bread.” In short, it is rare that the way of managing organizations is correct, and for this comes ASTRO DAO.

What are DAOs?

It is understood in this way in computer software, thus being a software component that provides a common interface between the application and with one or more data storage devices, such as a database or a file, then giving definition to the already well-known abbreviation that marks the technical language for many who are involved in Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and NEAR.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are the keywords when explaining the DAO issue educatively, that is, ASTRO a decentralized application that allows any organization to be autonomous, in short, it empowers organizations, thus revolutionary self-sustaining to them. We no longer need a bank or joint-signature account, a cumbersome and inconsiderate process that financial institutions drag us into. Now we can all open a joint account for our organization with a couple of clicks and that’s all …

The first step will be to enter astrodao.com and observe the different communities with which you can possibly interact freely by making a request. Regarding the example, if there is a marketing foundation in NEAR, we can make an application requesting funds for a marketing project in a broad sense, as you can see below:

So, if we are part of an organization, foundation, corporation, club, collective or cooperative, it is time to create a monetary account on Blockchain to use and manage shared funds. Entering astrodao.com, it is presented below:

If we go to the “home”, we will be able to observe our DAOs, the creation of “Los Palmeros de Chacao” (NGO) is shown from now on, for the administration of funds from this intangible heritage of humanity, certified by UNESCO. With which we can go “step by step” to create a new DAO by clicking on “create new DAO”:

We can choose if it is a DAO for a foundation, club, corporation or cooperative, and in this particular case, it will be a craft brewers club in Venezuela, a community that is gaining popularity and popularity in recent times, an example is presented:


So let’s “click Club” immediately!

Here, we can choose the characteristics of our DAO, with the ease that later we can modify it at will. However, the recommendation is to be very clear about the objectives, thus knowing from the beginning what we want. Appealing to the electoral structure, if the voting power is democratic and with the real weight, we will count on anyone, despite not being a member, to make requests. Then…” Proposals OPEN” means that anyone can apply to our DAO for funds; and we will leave it that way, as we hope that the artists we are going to prospect for support will request funds for their work directly from our DAO.

DAO funds; and we will leave it that way, as we hope that the artists we are going to prospect for support will request funds for their work directly from our DAO. For the structure we could use “Flat or Members Only” and from here, we recommend “Members Only”, which means then… that only members can vote, since this is about money and not elections for mayors or governorships, then only members can vote.

In a continuous process and data collection, we choose our name and we will have to describe “the reason for being”, complying with a more than valid requirement in information collection:

Next, we will have to select our flag, thus, finding the location. As shown in this case, beers in Venezuela normally have golden colors and depending on a fashion or referential product, the best known are Pilsen beers, among others of course, which are made from corn, for which reason we associate this color more with a beer … curiosity, culinary and cultural data. Take note!

As we continue, we can see that we have already created our DAO, CONGRATULATIONS… and for now, we only have one unique member, the creator, so we still have one more step to complete, which brings us closer to the final goal:

Understanding the previous steps, easy to concentrate, incidentally and once inside the page of our DAO, we must go to “Groups”:

Immediately, we must click on “Add member to this group”, and in the name we put arianavictoriamoreno.near because she is the one who directs the project which is presented as an example:

Broadly speaking, the process of creating our DAO is really simple and intuitive, as we saw it in elementary and accessible steps, with the purpose of requesting funds, being a new way of managing organizations, in a democratic and easy meeting; It is the correct way in which we can learn how to interact with one more of the NEAR projects and they will only have to follow these simple steps and request help in transparent communication with the NEAR Venezuela team; where you will find incredible growth opportunities for all communities, foundations, corporations, clubs, collectives, cooperatives, and others, with social, ecological or business projects, the possibilities are endless and that is why with ASTRO DAO, we can do our reality and efficiently the new way of managing organizations, thanks to NEAR.


· LCDO. NICOLÁS PEÑA — INTERNATIONALIST — @nicolasantoniop (IG) — @NearVenezuela (Twitter)


Translator: Luis Aponte — Internationalist — Caracas (Venezuela)
Twitter: luisaponteh

Instagram: luisaponte99

LinkedIn: luisaponte99




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