Luis MesquitainThe StartupClosures in Swift and how to break them…(Pun intended)When learning something new (it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or not), it is hard not to follow the “need to know it upside down”…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
Luis MesquitaWhere I’m at, after 4 months of learning iOS Development (5 Ups and 5 Downs)I started this journey more or less in the beggining of 2020. The first 2 months I did it all by myself. I went through Apple’s Book App…May 1, 20201May 1, 20201
Luis MesquitaSingleton in Swift, or “How a beginner saw the light…”In my previous articles I’ve been mentioning that I’m beginning my iOS Development journey. With that comes a lot of that overwhelming…Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Luis MesquitainMac O’ClockScroll Views in XCode 11Learn how to efficiently display scrollable content in iOS appsApr 5, 20204Apr 5, 20204
Luis MesquitainThe StartupHow to deal with different Region’s number formats in SwiftWhen building a simple Calculator App as my first App, I came across an issue that was never a concern when I started to code the App…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Luis MesquitaCustomizable UI Controls in the Atributes Inspector — UIKitOnce I understood what an Extension is, and what it tries to address (a lack of some functionality or native atributte in a View), I…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
Luis MesquitaHow to use a Collection of Buttons triggered by the same IBActionA simple way to simplify your code is to have…less code as possible. As a beginner, I’m still struggling to achieve that, but I want to…Mar 9, 2020Mar 9, 2020