Luis Dominguez
4 min readNov 20, 2015


My name is Luis Dominguez. I am a legal immigrant living in the US since I was five years old. I attended primary school through high school in the US. I have been blessed with a family who has been able to pay and do everything the right way. When I was 18 I applied for my Work Visa to ensure I could get a drivers license and a job. I renew my Work Visa every two years.

For the past 2 years I have been working for a major bank. I have made great strides in my career. In March of 2015 I applied for my Work Visa renewal. I paid all the fees which cost $1500 — $2000. My current work Visa expired on 8/3/15. According to USCIS, my Work Visa was approved on 6/30/15. They sent it to “production” that day. By 8/12 I had not received anything. My HR department sent me an email stating I had ten days to provide proof of my Visa renewal. I called INS and even went to the local office. They all told me the same thing, that there was a problem during production of my card and that they put the wrong dates on it and had to discard it. I asked them for an official letter stating this to provide to my employer. INS told me, both over the phone and in person, that they don’t do that and they didn’t know when they would make a new card for me. I asked them to let me open a ticket to find out when this will be resolved. I expressed that I understood the situation but I needed something official to provide to my employer. They responded by saying “We are sorry, but we can’t give you anything. Even if you are at risk of losing you job we can’t provide you with anything official to help you.”

I was on unpaid suspension from my work with limited time to get something from USCIS letting them know I can work. I am financially responsible for my Mother who is disabled. She gets Social Security but that barely covers rent or utilities etc. On top of that I have my own bills. Due to USCIS’s error I am facing a financial hardship. They are not “able” or willing to help. I paid all the fees and jumped through all the hoops just like they ask every two years, and now I’m the one paying for their mistake. I am in danger of losing my job.

I can’t understand how an immigrant who is doing everything by the book is refused assistance like this. I pay my taxes. I pay the fees. I’m a law abiding “alien” but when they make a mistake I am the one facing the repercussions.

I decided to solicit the assistance of Representative Martha McSally to try and get something from USCIS. Something that would help me avoid suspension and keep my job. When the Representative’s office requested immediate assistance on my behalf it took USCIS 3 business days to respond. All they provided the Representative’s office was an email from the Congressional Liaison of USCIS. He stated that this mishap was their fault and that I AM LEGAL to work for the next two years. I submitted this to my HR department. However, due to the federal laws our legal department was only able to put me on unpaid suspension until I get my actual Work Visa. When the Representative’s office responded to USCIS asking when my new card would be produced and sent out to me, the Congressional Liaison to USCIS responded by email saying “There is no time frame for when we will produce a new card for Luis Dominguez.”

There is a grave injustice happening. USCIS is reneging on the process of providing a new Work Visa after having gone through the process and paying all the fees and doing everything the right way. I don’t understand why I have to suffer the consequences for their admitted mistake. I was also made a aware that I’m not the only one affected. There were other cards that had to be discarded due to their mistake.

Something that people talk about, especially during this presidential election, are the issues with illegal immigration. I can understand why so many illegal immigrants do it illegally. As a legal immigrant I am seeing first hand how the system is broken. Not only because of illegal immigration but also LEGAL immigration. My situation is a prime example of how the system is failing. As I have mentioned already, I am paying the fees following all the rules and I am at risk of losing my job and career anyway.

When I went to go see an Immigration Lawyer they flat out told me it will take another 15 years for me to get called up. Until then I run the risk of going through these issues. Thankfully Martha McSally’s office came through. I was able to get my Work Visa just in time before my employer would have to let me go. For now, I am patiently waiting and hoping for the best in this process.

Thank you for your time.

