Efficient Project Scheduling with Python. The Critical Path Method

Using a dedicated Python library to produce efficient and versatile project schedules

Luis Fernando PÉREZ ARMAS, Ph.D.
11 min readSep 6, 2023
Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, project management has emerged as an indispensable cornerstone of success. The versatility of its principles transcends industries, making trained project managers an invaluable asset with a promising career trajectory. According to projections from the Project Management Institute (PMI), the demand for individuals in project management roles is set to soar, with an anticipated need for 88 million professionals by 2027, resulting in approximately 2.2 million fresh opportunities in the field.

At its essence, project management is the driving force behind organizational transformation, ushering in change by way of temporary endeavors that bring about something new, whether it’s a groundbreaking product, a cutting-edge service, or a transformative outcome.

The importance of effective project management becomes even more pronounced when we consider the high stakes involved. Research conducted by McKinsey underscores the significance of timely and on-budget project delivery. Surprisingly, a project that adheres to its timeline but exceeds its budget by 50% may ultimately yield 4% less in…



Luis Fernando PÉREZ ARMAS, Ph.D.

Data Fan, Researcher, Educator, Project Manager, Gamer and fan of pugs.