Experienced CTO/Head of Engineering, Software Architect, and Blockchain SME with 20+ years of experience working with startups, mid-size, and large organizations on complex technology initiatives in companies including Credit Suisse, HSBC Bank, Santander Bank, PayPal, Volkswagen, Rabobank, Honda, ThoughtWorks, Voyager, and 500 Fortune companies, designing and developing software and technically leading cross-functional teams of up to 250+ professionals worldwide, including the USA, the UK, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, delivering over $500M of business value throughout my career.

Financial Services and Blockchain SME with over 15+ years of experience in Banking, Payments, Cards, Crypto, Blockchain, Trading, Investments, Brokerage, KYC, Fin-tech, and Digital Banking.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Analytics, and Blockchain Specialist (Rust, Solidity, NFT Minting and Marketplaces, Blockchain Architecture), leading Web 3.0, Decentralized Applications (dApps), Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrency Exchange, DeFi, and Tokenization projects for major players in the USA and abroad.

Leading innovative Artificial Intelligence initiatives in business, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Automation, Customer Behavior Prediction, Data & Analytics, and Machine Learning

Skills & Tech Stacks: Java, Go, C++, Python, Rust, Solidity, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, JPA, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular, Node.js, Redux, Redis / REST RESTful Web Services, Serverless, Express, API Gateways, OAuth, Kafka MQ / RabbitMQ / MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MongoDB, Sequelize / AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Jira, Confluence / Git, CI/CD, Maven, GitHub Actions, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, CircleCI, DevOps / Design Patterns / Microservices / MVC / Big Data, Analytics / Cypress, Selenium, Unit Testing, JUnit / Pentesting / AppSec specialist / BlurpSuite, Metasploit, Kali Linux, Snort, WireShark, Nagios.

Medium member since June 2024
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Luis Soares

Luis Soares

Book Author

Lead Software Engineer | Blockchain & ZKP Protocol Engineer | πŸ¦€ Rust | Web3 | Solidity | Golang | Cryptography | Author