eBPF: The Emerging Linux Kernel Technology Explained

Luis Soares
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Extended Berkeley Packet Filter, or eBPF, is a technology in the Linux kernel that has gained significant attention in recent years.

It provides a powerful and flexible framework to create efficient, safe, and dynamic programs that can run within the kernel, improving performance and functionality.

What is eBPF?

eBPF is a Linux kernel technology that enables users to run custom programs within the kernel without modifying the kernel source code or loading kernel modules.

Originally, Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) was designed for capturing and filtering network packets. However, its scope has vastly expanded, and it now encompasses a wide range of use cases beyond networking.

eBPF provides a virtual machine-like environment within the Linux kernel, allowing users to write, compile, and run programs that can interact with various kernel subsystems. These programs are written in a restricted C-like language and are executed by an in-kernel eBPF virtual machine (VM), ensuring safety and performance.

How eBPF Works

  1. Writing eBPF Programs: Users write eBPF programs using a restricted C-like language. These programs are event-driven and are triggered by specific events such as system calls, network packets, or…



Luis Soares

Lead Software Engineer | Blockchain & ZKP Protocol Engineer | 🦀 Rust | Web3 | Solidity | Golang | Cryptography | Author