Grow in Knowledge and Character

Luis Mossi
2 min readJul 12, 2019


Grow in Knowledge and Character

The desire of all parents is to make their children raised and developed properly, so that they can have a confident and solid life when they come into life. From birth, parents act as their first teachers, from teaching behaviors to understanding the world around them. The early years of life are an important time to forge character and behavior. Therefore, parents always want to send their children to a good environment, build their first life knowledge.

International preschool built for children social emotional capacity is a success factor in learning.

Entering the environment outside the family, children are often confused, feel strange and sometimes protest because they have not found what is already familiar. Meanwhile, the first question of parents is whether the environment is safe enough for their children. At the age of 3–5, children always explore, observe the world around them, begin to send their trust in people outside the family. Children have a need to socialize, desire to be autonomous, promote initiative and practice to assert themselves in their own way of thinking, in parallel with the desire to become human beings according to the perspective and penchant of individuals.

A good environment for children to integrate into the first contact society, both learning, playing and developing must meet basic factors such as: friendliness, safety and providing a convenient space. encourage innocent fun activities but contribute to creating basic knowledge and promote the potentials in all aspects.

Understanding that desire, Kindy City International Preschool advocates to provide an appropriate learning space for children to develop aspects: awareness, physical, emotional — social, linguistic and aesthetic — bright create, parallel with building personality for children to become learners, learn and behave. The content and orientation of instruction at the Kindy City is built on the foundation of the preschool program of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Creative Curriculum of Teaching Strategies (USA).

Studying at Kindy City, children are guaranteed: enjoy a quality school-friendly, safe and caring learning environment (A safe, caring and friendly learning environment); access to real life through “Learning through Play”; Growing in knowledge and personality (Grow in Knowledge and Character).

