Bitparax, the Reliable Crypto Currency Exchange Service Provider

Luis nando
3 min readOct 29, 2019


Cryptocurrency is a digital economic system involving digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and the like, therefore to be able to produce coffers of money from this investment, then this can be done by working directly into platforms with Blockchain technology. If conventional currencies generally involve third parties such as banks and the central government for the process of making and circulation in the market, the cryptocurrency economic system only requires authority from the private sector or the issuing company and also the market to control the value of the investment presented to investors.

Because the exchange rates of these currencies are regulated by the market and do not have third parties such as banks and governments, cryptocurrency exchange rates are automatically unstable and can increase or decrease according to market conditions. As we know that, currency exchange cryptocurrency will use a long time and costs that tend to be high, coupled with very slow access. Of course this is a problem for users of crypto currencies. In fact, many of the platforms have provided cypro currency exchange services, but have not been able to provide solutions to these problems.

However, a Blockchain technology platform has emerged that can provide crypto currency exchange services quickly and at a minimum cost. Where all these services have been provided by the Bitparax platform. So that crypto currency users do not need to worry about a slow, costly and long time system just to exchange crypto currencies. At present, Bitparax has also issued its own currency, which will be used as a legal currency, in which the token has been named the Parax token.

Parax tokens are Ethrereum-based tokens, which are the most common tokens used by other Blokchain technology platforms. So that it will be easier for users to make transactions. In addition, the token also has a total supply of 16,971,239 units. For users who want to make transactions using the Bitparax service, it is required to have a Parax token as a legal medium of exchange.

The advantage to be gained by users is lower transaction costs compared to other platforms. Where Bitparax will only take a fee of 1% of each transaction made by users. Where this transaction also applies to all trades carried out by takers / makers. In addition, users will also get a number of Parax tokens, as prizes for conducting transactions through the Bitparax platform. Surely the offer is an offer that will attract the interest of users to participate with the Bitparax platform. In addition, the platform will also provide 30% lower fees for users who have Parax tokens by only using access on the settings page.

Not only that, Bitparax will also provide various kinds of information about the price of the currency to users during the last 24 hours. Where with this information, of course it is very important for users, to see various information about how many requests, offers, and the number of transactions made by other users.

Not only that, Bitparax has also provided exchanges with various crypto currencies. Where the currency is a currency that has a high value and is commonly used by users, such as Bitcoin, BitcoinV, Bitcoin Gold, Cream, Dash, Digibyte, Dogecoin, Ethrereum, Fenniecoin, iBitHub, Litecoin, Parax, UFO, Tether USD, WAVES , Stellar Classic, Ripple and Zilliqa. Where in addition to these currencies, the Bitparax platform will also provide information relating to trading costs, deposits, withdrawal limits for the past 24 hours, deposit status, withdrawal status, trading status, pending deposits and pending withdrawals.

Bitparax as a platform that provides currency exchange services at a minimum cost, can be accessed quickly and has a complete currency exchange service, and is a separate solution for users. This can be proven by the number of crypto currencies that have been registered on the Bitparax platform, even though the platform is a platform that has just been launched in the Blockchain technology market. So with that it can be seen that Bitparax is a high quality platform.

Information about Bitparax




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ETH: 0x8B127aAe3835058FDDA3a6095B2cd3f2335E6d12

