Investment Strategy from Quantum Hedge Fund

Luis nando
4 min readJan 29, 2020


The presence of blockchain technology has undeniably had many positive impacts on the world economy. Although the presence of this technology is not supported by most countries, it does not reduce the interest of the public to taste the world of cryptocurrency. How not Blockchain technology offers so many benefits through the system like being able to do various kinds of transactions without having to spend a lot of costs and all transactions carried out are equipped with a fairly high security system. In addition, the presence of Blockchain technology can also remove monopolistic activities carried out by companies and also government agencies.

Blockchain technology is not only used by the public or investors to make investments through the process of mining coins from the Bitcoin platform. However, it is also utilized by technology activists by providing a variety of services through a Blockchain based platform, as is done by the Quantum Hedge Fund (QHF) platform.

QHF is a platform that integrates Blockchain technology into its services, which will function as an investment medium with algorithmic trade offerings collaborated with manual trading. As a platform that offers investment services, QHF will provide a reliable alternative for investors who invest in the platform. Later the alternatives provided will allow investors to get the maximum profit. Where QHF will provide fixed profits every month to investors with a percentage of 16%. Of course this offer is also inseparable from the professionalism of QHF who can see the development of the cryptocurrency market by guaranteeing profits for investors with a maximum achievement of up to 400% per year. Therefore, by investing in the QHF platform, surely you will get the maximum profit that can be adjusted to the amount of the initial investment.

Unlike the investment services provided by other companies, QHF as a blockchain-based platform will certainly accept several crypto currencies as a transaction tool, such as Bitcoin, ETH and USDT. Not only that, the QHF platform also issues 1 crypto currency called QTM as a medium to activate various services provided by the platform. Another difference is that QHF will also prepare smart contracts related to investment returns, in which investors can choose the time period to benefit from the investment. For example, an investor makes investments using the Bitcoin currency, then he makes a smart investment contract within a period of 12 months and invests as much as 20 BTC, then he will earn as much as 28.8 Bitcoin in a period of 12 months. This of course has proven that QHF is one of the trusted investment services that offers maximum returns for each investor.

Surely almost every investor has been a victim of fraud due to irresponsible behavior that offers maximum benefits with minimum investment capital. So that the incident makes investors more careful in making investment decisions, but for those of you who are interested in investing on the QHF platform, you don’t need to worry about bulging investments. This is of course due to the sophistication of Blockchain technology that provides a basic system for everyone who integrates it, such as a decentralized system and high security guarantees. So that this system will block all people or activists who want to commit fraud or other criminal acts, and therefore investors can make transactions with a fairly high level of security and comfort.

Every company must have its own business strategy to emphasize various kinds of risks, especially investment risks that are fairly high. Similar to the QHF platform that implements a hybrid system, which with this system the platform can handle a variety of risks that will be present in the future. So that all digital assets entrusted to the platform will be protected from various risks that can eliminate the investment value of each investor.

As a platform that provides investment services, certainly QHF has several strategies that can attract investors, which more and more investors who join the platform will automatically also illustrate that the QHF platform is one of the biggest and universally recognized investments. Later this platform will choose investment instruments to trade based on a manual and automatic system on the market in the crypto market.

Not all blockchain-based platforms are able to provide investment services with fixed profits every month, but the sophistication of QHF has proven that fixed profits can be obtained by every investor. Therefore, with the sophistication of this platform, it is appropriate for investors to join and enjoy multiple investment returns every year.

Quantum Hedge Fund






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