KNL Financial Benefits Ongoing

Luis nando
4 min readSep 26, 2019


There are various goals why an entrepreneur decides to buy a number of valuable assets, which include gold, diamonds, and a number of means of transportation. Where later certificates for a number of ownership of these assets are used as a collateral to take loans from banks or other financial institutions. From the beginning until now banks and a number of other financial institutions do have a large role in advancing the economic industry in various countries. Not to mention if an entrepreneur chooses to concentrate on the types of property business, of course there will be so many funds needed to succeed in this fantastic project. Therefore, as one of the investment and business platforms, KNL has a business service that can lend funds to a number of entrepreneurs, but with a different concept.

Currently there are indeed various kinds of businesses or businesses that we can make opportunities. But what needs to be in line is that business also requires rational thinking. Therefore, build a business that matches your interests and talents. In addition, you also must always look for some information on the internet about the latest innovations that have been launched today. Surely KNL is one of the latest technological transformations engaged in business, as well as using Blockchain technology to further enhance its utilization.

Today there are a number of strategic businesses that people are so involved in. Among them such as agriculture, plantations, oil, fintech and a number of other businesses. Did you know that among all these businesses, of course, agriculture and plantation businesses play an important role in the survival of human life. Likewise with petroleum businesses that can be used to operate various types of transportation equipment which will later distribute agricultural and agricultural products to all corners of the country. While the Finth business is one of the financial businesses that currently holds an important role in the financial management of various types of businesses at present. From this review, we can say that all agricultural, plantation, oil and fintech businesses are mutually sustainable businesses. Seeing the statement, can you imagine if one of these types of businesses stops operating just because of lack of funds. If you answer, that an entrepreneur can apply for a number of loan funds in banks and in a number of other financial institutions. But did you know that as an institution formed by the state financial authority, banks also have a number of regulations or procedures that cannot be broken. For example, have you ever seen someone who brought the results of his garden to replace the loan ?. The answer so far is that no bank has a loan repayment system like that. Even if we think logically that the repayment system can be considered paid off, because the yield of the estate has the same economic value as the amount of the loan. This is of course because banks are not distributors who distribute goods. Rather, it is a financial institution that mediates between under- and over-funded parties. Therefore we can say that banks do not have extensive functionality.

Now, let’s look at how KNL can become a lending institution and at the same time be able to become a party that distributes business outputs to a number of potential buyers. Just say if you have 10 hectares of dragon fruit garden. Where is the reason you choose to concentrate on this type of fruit because there are so many pastry businesses that require the fruit as one of its main raw materials. Therefore you need some funds to buy a number of quality agricultural tools and fertilizers. Therefore you apply for a loan of 600 million to the KNL. Seeing the high business potential for the sale of dragon fruit, the team of experts decided to lend and that. These loan funds will certainly be deducted by KNL for a number of administrative costs. Did you know that all dragon fruits that will be paid to repay the loan will be recorded in the form of KNL tokens. Let’s just say if 1 KNL is equal to 100 million, there will be 6 KNL recorded in the system. In the field the amount of funds that are really needed for plantations is only 500 million. Then this difference in money will be a profit for the plantation entrepreneur. Later the loan amount recorded in the form of KNL tokens will be offered to a number of buyers or investors. Where later the buyer can also sell the ownership token to a number of other interested people. Therefore, those who own this ownership token are also entitled to own plantation products.

Currently you are given the freedom to choose a loan institution, but it doesn’t hurt if you utilize the Blockchain technology platform into your business chain.


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