Miracletele Service Features

Luis nando
3 min readApr 18, 2019


In addition to providing a variety of attractive international telecommunications features, Miracletele also provides additional features in the field of financial services. Such varieties are additional decentralized tools that provide financial information presentation services that can be accessed using smart phones which are supported by unlimited blockchain technology components. These financial service features include:

  1. Prepaid Debit Cryptocureency Card (Prepaid Cryptocurrency Debit Card)
    The issuance process for this released Miracletele prepaid debit card will begin in Quartal in 2019 and is inaugurated for public use in Q1 of 2020. The timing of this debit card issuance coincides with the issuance of the Miracletele tokens (TELE tokens) blockchain which supports the most popular cryptocurrency conversion process world. In addition, the process of launching TELE tokens at ATMs located throughout Indonesia.
    We know that Indonesia has a large area, therefore Miracletele will not only expand business in certain big cities, but also cover the entire territory of Indonesia.
  2. Multimedia Distribution Service
    Multimedia services include TV, music, film, paid video broadcast services. Therefore, in the second quarter of 2020 all these services can be enjoyed only with a monthly subscription by purchasing a number of TELE tokens that can be accessed through the Miracetele application. This feature will be officially launched in Quartal 4 in 2021. Here Miracletele began to expand its business wing in other business fields which are still related to telecommunications and media.
  3. Cloud Storage
    Miracletele’s data storage service provides a number of discounts that are paid through fiat money and converted to cryptocurrency, the TELE token.
  4. Add Reward (Ad Gift)
    C2C (custumer to custumer) is an advertising service system implemented by Miracletele. This C2C advertising service is offered to customers who wish to collaborate on product promotions on the Miracletele web platform. Of course this service will provide a very attractive ad design and placed in a strategic area. To enjoy this service, users can make a number of payments using fiat currency and TELE tokens. This feature will officially be released in Q3 of 2020.
  5. IOT Integration (IoT Integration)
    IoT (Internet of Things) is a new technological breakthrough that allows users to access the internet without direct interaction with the internet itself. For example the use of IoT in temperature and weather information which can send automatic analysis of the estimated natural conditions or natural disasters that will occur. Another example in terms of health, with IoT technology a patient can directly send medical records to the doctor based on heart rate and other body conditions that can be reached by this technology. Therefore Miracletele uses the Dapps infrastructure to integrate it. Services officially released in Q4 of 2020.

In addition to providing services related to local or international calls and the internet that implement the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) system, Miracletele also designs several additional features in the form of divided financial services — for five types with different functions. This is done to support the process of financial efficiency and sustainable business growth.

It is also seen that Miracletele always raises new ideas and ideas every year. This proves that Miracletele is a platform that has been formed from the beginning to follow the technological trend that has been developing so far will continue to always adjust to the growth of technology that is increasingly progressing.

Judging from the Road map, that in Quartal 2 years of its founding, Miracletele succeeded in cooperating with 163 telecommunications operators spread throughout the world. This certainly proves that Miracletele is a fast and swift platform to realize all the plans that have been designed.

Click the link below for more information:



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Bitcointalk: Luis nando

