The Best Investment Risk Management Strategy From Quantum Hedge Funds

Luis nando
3 min readFeb 15, 2020


EInitially the blockchain technology became known through the Bitcoin platform in 2008, which platform launched a payment system that was equipped with a decentralized system and was free of third party intermediaries. This is certainly surprising to many people, because the current payment system will certainly involve the intermediaries, but with the sophistication of blockchain technology, payment systems can certainly be done without an intermediary. Therefore at this time a lot of technology activists are tasting and trying to gain fortune in the world of blockchain by establishing a blockchain-based platform as practiced by the founders of the Quantum Hedge fund platform.

Currently the payment system set by blockchain technology is indeed amazing, but that does not mean this system does not experience some problems. Where many investors who want to do investment activities but do not know the right time, use the right cryptocurrency, and the best alternative for investing. The lack of education about this has certainly succeeded in bringing investors to the gate of bankruptcy, where many investors are too eager to make investment decisions. Yet the fact is that not all blockchain-based platforms can be used as a forum for investment and profit. Therefore to avoid greater losses that will be experienced by investors, Quantum Hedge funds can be used as an alternative for investors who want to invest.

As we know that at this time, the stock market cannot be analyzed easily, moreover the traditional stock market is one alternative for investors who want to invest. The Stock Exchange is one of the traditional stock markets that is still a superior for investors who want to obtain maximum profitability by buying company shares. But the stock exchange has a closed system. The complexity of analyzing the stock market does not only occur in traditional stock exchanges, but also in digital stock exchanges or cryptocurrency stock exchanges. Where investors will also be faced with high losses, this can certainly happen if investors are not careful in making investment decisions. So that it will cause it to lose the overall investment value. Therefore, by looking at potential investment losses that cannot be eliminated, investors currently need a platform that can provide investment platforms that are equipped with high risk management systems, such as those provided by Quantum Hedge funds.

Did you know that Quantum Hedge funds have reliable strategies for dealing with various kinds of investment risks that will occur in the future. Where this platform will use risk management strategies such as capital diversification, every time every investor who invests in the Quantum Hedge fund platform will be given a policy to save 50% of the funds to be invested as free cash, then 3% will be distributed for investment ICO or Initial coin offering. Then 22% will be used for manual trading and the remaining 25% will be used for algorithmic trading. With the diversification of capital, of course, investors can minimize the risk of losing investment in the future.

In addition Quantum Hedge funds will also provide facilities that are different from usual facilities, where it will use the QA Complex algorithm as a transaction facility. Later this algorithm will allow the use of more than 36 robots that will be used to form the Quantum Hedge fund platform software, this is done so that it has more extensive software. Besides these robots are also designed to be able to adopt various types of arbitrage, indicators, patterns and trends to control the resources of the Quantum Hedge fund. Therefore, the sophistication of the Quantum Hedge Fund can certainly be used to process various kinds of transactions and investments well.

To convince investors and join the Quantum Hedge Fund platform, the platform will provide a very high security system. He will provide investors and clients with reliable risk management techniques, in addition to that the Quantum Hedge Fund will also collaborate with the insurance company, so that all investor funds get collateral in the event of unexpected events. In addition, Quantum will also identify investors in order to protect the assets of its users. Therefore, with a security system that has been carefully prepared, it can be said that Quantum Hedge funds are a reliable investment service.

Quantum Hedge Fund






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