The Complete Blockchain-Based Accommodation Facilitator from Sirius X

Luis nando
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Nowadays, traveling is one of the activities that are favored by millennial, moreover the important moments obtained when traveling can be used to gain profitability by uploading to various social media accounts. Therefore, with the various phenomena above, it cannot be denied that currently the tourism sector is becoming one of the most promising businesses. So it is not surprising that many investors or business people build their businesses in tourism, as did the founder of the Sirius X platform.

The increase in traveling activities is undeniably also caused by the presence of various travel applications such as traveloka,,, and several other travel applications that are capable of carrying out its functions such as a professional travel agency. Where these applications offer a number of accommodations such as transportation and accommodation that can be tailored to the financial condition of the users. This of course will enable users to carry out traveling activities without having to come from the upper middle class, because anyone can do traveling activities as long as they do careful planning.

Noted as a Sirius X Blockchain based platform will offer a wide range of accommodation complete with a fairly economical price quote. Among airplane tickets, buses, cruises, lodging places such as hotels and apartments, as well as entertainment tickets such as concerts that are often held by certain countries. The services provided by the Sirius X platform are certainly very different from the services provided by the travel applications mentioned above, because they only provide accommodation such as travel and accommodation, even though users also carry out various activities while traveling. Therefore for those of you who want to travel and get complete facilities, you can make Sirius X as an alternative.

As a Blockchain based platform, of course it is well known that the platform can operate without any supervision from the government or related organizations. So Sirius X can provide services at a very low cost, this is of course because Sirius X does not incur administrative costs or services to any party. This is of course very different from conventional travel agencies that collaborate with various companies or governments, so that it will charge quite high costs for consumers. Therefore integrating Blockchain technology into tourism services is a business decision that needs to be appreciated, because in addition to empowering crypto users, Sirius X will also enable people from various circles to carry out traveling activities and realize their dream vacation with a minimum budget.

Not only that, Sirius X will also collaborate tourism services with tourism-specific social media, so travelers can enjoy their vacation by exploring attractions in remote areas. As we know that currently applications such as web browser, Google Maps and some applications that can be used as directions at this time do not yet show or provide quality services. Because there are still many people or travelers who are given the location of the tourist destination that is not appropriate, this of course will harm its users because he has to lose time and money to use transportation services. Therefore to solve these various problems, Sirius X will present a special social media that can be used by travelers to search for various tourist destination locations even though he is in a remote area.

In addition, social media can also be used by users to search for information and make plans before traveling. Where users can connect directly with other users who have experience and visit the location that the user wants to visit. So that he can obtain accurate information and carry out various kinds of planning so that he can travel safely and comfortably. Because it is undeniable that the first trip to a particular country, of course the users will be faced with a variety of unexpected events. So with the existence of social media, of course, can minimize unexpected events experienced by users.

The presence of Sirius X in the midst of the community will certainly increase the interest of the community in conducting traveling activities, especially for cryptocurrency activists. Where the presence of Sirius X can empower crypto users to carry out various kinds of traveling activities and empower their crypto assets.

More information from the link below:






Sirius X ANN:



ETH: 0x8B127aAe3835058FDDA3a6095B2cd3f2335E6d12

