The Benefits of Writing and Why you Should Start.

Luiz Araújo
2 min readJan 3, 2023


To me, writing has always been a friend, and since the pandemic, we've gotten closer to each other. So if you ever thought about starting to write but weren’t sure if it was something worth your time and effort, it’s time for you to finally start leveraging this skill.

I believe the best thing about writing is that it forces me to organize my thoughts. I started a journal in 2020, and it’s been a game-changer for me. Not only do I have a place to document my memories and thoughts that might otherwise be forgotten, but the simple act of writing has helped me become more self-aware and introspective.

Not to mention the part before writing, when I think about what I’m going to write, in some moments during the day I have thoughts like “I have to remind myself of this” or “I should talk more about that subject."

The simple process of planning, organizing, and revising written work helps me make decisions about my personal life. There is a page where I talk about my dad, and the moment that I wrote it, I saw how silly I was being. Well, I didn’t erase this part. So I can always go there and see how dumb I am. 🙂.

Another skill you will develop is focus. To avoid multitasking on your browser, I recommend writing by hand, as writing naturally trains your concentration. We know how difficult it is to focus on a task for a prolonged period of time. However, by cultivating the skill of focus through writing, you’ll find that you are able to apply it to various areas of your life, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.

Another benefit of writing is the sense of fulfillment it can bring. When you finish a piece of writing, you have created something new; you are the creator of something. This is a daily boost of accomplishment. This is a powerful feeling, and it can boost your confidence.

Besides, writing can also be good for your mental health. It’s just you and the paper, you can write all your deep thoughts on it. It’s a form of stress relief and can clear your mind.

And finally, writing can be a tool to help you manage your day. If you set aside a few minutes to write out a plan for the day, if you just organize your daily tasks in order of importance and estimate how much time you need to finish them. This simple action can save you time and help you focus on the most important tasks first, even if you have a busy schedule.

So if you’re considering starting to write, I highly recommend it. The benefits of writing are endless. You should definitely give it a try.



Luiz Araújo

Join me in examining the current state of our world through my writing