Write Like a King: Stephen King Reveals His Secrets

Luiz Araújo
4 min readFeb 7, 2023


The book “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King is an indispensable asset for every type of writer. It offers a unique blend of personal experiences and practical writing advice, making it a comprehensive guide to the art of storytelling.


By reading it will deepen your understanding of the craft and you can gain new insights into the writing process, making “On Writing” a must-read for any aspiring or established writer.

In this article, I’ll be sharing 10 author’s tips and expanding upon them.

1. Show, Don’t Tell

Don’t write, for example, how the character is feeling by simply stating it. Instead of saying “Joe is sad,” show us through details such as him crying and his voice being altered. This gives the reader a clearer picture of the character and the situation they are in

What makes us like a book? The more emotions it causes us, the more we become attached to the book.

When describing a scene, put the reader in the setting through the use of concrete details that create vivid descriptions.

2. Avoid adverbs.

The way you present your story plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention in the narrative. This is why Stephen King says “ The road to hell is paved with adverbs” because adverbs dilute the impact of your words. Instead, you should use verbs and adjectives.

Another important aspect to consider is the length of your paragraphs. If they are too long, they can discourage readers or make it harder to immerse in the story. The appearance of the paragraphs is just as important as their content.

Use adverbs sparingly and pay attention to paragraph length in your storytelling.

3. Read a lot and widely.

Of course, reading is a must for writers.

However, aim to broaden your reading experience by seeking out different topics and cultures. Consider exploring new territories, so don’t limit yourself to one genre, if you usually read romance, try a mystery.
A lesser-known tip is to read books from different countries. Don’t overlook the value of reading literature from other cultures, such as Latin American or Russian literature.

As a Brazilian, the subjects we discuss in our literature are not only different, but even when they are similar, we have a completely different approach.

And finally, it’s interesting to read books from different time periods. When you read something from the 18th century, for example, you can immerse yourself in a new point of view of historical events.

Read a lot and widely.

4. Write about what’s hard to say out loud

Stephen King believes that writing is a sophisticated expression of thought and that the best literary works are those that talk about issues that require a lot of reflection;

In writing, as the author says, you should think of your story as an archaeological relic waiting to be discovered, excavated and interpreted. Dig deep into the depths of your mind, unearth difficult themes, and you’ll create a story worth remembering.

Write thought-provoking stories with depth

5. Don’t use passive voice

I have no better explanation than the writer itself.

The timid fellow writes “The meeting will be held at seven o’clock” because that somehow says to him, ‘Put it this way and people will believe you really know. ‘Purge this quisling thought! Don’t be a muggle! Throw back your shoulders, stick out your chin, and put that meeting in charge! Write ‘The meeting’s at seven.’ There, by God! Don’t you feel better?

6. Avoid too much information

Prior to writing, it’s important to conduct some research. However, these details should not take center stage in your story. Instead, they should serve as a subtle backdrop.

They want your story, not a physics lesson.

7. Write for yourself first

Don’t worry too much about social conventions when writing, as criticism is inevitable. If your writing doesn’t please everyone, that’s okay. The most important thing is that writing brings you satisfaction and happiness. You are your own first reader and should be the first to enjoy what you write.

You don’t control others’ opinions.

8. Don’t worry about grammar

I know, grammar can be intimidating.

But it’s important to remember that grammar should only be a concern during the revision process. During the creative process, it’s essential to focus on the story itself, creating engaging characters, and crafting a good plot.

Don’t let worries about grammar interrupt the flow of your writing. The most important thing is to capture your thoughts and ideas, which can always be refined and corrected later.

Write freely.

9. Stick to your style

Copying another author’s style can be a good writing exercise for writing purposes, but don’t go too far with this. Be true to yourself and use your own voice, don’t try to emulate author A or B and write a book in their style.

Instead, you can test new styles in your writing, which can set you apart from other writers.
Each writer has their own unique voice, so imagine if everyone were trying to emulate a writer from two centuries ago. Let them rest in peace!

Don’t be a cheap copy of someone else

10. Be sincere

Write sincerely by making your writing believable and your characters authentic. Focus on building characters with a background that gives them motivation and personality. Don’t try to manipulate your villains into acting against their nature.

By being sincere in your writing, you can delve into your own thoughts and emotions, creating a deeper connection between the story and your audience. Immerse yourself in the mindset of your characters and strive to understand their perspectives

Write authentically for deeper audience connection.


To wrap up, Stephen King’s “On Writing’’ is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their writing skills. The book provides a wealth of wisdom through a blend of personal stories and insightful observations, making it a treasure trove for all of us.



Luiz Araújo

Join me in examining the current state of our world through my writing