The day that never ended.Exactly one year ago, on Monday 18th of April 2016, I was in mourning — along with millions of other Brazilians. On Sunday 17th of April…Apr 18, 2017Apr 18, 2017
Contra o desmonte da Universidade públicaA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro sempre foi a minha casa. Meus pais se conheceram no curso de Física na UERJ nos anos 70 e dão…Jan 26, 2017Jan 26, 2017
The Patriarchal CoupBrazil is facing a political crisis of unprecedented dimensions in its young democracy. Just how much of it stems from misogyny?Apr 3, 20162Apr 3, 20162
Published inA ParedeQuestioning the “critical” in Speculative & Critical DesignA rant on the blind privilege that permeates most Speculative Design projects.Feb 4, 20144Feb 4, 20144
Published inA ParedeI’m a criminal — and if you retweet me you are one too.How Brazil is slowly crawling back to its dark dictatorship years.Oct 18, 2013Oct 18, 2013