New Dangan Ronpa V3: Killing Harmony — Theory

126 min readDec 2, 2017


Posted in: 12/02/2017

Good day for you!

This is a theory I made in a phone, so it’s clear I made it from heart.

This is a theory I made piece by piece, so please, if you have something to comment, do it after read ALL of it, ok?

Most important, this is a theory who can be editted, If I feel the need to do so:

This is DRV3 and his story. 95% of it, actually. Of course, SPOILERS!

Don’t read it if you don’t know the story, plz.

EDIT (12/18/2017): {

Justonegamr ( me permision to use his footage to my theory, but only if I give him credits. The credits are: every image about DR and every video about DR put in this theory is from justonegamr’s footage, unless it’s specified to be from someone else.


1. Tsumugi’s (and Monokuma’s) claims

Let me start getting to the main atraction of this place: What is the truth and what are the lies of Tsumugi’s words? Regardless from what you think, only the proof and analysis can make it clear. So let’s start by putting every little claim she made:

  • Tsumugi is the mastermind.
  • Tsumugi can’t cosplay as real people, since real people aren’t characters, causing some sort of mental breakdown if she tries so, causing an allergic reaction. Let’s call It “Cospox'
  • The Flashback Light (F.L.) isn’t to remember forgotten memories, but to implant new ones. This is made via light directly directioned in the brain, causing a sorta “deja-vu” sorta phenomenon.
  • All the memories from FL are fake. This means the outside world isn’t destroyed and the survivors aren’t students from the reconstructed Hope’s Peak.
  • Shirogane can cosplay as Hope’s Peak story’s people, meaning these people actually are fictional characters, because Cospox.
  • The outside world knows of the killing game, and everybody is such fans of Dangan Ronpa (DR), the show with real killing games, brought from fiction to reality. Of course, this is called Ultimate Real Fiction (URF). They’ve been watching this killing game (audience).
  • This is the 53 season of DR.
  • She and Monokuma aren’t isn’t the only ones who work for making the killing game. There’s a whole staff making it, with the most clear and direct name possible: Team Danganronpa (TDR).
  • TDR made that outside scene of Earth being destroyed. They worked very hard on it.
  • The survivors actually were from the outside world, and as such, wanted and choose to do an interview for participating in V3.
  • Shuichi’s interview showed him as a fanatic for detectives and yet more for DR, showing murderous traits.
  • Because of that interview, TDR had a inspiration: making Shuichi the weakest detective ever.and a growing one.
  • To create such a character, the first FL overwrited every memory of him for scripted backstory, talents and personalities, meaning he was scripted, ALL of backstory was fake and couldn’t return to his real backstory, meaning he choose to die and then after suffer in a death game.
  • Tenko character always defended Himiko because she, as everyone else, was manipulated and created in that way.
  • Maki’s feelings for Kaito were given for her, because of personalities and script.
  • Kaito’s illness was given to him for the sake of script by virus.
  • Kaede’s and Kaito’s lines and feelings are totally scripted, so they are fictional
  • Kaede’s interview shows an woman happy to kill humanity because she doesn’t trust it.
  • Kaito’s shows ansiety to kill everybody, to gain fame and fortune, because he doesn’t want to worry anymore about what’s impossible.
  • Every character in V3 was scripted. And so was fictional. And so are these characters' feelings, thoughts and moments fictional and with no meaning, to life or to death…
  • You can’t stop this circle of killing games, this despair, because the audience wants more and more of it!
  • Keebo is a fictional character scripted to be the audience survey and the audience’s eyes, because the Keebo’s ahoge os an antenna and Keebo’s eyes are cameras.
  • The main gimmick of V3 is the audience participation!
  • Keebo, so, was also constructed for that purpose and is a member of TDR.
  • Tsumugi can make real reprodutions of the characters anytime she wants, because she 's fast, because she’s the Ultimate Cosplayer!!!

2. Let me tell the real story slowly

There’s a lot, and I mean, a LOT, of proofs around DRV3. Everything I needed was register it in some place and reorganize my reasoning, like the truth bullets mechanic in DR. Because of that, I have made a list of some proofs and facts in my computer… But, buuuuut it’s broken. At least I have some reasoning solidified to share before my computer comes back!

So, for the sake of mutual understanding, let’s start slowly and Go slowly: proof by proof we are going to deduce something. The first point I want to bring is if the Monokubs are actually like their dad, if they really know what’s going on.

To prove my position, I decided to go to the one moment where they slacked off together and had no fear of slipping up their knowledge: the prologue, Before the First FL (BFFL).

Because of some lines they actually said, there’s been some suspicion that the Ultimate Hunt is real and their talents too. Like this one:

The important fact here is that Monokub there explicity said they actually have forgotten their talents and become generic High School students. I don’t think he’s lying, since everyone was gonna forget about what happened BFFL anyway, so…

But let’s not forget that the Monokub’s name is Monosuke, shall we?

What do I want to say with that? It’s just: Monosuke is an impacient and an intuitive guy. Because of that, he can easily make slip-ups, but also can sound certain of something, even if he actually is wrong. So…

I’m gonna gotcha another line from the Monokubs BFFL:

Ninja Bear! He is more reliable than Monosuke, even if he is forgetable hahaha.

And this guy could just have said “See, there’s this Ultimate Hunt goin' on.”

But he’s so reliable and open that he even add the “according to the backstory”!

He actually got out of his way to say it, demonstrating… that he didn’t see this called “backstory” himself. So… he actually was told about it. Probably is the same with the other kubs, since Monotaro is the one that receives information from Monokuma and gives to the others Kubs, anyway, as revealed in C 6.

Posted in: 12/04/2017

Meaning that:

If the Monokubs are Als, they are being told that the Ultimate Hunt exists and they believe it.

I’m gonna talk more about the Monokubs later on.

3. Are the Audition Tapes real?

Polemic question, but almost everyone believes that these are fake. First of all:


“I’ve always been such a huge fan of Danganronpa and… always wanted to be in one…”

“If I were a contestant, I would want to be… an Ultimate Detective.”

“I know there’ve been a few in the past, and I’ve always loved those characters…”

“So I would want to be one of them.”

“Ah, but, I don’t *have* to be a detective. I’ll be anything to be part of the show.”

“And I mean that, anything. I’d do… anything to be a part of Danganronpa.”

Note: Shuichi smiles in an innocent way in the middle of the next thing:

“I promise, If I get selected… I will work as hard as I can!”

“I will come up with the best, most gruesome murders, I promise! Everyone will love it!”

“And an Ultimate Detective hasn’t been the blackned yet, so I’m sure I can do that!”

“I’m also thing about… the perfect punishment for an Ultimate Detective…”



“I’m not just gonna be in Danganronpa, I’m gonna kill everybody and win!”

That’s it.

So, I really don’t know how much I have raged knowing that in my First time seeing this. It was so sad and depressive…

But, buuut, now I say this, it’s depressive, sad, and almost makes me rage on TDR.

Anyway, are these real or not? To answer that, I have to go to the Moment when they Woke Up from the Lockers First (MWULF) until BFFL.

Going there, it’s already explicit that they don’t recall having Ultimate talents. Besides that, I think the tapes are fake because:

  1. Kaede and Shuichi remembers being captured.
  2. Kaede’s personality isn’t super innocent, but it still is a good one, and is strong too, directly contracting her tape.
  3. Rantaro, for some reason, recognizes the killing game AND he doesn’t want to talk explicity about DR with his “candidates-to-DR” classmates.

In other words, their tapes aren’t real. It’s clear it’s made up. They also weren’t forced to do it, because doesn’t make sense for them remember being captured, then forced to do these tapes, only to forget about the tapes afterwards and wake up in lockers and still remembering they being captured, only to forget it at the First FL (FFL). This doesn’t make sense. So:

The audition tapes are made up. And they aren’t made up with the forced help or any other form of help from the teens.

4. Flashback Lights are a pain…

Let me go a little original this time: FL are really a central thing in the story, so much that Monokuma tries somehow to explain it: information directly to the brain via light that causes “deja-vu” sensations.

The game goes far to demonstrate how the FL are made: by a computer machine that allows the “gamemaster” (anyone, since the door is closed and the monitor isn’t hidden) to select (not write directly) differents memories and combine the selected memory with the past memories.

These memories are, themselves, misteries, because even if Tsumugi claimed they are just lies, each one of them have two possibilities: “True” or “False”. If exists a false memory, then it’s on the table another mistery: “How could TDR fabricate another memory?”, which is similar to “How could they falsify the audition tapes?”, but unlike the memory matter, I already have told that the audition tapes are fake.

Pretty much the FL is a Sci-Fi concept and people accept this ideia. That’s why some of them try not to thing much about tecno stuff! But, buuut, the game, this game, DRV3, requires the use of brains, because the it’s truth is a mistery, and yet the same game tries beautifully to demonstrate and explain the concept. It’s pretty much Chapter 4 all over again, where the trial makes you think the characters are idiots by maintain their common sense in a virtual world, but the trial goes slowy building a logic based in numerous contradictions and mysteries. I believe that Kodaka wanted us to notice something here: like in Chapter 4, if some explanation is gave to you, do the same explanation work for all of the situations?

And so, I can say I have problems with the explanation of the FL:

  1. Chapter 6 memories were in the last minutes of Chapter 5. Even if you think that’s not much time of difference, the setup for FL is so much simpler to possibly time the specific memory to each specific person in each specific exact time (if there’s even possible in the computer to program timers in the FL). Boy, I doubted memory being given VIA LIGHT before, but this is too much to ignore: to be programmed the right time and the right memory in the correct brains of people via light anyway.
  2. Speaking of memories where they shouldn’t exist, but exists anyway. Let’s talk about Kaede memory of her erasing her memory a little After the First FL (AFFL). Obviously, that shouldn’t exist if the Monokuma’s explanation and the machine’s setups are all the informations we should have about the FL.
  3. Similar to 2., Shuichi’s memory of erasing his memories in Chapter 2’s FL shouldn’t matter in this question. But it matter because this specific memory was given normally in the FL. But strangely a little bit of crucial information was given a little after that FL.

Now it looks like Kodaka made some mistakes, but these important details are too much importants to be mistakes, I believe.

The first counterproof simply shooted the Monokuma’s minimum explanation into lava. There’s no way that the game shows the mastermind doing this and that by the machine and via light. I don’t believe the mastermind could time correctly the memories to appear anyway. These complicated informations can’t be set alone by the computer machine and via light too.

I don’t think there’s a programmed condition via light to receive these memories when the condition is beaten either. Not at least with the computer machine.

Also, because of the second and the third counterproofs I made, it looks like the FL really is to remember forgotten memories. But that can’t be it, because the machine to make FL really have contradictory memories (or informations).

We know these memories are from the computer machine and the FL, and not from to the brain itself, because of the FL and the machine settings. However, Monokuma’s explanation is proved to not be enough to explain things. And timing each memory isn’t something the mastermind or Monokuma can simply do.

But if all of this wasn’t enough, there’s still more. I talked about the specific memory in the second counterproof and another in the third one. They are representing the same moment: erasing their memories with some device. But they also share one more thing, an gray special effect “old-TV” which I don’t know the name. Look at the memories called by the second and third counterproofs:

Strange, isn’t?

Well, this similar strange thing is also in Shuichi’s memory of erasing his memory. Remember that this memory is different from counterproof 3, because what I’m saying is the “special effect” also is present in the “normal time” memory of Shuichi erasing his memory. Look:

This specific memory looks like troublesome, because of this “special effect” and because it was also presented in wrong moments (second and third counterproofs). If you ask me, I can say this specific memory is corrupted or bugged.

Even if we know it’s possible to time the memories like what happened to Chapter 6’s memories, there’s no apparent reason for the cast (specially Kaede and Shuichi) have these strange… moments. It really looks like the specific Memory of Erasing Minds (MEM) is corrupted or bugged.

MEM is corrupted or bugged, causing it to appear before Kaede and Shuichi in strange times.

This memory appearing of nowhere suggests a greater system for the FL. But I’m leaving that aside for now.

5. How did the First Flashback Light change the cast?

The First Flashback Light (FFL) is a critic point to understand the control the kings of the killing games had on the cast.

We have to know how much control it had. And for that, I have to go throught in some of the characters' minds. And compare that to see if there’s some manipulation on their minds.

And seriously, I believe there’s some serious and bad things to show.

Do you remember how Kirumi’s personality clashed with Ryoma’s when he was (kind of) depressive only because Ryoma have seen his motive video before meeting with Kirumi AND also because Lucky (or unluckly) Kirumi got her motive video?

Remember how Kirumi planned a complicated plan that could get her exposed if someone had seen her in the pool at nighttime, only to kill her afterwards with not only one, or two, but three damning evidence (gloves, that float thing and the marked window frames)? She’s smart, tho.

Remember how the characters only knew that Ryoma was alive during nighttime because Maki and Ryoma luckly encountered each other AND Maki luckly (or unluckly) was the one who has Ryoma’s motive video and Ryoma has Maki’s, allowing to Ryoma to blackmail her to see his motive video?

Remember how Kokichi thinked that it would better if everyone watched their motives videos and Gonta was a perfect person to Kokichi put his wishes in reality, allowing alibis for most of the people and to told Ryoma about his motive video AND also he was used by Kirumi to say that she was in the gym by only 5 minutes?

Remember that Kirumi didn’t put the tennis cable in another place, only to be luckly found by Kaito, and measured by him?

Remember that Kiyo, Angie, Tenko and Himiko had their own beliefs, that likely one clashed with another and agreed with another one and… Man, this is complicated. But that’s what allowed the murder to take place and to be camouflaged by the occult (I mean, beliefs from Angie, Tenko and Himiko were hot topics to decide the truth).

So, do you remember how cautelous Kiyo was to not be seen at night by the Student Council, and when was seen, didn’t hesitate to kill Angie and wanted to kill more with his thing… even if his personality didn’t explain well why he killed both when he could killed everyone in the class trial anyway.

Do you remember… how unlucky was Angie by stopping in the middle Room to get the candle?

Do you remember… how lucky was Himiko by going to the middle room?

Do you remember how afortunate to us was having Kokichi fall by a loose floorboard in another room, only because unluckly Shuichi and Maki didn’t think in check the others rooms when they already found the possibility of the culprit going under the floorboards from another empty room?

Do you remember how Kiyo was killed because he used the seesaw effect?

Do you remember how lucky was Kokichi to actually being the Miu’s target when could be actually Kaito or some other people, like a detective, since she could decide his place if she wanted and change her target’s avatar settings?

Do you remember how Miu could killed them all in the real world because she was the last to log in?

Remember how Gonta only started to be more useful after 3 whole chapters and 7 deaths??

Do you remember how easy going Monokuma was with giving Kokichi a reuse of the “secret of the outside world”? And how Monokuma literally didn’t care when Kokichi told him that “spicing more the killing game” was a lie?

Do you remember how crap is a story that goes with a culprit with amnesia only because he was left-handed and didn’t know where was left or where was right?

Do you remember how dragging on was the first half of the class trial, just because Kaito was jealous and not helping, Kokichi was joking and throwing hints and everyone was trying to use common sense and not even putting any knowledge of video games and conceipts like “loops”?

Do you remember how Gonta has the same ideia of trying to complicate the murder by launching Miu in the roof to hit the chapel, only to that be information of “when the culprit was in the rooftop” to implicate Gonta afterwards too? I mean, I respect Gonta, but I admit he could have thinked it and done it, only to make him more suspicious in the class trial. But buuuuut you can’t deny it’s pretty similar to Kirumi and Kiyo’s strategy.

Do you remember Kaito wanting to attack Kokichi even knowing he was sick and he could literally die?

Do you remember how Maki literally wanted to kill Kokichi not only because of the Remant of Despair and the Mastermind things, but also because she hated his guts by capturing and hitting Kaito and because she really loves Kaito… no not only kill Kokichi, but also EVERYBODY ELSE in the class trial???? I mean, this almost looks like a broken Yandere character in this specific situation for me.

Do you remember how Kokichi had planned the murder for days (because I’m pretty sure that Monokuma trapped was part of the process of planning a murder), and yet tried to make a more complicated murder, just like Kirumi, Kiyo and Gonta?

Do you remember how crazy Kokichi was to plan the murder and multiple possibilities, and after all failed? (I consider Kaito being executed himself being a fail. I don’t think Kokichi wanted that) What means he, the guy who was the most reserved and “misterious” and yet a desesperate thinker failed because he, for some poor reason, thinked that Shuichi wouldn’t find the truth, since that fourth trial.

Do you remember how suspicious is Monokuma being trapped by the Exisals, for the point of not even making the Morning and Night announcements, even if he could be multiplied and be helped by the nanokubs?

Do you remember how insecure Monokuma looked in C5, but just after everyone believed that he didn’t know about the tricks either, he looks okay?

Do you remember how Monokuma was literally waiting after Class Trial 5 to put that flashback light in the class and reveal the Monokubs?

And for last, for the sake of a script, do you remember how Kaito died, not because he wanted to die, but because of an illness, in the exact right time?

Yeah, this is bad. This is a looot of points. I mean a LOT. First of all, it’s obvious there’s a script. And the FFL really did some great job here. However, variables like timed illness aren’t possible to change with FL alone. There’s something else to make the script working in his body!

But that doesn’t mean that the script was always followed. Kaede’s murder attempt was complicated, but, unlike the others murders, these complicated parts were necessary to murder. And yet, it, for some reason, was a lucky shot, depending if Rantaro’s head was in the tragetory or not! What is a script that it’s made when the start has a murder that it’s not just possible to have certain of how it would end? Rantaro’s head could be hit, and couldn’t be hit. To a murder happen, Tsumugi was made out of her way to kill Rantaro just in case the ball didn’t hit. Seriously, what kind of script is that? There’s no way that was planned.

That’s not the only thing, tho. Kaede AFFL had the same thoughts as her had BFFL, the same ones. Thoughts that weren’t affected, until a certain point. Shuichi also had the same actions AFFL until a certain point.

Whatever this script influence goes, I still can’t believe the script trapped everyone. I believe that everyone still has some of the original thoughts, since everyone BFFL and everyone AFFL shared some characteristics and similar sprits. Anyway, mainly Kaede and Shuichi made it throught in Chapter 1 and 6. Also, they are the people who got that bugged MEM. Even if we can’t be sure if there’s more people who gotcha that bugged MEM, there’s still one more think about Shuichi and Kaede: they are the last ones to go out of the lockers and of the classroom, in both two times.

I believe Kaede and Shuichi moments to Go Out of Script (GOS) is much more probable to happen when each one of them feels a strong feeling in that moment, like how Kaede feels much and thinks a million of things in Chapter 1, and Shuichi does too in Chapter 1, but more in Chapter 6, going out of the “Hope vs Despair” script.

A script exists and heavily influences everyone in the cast, in personalities and likeables. However, something like Kaito’s illness was triggered in his moment, just before his execution, making clear that was manipulated as well, but not with FL alone. However, exists exceptions. These exceptions are most notable in the moments where deep feelings, like much fear or sadness, are shown in certain characters. The most notables ones are Kaede in Chapter 1 and Shuichi in Chapter 6. They also have another things in common, like being the last ones to go out of the lockers and of the classrooms BFFL and AFFL. They also have a bugged MEM.

Posted in: 12/05/2017

6. Audience

This is gonna be hard. Aaaaaaaargh!

I said that we need to get throught some characters' mind to know the story. Yeah, exactly. I will have to analyse the audience and it’s reactions!

Well, it wasn’t that hard, mainly because even when there’s so much phrases, almost every phrase is following the plot, but with the attention on the “Hope vs Despair” theme. For example:

  • The majority of the audience just joked normally when they entered the trial.
  • They also joked when was revealed that DR is in the season 53.
  • When Tsumugi claimed that DR is ALL about despair, everyone said something trivial and joked about despair as something normal and already done million of times.
  • In the end of this, much of the audience was just spamming “Despair”
  • When Keebo woke up with the hopeness Hope (because of the audience), much of the audience was saying “Hope”
  • Keebo vs Tsumugi. The majority of the audience: “Hope” “Despair” “Hope” “Hope” “Despair” “Despair”
  • Keebo was seen by the audience as the Ultimate Hope Robot, because the audience wanted it in that way. So they thinked that everyone who counters Keebo was probably infected with despair, like with Shuichi.
  • When Shuichi counters Keebo, almost everyone says something like “Go Keebo! Get recked, Shuichi”
  • Gradually, the audience starts to see the ending from everyone not voting to Hope or despair, to the point of them dying. They start to badmouth the management of the killing game and the ending.
  • Gradually one or more people of the audience seems more convinced of Shuichi’s words and wants to end the killing game.
  • In the end, in the final Argument the majority of the audience keeps silent and thoughtful because Shuichi keeps throwing some good words there.

Just saying that a fake audience doesn’t hold water, since some of the cast BFFL recognized aspects of the show as well.

The audience was pretty strange, tho. Seems really acostumed with the “Hope vs Despair” and your majority didn’t want to consider anything serious unless it has “Hope” or “Despair” written on it.

However, we have to remember that the audience we’ve seen is told to be only a fraction of the total audience.

Even with everything, has one person or two people wanting to see Shuichi’s eyes or breakable fingers or Maki Roll.

Yet, there’s one person or two there in the audience who’s trying to feeling the cast’s side. And try to end the killing game too.

And after Shuichi’s Argument, the audience seemed to be silent, and yet decided to end the killing game, killing Tsumugi and Keebo.

The audience seemed to believe this was ALL Fiction, even when Shuichi said so much times that his pain was real, because of badmouthed the ending and the management.

I feel like the audience realized that whatever they wanted, the ending would happen with Shuichi and the cast making History, ending their lives! Why? When the audience was gave the oportunity to despairly take control of Keebo, it gave the audience a last hope of changing the story to the ending they wanted. But when Shuichi convinced he wouldn’t change his mind or something, he probably convinced that audience that everything was gonna end in that way, with the show, DR, ending, because some of them probably believed this was TDR decision, because they believed this was ALL fiction and scripted!

Whatever the audience changed or not with Shuichi’s words or with the belief in TDR’s decision, it’s clear these active guys were hardcore fans of DR!

But I, by myself, believe that Shuichi’s words changed many people in the audience!

Anyway, getting back to the analysis, we can conclude that the majority of the audience didn’t feel guilty because they believed this was ALL fiction, somehow.

The audience is really strange, believing this all is just fiction, like the pain, because they believe the result always is going to be “Hope vs Despair”, and jokes around everything hasn’t been included in the theme.

However, this isn’t the only point I have to point.

TDR’s and the audience’s relationship looks fanatic (obviously). And TDR’s, like any show, tries to make the audience feels closer to them in a lovely and funny way:

TDR tries to make DR alive with it’s audience. If wasn’t in this way, Shuichi’s plan wouldn’t have worked and Tsumugi wouldn’t wanted to kill herself, because DR, the show, really was ending.

Because of how Tsumugi and Monokuma are, they would try anything to maintain DR alive. I MEAN THAT, ANYTHING. So of course making the audience watch non-stop DR is important!

And so they would try to convince the audience to not quit DR. If anything, they would do their best to gain more audience and to not gave even one motive to someone quit DR. Perhaps that’s why the audience mistakenly thinks DR is ALL fiction and scripted. Because TDR told so. What made me think that is:

Whatever was Tsumugi’s intention in showing the tapes to the cast, it wouldn’t be necessary to show much, but Tsumugi wanted to make it look real and convincing for those who were watching.

Looking from the cast’s perspective, it really is convincing to show Shuichi’s real name censured. However it would look much more real and convincing to show the Shuichi’s real name instead, even if it really is “Shuichi Saihara” or another name completely different.

Why? Because the Saihara BFFL is supposedly dead, non-existing. Even the audience is indifferent about this information above at the time, meaning they already have seen this twist before, or they already knew about that. Anyway, there’s no real motive to censure Shuichi’s name. There’s no human rights to Shuichi BFFL because he supposedly already gave up in his personality and everything, and therefore died, and it’s a fictional character with all the rights garanted to Team Dangan Ronpa!

Really? I mean, as soon I remembered that the audience was watching the audition tapes together, I tried to see it by the audience’s perspective.

If Shuichi BFFL died, then TDR’s act of preservating Shuichi’s real name doesn’t make sense, since there’s no motive to do that. However, TDR did it and the audience was probably acostumed or okay with it somehow.

If Shuichi BFFL only has gave his body to TDR, the audience reaction to it makes sense, because it would be Shuichi’s choice and there’s not really much serious to be worried about.

However, we know that Shuichi was really captured, and against his choice, was put in the killing game, because of his memory of being captured BFFL.

Anyway, TDR still made a strange decision for us, but not strange for the audience. TDR officially preservated Shuichi’s real name. Perhaps this means… Shuichi BFFL didn’t really died, and can come back, and TDR and the audience knows it? Perhaps that’s why the hardcore fans of the audience thinks DR is okay and thinks everything is fictional? Because everything is gonna be okay somehow in the end???

This really is crazy, but Kaede’s real name and Kaito’s weren’t even mentioned. What means all of this?

Team Dangan Ronpa is officially preservating Shuichi’s real name and the audience acknowledges it, somehow. They know something that the cast couldn’t know in the situation.

I’m gonna expose my theory for this matter in point 8. Continue supporting my theory :D

7. Characters' mind

Yeah, this is gonna be long.

Well, I’m gonna resume my Monokubs analysis, I think.

While the Monokubs are probably Als (much less work to do than 5 people controling them), because of how stupid these guys are sometimes trying to kill each other and being “innocents" until Monokuma killed them. Also, because Monotaro made something a normal human couldn’t do with controling:

They are Als.

While it still isn’t proved that DR had 53 seasons, it’s pretty much proved that Rantaro was in the last killing game, anyway. Rantaro BFFL said after seeing the Monokubs:

“Looks like I was right.”

“This is exactly what I thought It was.”

He recognizes the killing game, but don’t do the same thing in the Monokubs matter.

Yeah, even if you’ve a good opinion on them, they are still born trashkumas. They are still learning to be trash like their dad. Because they probably just appeared in DRV3! Probably this includes the Nanokubs as well, because of how well designed they are made particulary similar to the other Monokubs.

The Monokubs, including the Nanokubs, are one of the new things for DRV3! Of course, they are Als, so they are recently created!

Note that if the Monokubs had appeared in a past killing game, they probably would be recognized imediatly by some of the cast BFFL, but they were just suspecting of a New killing game, because of how similar the name “Monokubs” are to “Monokuma” and how they are bears and ALL the similar things and all and all of that. And all.

Now, if you remember what I said, the Monokubs just believed that the Ultimate Hunt and the talents are real because someone told them. That would be kind of hard to believe when you know monodam got a flashback light in Chapter 3. You can deduce that Monodam made that flashback light and for that he would have knowledge of each memory against each other in meaning in the computer machine. However:

Looks like the baby, right? But a little after she says to Monotaro:

Anyway, this could be the “funny” script of Monotaro and Monophanie having a baby. But Monophanie only reveal the baby to Monotaro in the trial. Also this “important person you need to protect-” and “someone I need to protect…” is mentioned when Miu is treated as “Mother” by Monotaro and he decides to help the cast in the investigation, implicity meaning that the person who needs to be protecting is almost treated like a mother, and could be any one other than the mastermind Tsumugi.

Knowing the Monokubs knows Tsumugi and they have the responsability to protect her and trusts her, she could very well make a flashback light and lie to Monodam, saying that it will bring the cast together.

Also, a flashback light that truly brings everyone together was used in Chapter 5. But definitly wouldn’t be used in Chapter 3, since the script for that used belief for opinion clashes. I don’t think TDR would allow Monodam with a flashback light that would allow the cast to feel better together. The scripted can fail, as proved in Chapter 1, so TDR probably was kind of cautelous.

Knowing Tsumugi and Monokuma, they probably ordered some strange actions for them, like anouncing the rule of “don”t swim at nightime”. Monokubs are also created personalities, so making them enter the script isn’t hard.

Then I can say the following about the Monokubs:

The Monokubs, at least the First version of them, knows the mastermind and they have a trust in her. They normally are in script!!!

Speaking of Mommy, let’s talk about her actions as well.

She created several things to Kokichi before trying to kill him. That includes the electrohammers, electrobombs, the control and the vacum.

Posted in: 12/06/2017

She also has trust issues in Chapter 4, and got herself motivated to escape after seeing the world in danger because of the meteorites and finding the Gofer Project failing.

For some reason, the “Virtual” computer was acessible to her since Chapter 3. Possibly to let the cast not thinking about how the simulator has something to do with the motive of C4 - the card- and to have Miu prepare herself good. She only starts to prepare herself after the FL from C4, because she only starts to say “I’m gonna save everybody” in that period of time.

She strangely choose Kokichi to kill in the Virtual World. She could choose anyone, like Kaito or Shuichi (Who knows?). She also could kill everybody while they were logged. This all almost means she was scripted in that way.

Your close relationships are with Keebo and Kokichi. However Keebo was kind of left off in Chapter 4. Miu talked much more with Kokichi, because of how Kokichi helped Miu settle the whole thing.

Supposedly Kokichi asked Miu to make a vacuum around C 4, to see if the bugs Gonta saw had something with the killing game or possibly with the fact Monokuma knew each murder (cameras). He gave his project of the vacuum to Miu make. Miu made a prototype. The project was left in Kokichi’s room while the prototype in Miu’s lab.

No other project of Electrobombs or Electrohammers or Control (EEC) were found, besides Maki searching quickly in Kokichi’s room and have found the project of something she didn’t see until in that momment — the vacuum.

It’s clear that when Miu made those, she thought Kokichi was preparing himself, together with the others, to fight Monokuma and/or escape. However, she refused to do that, by motives you already know.

Yet the vacuum has it’s own project and was a prototype. Meaning that Miu has no ideia why Kokichi wanted a vacuum. That’s why this was projected, and it was considered a prototype.

Why? Remember that the vacuum was strangely in Miu’s lab, besides everything else about Kokichi was going to be hidden in his room or in a hidden room. The vacuum was wanted by Kokichi. Even if he didn’t wanted the vacuum anymore, he still would had hidden it, like other things he wanted before, and are in his room. It is like he didn’t know the vacuum was made in the first place. If that’s the case, and I think it is, then the vacuum was probably the last thing she constructed, because Kokichi already had got the EEC.

However, Miu made the vacuum and was probably in her lab ALL the time, even with Kokichi having the project in his hands. How Miu made the vacuum if Kokichi was the one who made the project and was with it?

She memorized the project? But in this scenario, if Miu memorized the project, Kokichi would she was going to make the vacuum and he was going to pick it later for his room, what didn’t happen. So how did Miu make it?

Probably Miu was the one who made the project herself. Miu was the one who made the vacuum identical to the project in the first place without needing the project with her. So why the project was in Kokichi hands?

Kokichi wanted the vacuum and asked that for last. Miu was preparing a murder in Kokichi and had to prepare everything soon, because Gonta was almost going berserk these days. Then Miu, wanting to prepare everything in the computer and not wanting Kokichi too close to her, made a project and sent it to Kokichi, with the justification of asking him of evaluate the project to see if it can satisfy his tastes, because she was working more in the computer in that moment.

If Kokichi wanted to press her to make the vacuum after, she already would have it made ready in her lab, calling it a prototype and would say to Kokichi to go there. She even tested it a few times to make sure the “prototype” was working well. She needed to make the preparations to the simulator sooner without Kokichi too close. That’s why she wanted to have Kokichi distracted. She wanted to finish everything fast and safe.

However, Kokichi already knew at that point Miu was trying to kill him and soon they would enter the simulator. Then when Miu said to Kokichi to evaluate the project, he concluded and probably thought Miu was lying: she would not make it, the vacuum, after all, she was going to kill someone, kill him, soon. That’s why he didn’t go catch the vacuum, because he didn’t know it existed.

It isn’t proven Kokichi could make projects. He probably didn’t make the project himself. Miu was the one who made it. And she made a “prototype”, just in case Kokichi try to opportune her. He didn’t know of the real and concrete thing.

Now let’s talk more about the famous Kokichi!

Kokichi BFFL was showed to be really a kind of courageous and gentle guy, because of this one sentence he made:

Kokichi’s motive video, regardless of being true or not, was probably a great factor to his actions. After all, he wanted to finish the killing game with so much determination. And Kokichi’s motive video shows him being a leader of pranksters whom lives with him to such a point they are considered his friend and family. This organization allows pranks, even some criminal ones, but forbbiden violence.

Remember also that Kokichi consider detectives awesome: “they can discover the truth in such magnific ways” is the impression I got from his talks about detectives in Chapter 4 with Shuichi, with his love hotel scene. This can be considered part of his personality, so it’s canon to the character, but not to the real story.

In chapter 1, he is seen like a liar and a prankster. However, in such serious matters, he can be serious, but in a wrong way, always using fear and anger from others to win the debate, because he’s suspicious of everyone, causing him to investigate the school and not telling someone. When asked what he was doing, he always dribbled the question by making comic answers or lies.

He confronts Kaede in a agressive and desnecessary way in the dinning hall, and with the help of some characters’ moral, he happened to bully in a comic way Kaede for her flaw. He probably said that to help Kaede remember to think of other’s feelings, because he thought she wasn’t doing that, but as he focused too much in leaving a mark in Kaede (typical prankster Supreme Leader thing) to remember the lesson, it didn’t really was clear why he was doing all of this and what he was trying to say because of his methods, making Kaede more distant of everyone and making her realize to reply . This leaves consequences, but I’m gonna talk about that after in a character analysis out of this post.

While the time limit happened, Kokichi was in the academy, trying to investigate and survive. This is important, because he probably found the two messages “horse a” and “twins b” during his investigations throught the school. This is important.

In the end of Chapter 1, Kokichi calls Kaede “not boring”, recognizing her motives. However, he still makes Kaede looks like she’s in fault and is responsable for allowing the game to begin, even in such a sad moment. Probably because of his personality to hate murder.

He learned to not call so much attention from Monokuma and not confronting him like Kaede did, so he started talking more about ending cooperation. He also became more suspicious of everyone, because THE Kaede killed someone. Since then, he really started to maintain closer to the characters, trying to figure out their hearts, but never showing his heart to anyone, as showed in Chapter 2 and later chapters. He also not forgot about the hidden room, so when the script made everyone but him somehow (explained in point 8) conclude there’s no mastermind, he started to became crazy, because there’s a unknown danger called “mastermind” who tries to make more killings happen and it’s invisible for everyone but him.

In chapter 2, because the killing game truly has begun, Kokichi tried to warn everyone about the mastermind… but without sucess, because, between other motives, Kokichi can’t even express his fear of the mastermind without bringing together his fear of cooperate, and he still tries to hide these fears in a comic tone.

Gonta found “Horse A”, and if Kokichi found it by Gonta or by his investigations, I don’t know. What I know is that Kokichi, from Chapter 3, started to modify the clue.

Motive videos were given to each one. Such as Kirumi has her own motive video, Kokichi also has his own motive video. Only Kirumi got memories from her own video, then probably only Kokichi got memories from his video. Instead of escaping to see his family via murder, he decides to not murder and actually prevents more murders from now on and still win the mastermind somehow. Suspicious of everyone and of the unknown power of Monokuma and of the mastermind, he “see” the chance to stop the killing: if everyone see everyone’s videos, a murder most likely wouldn’t happen, because the most suspicious ones definitily wouldn’t murder anyone and everyone would have fear and be suspect of everyone, like him. Unlike Kaito, who thought about everyone helping everyone after seeing everyone’s videos, Kokichi thought everyone would be suspicious of everyone.

His expectations are surpassed when Kirumi tries not only “to be his mom" during Insect Meet and Greet, but actually is found guilty of murder. And she probably would murder even if everyone has seen everyone videos, because she’s the “selfless” person. When he learned that during the trial, he definitly believed that Kirumi would do anything to survive, even lying. He allowed Kirumi to try to survive, to learn more about her. That’s why when he explains the emotional blackmail she tried to pull off, he still asks something like “Am I close, Kirumi?”. It’s probable that Kokichi os kind of upset in Kirumi, since Kirumi murdered someone, even when Kokichi himself also received his motive video, but not murdered someone.

Knowing that Maki probably hide the fact Ryoma blackmailed her because of her true talent and how he hate so much murder, he revealed Maki’s talent as a assassin, to both bad mouth her and to make her the most suspicious, preventing her of murdering someone, because he hates murder at that point. He still tries to see if he can save any good evidence from past cases, but looks like he couldn’t catch the every evidence. Like, he caught the floater to his room, but nothing more.

This sets Kokichi to try really hard to learn more about the cast and see their reactions, calling their reactions boring in Chapter 3 after the FL. While he does that in Chapter 3, searching about the labs, he notes that whoever constructed Angie’s labs knew everything Angie liked in arts.

He started changing 'Horse A” to “The World is Mine. Kokichi Oma" in this chapter or a little before. Probably after deciding to see and learn everyone’s reactions and hearts. I’m sure he did it slowly, then the cast would be asking and questioning what was happening. If someone knew something, it should be clear in his reaction.

However, why change it to “The World is Mine. Kokichi Oma”? Because, aside from it being very childish and also a Supreme Leader thing, it was a move that represents Oma’s determination and testify that Oma’s way of thinking is the right way to win the killing game, and that’s his way of saying what he was doing is right for himself.

And man, Chapter 3 was the limit for him. You could say that was the chapter Kokichi less appeared, but still was his limit. Not only the group was divided because of Angie and because of a ritual (and mostly a murder could happen, being by Maki or another person), the murder is on Angie Yonaga herself!

To understand the murder and why, Kokichi tried to understand Angie’s actions. And not only the victim actions, but he let everyone act in their own way to understand what everyone was thinking. Pretty desesperate at the point to invite the detective, who has ended of investigating Angie’s murder, to watch and participate in a ritual.

He don’t know, even hitting his head and discovering an awesome clue, who the killer is. That’s why he tries to say he’s the culprit at some point of trial 3. Like he said, he tried to see some reaction from the culprit of Angie’s.

Anyway, the fact Kokichi really was more of in the background of the story in the chapter (in the sense of letting everyone doing whatever they want) makes you wonder how much he was crazy at the moment, to the point he tries to investigate empty rooms after Tenko’s death and tries to catch Shuichi and MAKI’s reaction of him dead.

Kokichi actually called someone crazy — a.k.a. Seesaw — in chapter 3. And… he was acting strange even in the beginning of Chapter 4, meaning he had decided something before, or something changed. Looking from this perspective and from a script’s perspective, I looked back in Chapter 3. And I found it: two personalities clashes, at the worst moment for Kokichi. Kokichi, trying hard to understand his classmates and the motive for why the killing game continues and why two people were murdered, found out when the trial ended, that a real MURDERER WITH NO FEAR OF DEATH AND WITH CRAZY MURDEROUS HABITS FOR HIS SISTER, HIS FAMILY AND STILL THIS CRAZY MAD-SEESAW-MAN STUDIED THROUGHT PEOPLE REACTIONS THE ENTIRE TIME TOO (seriously, the worst guy, being similar to Kokichi in his own eyes, of doing everything for his family and reading other’s reactions, in a really bad and stressful moment) in a killing game where the mastermind probably knew everything about the 16 students… To be honest, I don’t believe I thinked the most murderous guy in DRV3 wouldn’t affect Kokichi. Kokichi probably went from crazy to angry and insane in minutes. And demonstrating that kind of emotion in a killing game is explosive and dangerous, he thought. So he controlled himself, but still couldn’t control it so well because his sentences looked more like a way of accusing Kiyo rather than comical, and that’s something new in the game.

After seeing Himiko kinda doing the same thing he was doing, holding the emotions… he advised Himiko to let out all of her emotions, because he knew from the bottom of his heart: this hurts. Surprised by everyone letting all of their emotions going out, and Himiko falling sleep after that, he started to think if he could do the same thing… and kind of started to admire Himiko a bit. And he knew, based on his thoughts of “game of suspicion” and to not believe anyone for some moments, that he only could share his emotions… when that bastard and powerful mastermind was done for! That’s why he started to act strange even in the beginning of Chapter 4: he wanted to being pro-active in finding about the mastermind and why he was so good in knowing the cast the fastest he could!

Now that we know the motive Kokichi was being such a idiot (for hiding his true intentions) and why he catched the motive card in C 4 (to know much more about the mastermind and the whole story), we entered in a complex story that should be able to be explained now.

Monokuma and Kokichi himself made clear that the “secret of the outside world” was the motive for the killing game simulator, right? Anyway, this means the card allowed Kokichi to see the outside world himself or to be a different FL? Maybe, but there’s something bugging me. After the FL of C 4, This:

I think even fans from Kokichi are already tired from so much Kokichi. I’m tired of writing about it, so I took 3 screenshots.

These 3 sentences showed that Kokichi, at that moment, was really certain about some things he knew, and still was making a guess based on them. He probably knew “everything” at that point to guess it was needed one more think to everything to CONNECT. He started to say “Despair" more often in Chapters 4 and 5 too. But how would he know that?

He only seeing the outside world is really something I can’t accept, since I can’t see how he would make such a certain sentence from the view of the outside world. So probably was a FL, like in the killing game simulator, right?

I actually have another ideia of how he could know the “secret”. The only other way of knowing about Hope’s Peak and the “secret” is reading Hope’s Peak Complete History book! It was in his lab, anyway. And… yeah, the book was in the ground, so probably was thrown in the ground… by the one who read it before… probably Kokichi.

So yeah, the card was for his lab. Pretty much like Nagito could access the files in C4, for the sake of script! If I got any ideia where the card could be used, I think it only could be there (Source by: “”):

An elevator! It never was used by the protagonist, neither investigated, but it’s strange, with many details. The elevator looked like it could go up, but this can’t me made, since there’s a horizontal iron obstacle above there. So It could only go down! Kokichi probably found the elevator during one of his secret investigations, like when he found those 2 secret messages.

Also, the stairs in C6 to Kokichi’s lab looks like really hidden. Shuichi opens up the possibility of being open with a mysterious item, but there’s nowhere to be found! A secret passage to the Lab looks more than right to a childish Supreme Leader anyway, so this is probably what happened!

The complete history probably wasn’t so complete, because it was the History of Hope’s Peak. Not of the world. But introduced Kokichi for a lot of new concepts: Remaints of Despair, Junko Enoshima, killing games, surveillance cameras, New Hope’s Peak. When he heard about the cameras, I’m sure the thought of know how Monokuma knew about the murders in V3 got Kokichi’s mind. Whatever when that suspicion would be born, the glorious script allowed him to suspect of the tiny bugs Gonta strangely saw.

When Kokichi saw the FL in C 4, he finally made the connections between the memories and the Hope’s Peak story! He started to deduce right away what Naegi had done and what Hope’s Peak had done and what the Remants of Despair have done, connecting everything with the meteorites, the Gofer Project, and start to CONNECT everything and with a bit of emotion, he said those 3 sentences long said ago!

Posted in: 12/07/2017

Hey, then Kokichi, in the moment after he said these 3 sentences he started to imagine things, like the reason to they being there and all of that high tecno happening, meaning that the most influential and powerful organization, the Hope’s Peak Academy, was behind this. Probably the reason there’s so much tecno stuff and why they are isolated, in a world domined by hope from Hope’s Peak, but infected with despair of METEORITES… was probably to save them from the danger. And it was probably part of Hope’s Peak doing, meaning this is the Gofer Project or some sequel of the project. To actually only 16 of them have been there, it must be a third party doing the killing game or one of them. But the tecno stuff represents the world’s effort… to isolate them… from what? From the meteorites? But why the 16 of them had to be isolated by the world’s effort? Why the world didn’t try to save itself…? Because they couldn’t… for some reason. Like a epidemic. If the world is gonna be destroyed, they probably were isolated in space, by the world’s will. But why only 16 students…? Why no one else tried to make contact with them? No one else has survived? The meteorites carried some kind of letal unknown substance? That’s why the world isolated them? With this kind of crazy thoughts, Kokichi didn’t open his mouth anymore…

But, when he opened his mouth and started explaining his reasoning and hopes in that tone, he actually said it more to Shuichi than to everyone else. Why? Because he really was considerate of Shuichi as a detective. Shuichi figured out all of the cases until that point, and is a cute boy. Given he is a detective, Kokichi probably admired Shuichi, even with his weaknesses. Maybe in the deepest place of Kokichi’s heart secrets he wanted a detective to figure him out, like in his love scene. No, I’m not a fan of Kokichi x Shuichi. Kaede x Shuichi ftw.

But this might be me imagining everything, right? Well, I’m certain Kokichi read the book, due the motives I already gave you. Kokichi usually don’t open his mouth much, but he really said a lot of things after the FL in C4. I’m certain he really has many questions, and with his eventual talks with Miu, he could have electrohammers and he wanted to see If he could beat himself the dangerous manhole!

Anyway, IN THESE DAYS of him getting in the background of Chapter 4 during “daily life”, he used the electrohammers to see If he could go throught in the tunnel, however he also had the Miu-control that controls everything eletronic with it, so instead of hitting the controls for the doors for the outside world with a electrohammer, he manipulated the controls with the Miu-control to open the doors and eliminate the barrier. Because he kinda already was expecting a world-not-so-beautiful, he quickly closed the door with his Miu-control when he notice the lack of oxygen gas.

Soon he started making logic again and tried to connect every memory with his knowledge, and… come to the conclusion they were choosen to the Gofer Project, but because of Monokuma who somehow was with them, they returned to Earth, the Ultimate Hunt were made by the ones who Said “Humanity deserves damnation” and are the Remants os Despair, and they forgot their memories because they choose, to get out of Ultimate Hunt, but get their memories and talents back, since they knew who they were!

However, one last thing was in his head: Who was Monokuma and how he even knew about them and their murders? For that last question, he thought about hidden cameras before. But because he already had investigated everything he could before and didn’t fins anything like a camera, he started to think about tiny cameras. So in that moment he’d been reading about Hope’s Peak, and about the setup of the 78th class’s killing game, he thought a little about it. But now after seeing the outside world, he had a major suspicion of these “tiny bugs' Gonta saw, and why there’s no bugs outside the School…

So, while EEC was constructed first in some Chapter (maybe 4), the bugvac was the last one asked by Kokichi. Like I already said, Kokichi noticed before that Miu was trying to kill him (due to how suspicious Miu was acting and having him investigating and discovering people could die from shock, like Maki discovered during the Virtual World investigation) and this kind of pissed him off, even because she would be a obstacle for him at the same time she was one of the most “friendly", in his own way and definition of friendly. I already explained it, but Kokichi didn’t know about the prototype Miu already constructed.

In the mean time, while he has already complicated thoughts about his actions and now he had a lot of information to keep in head. This made Kokichi keep going in each part of everything of his theory back and forth several times. While he made this, he again questioned why Monokuma was with them, anyway? And why was happening a killing game? In the last 2 killing games, the cameras worked like a way to broadcast the killing for people or someone. It’s really possible cameras existed, since bugs strangely didn’t exist, but Gonta saw tiny bugs… and because Monokuma knew the “How" of the murders… Anyway, why this killing game existed? There’s been someone watching us, like in the past killing games? So… where? Then Kokichi realized: these informations were given by Monokuma himself. And there’s no way to check them… He couldn’t know, he didn’t know what to believe anymore. Even if it’s Monokuma’s lie, Kokichi wouldn’t know the truth because the FL were given by Monokuma! They already showed high-tecno stuff… why couldn’t him falsify their memories in their heads before? Their memories already got erased by Monokuma. Why couldn’t him implant some fake memories before anything and then be relembred due to FL??! Or are the FL fake? Right? Right?

Let me say this: I’m just saying this kind of reasoning was possible to Kokichi during Chapter 4. This kind of reasoning just needed three elements, Kokichi knowing: the book, the FL about meteorites and Gofer Project and the exit of the tunnel. What I’m also saying is that Kokichi got to know these in the following order: book, FL, tunnel.

What was happening? Kokichi thought about it several times, but he couldn’t figure a reason to bugs disappearing and/or how Monokuma knew their murders but the solution of “tiny bugs”… and if they really are cameras, probably there’s someone watching and that’s why exist a killing game, isn’t that right?

Posted in: 12/08/2017

However, whatever Kokichi was thinking back and forth, he knew Monokuma knew the truth and has power of inducing despair because he was the only official one who knew the truth AND also was the one only who could share his truth or his lies (with everyone believing in it like “truths”). He decided, thanks to his reasoning and his nature of suspicion, to maintain everything in his head, but trust more his deductions of having cameras and someone watching and Monokuma being stick to the rules.

And he knew Monokuma was the one everyone believed, via FL. So… he decided to actually try to win against Monokuma in this game of truth and lies he knows so well! If he could be convincing like Monokuma or even more, he could influence everyone to stop being manipulated by Monokuma and instead starting to being manipulated by him! In a way, he could stop the killing game; it was the only and desesperate way to overcome Monokuma and stop the killing game… He couldn’t be sure if it would work, but it was the only way to stop the killing from happening!

For that, he started to think he needed to be someone influential quickly, like the mastermind! However, he needed to be detestable! And somewhat powerful! To do this, he had the EEC and also his lies. He could control anything eletronic with his Miu-control, so he thought about the exisals. He could modify his deductions (that probably would be proven due to combine so well with pasts FL) and tell everybody in a way everyone would believe he was the mastermind! He could show everyone the outside world he saw to prove more about it somehow, if he give his electrohammers to the people. Kokichi wanted his plan to work, so he wanted to try all of his ideias combined.

However, It has 2 obstacles: Miu, who was trying to kill him and, Miu would recognize the exisals being controled by Miu-control, so she really had to be gone… and Monokuma, who it’s needed to be silenced somehow. If Kokichi could bring everybody to hate him before anything else, he could be the mastermind more easily. Miu needed to be sacrificed, he had to do it in a complex and “exciting” and painful way, like the mastermind would want it to be, but at the same time he couldn’t be the culprit. So he had to bring someone to be the culprit instead.

Gonta was, by coincidence, trying to be more useful and he was the most easy person to be manipulated. He only had to bring Gonta some kind of despair to him kill Miu somehow… He really wanted to his plan to work, so he thought about the most depressing way of making Gonta despair, and he thought then about the outside world… If he could convince Gonta id the outside world state, making him despair and then bring him a motive to kill Miu, then… like, putting everyone out of misery.

However, he couldn’t show to Gonta the outside world, because that would be to the moment he told everyone he was the mastermind. He also couldn’t show the book, since this wouldn’t directly implicate in the outside world state. Anyway, Monokuma was the only who could convince Gonta of the “secret of the outside world”.

What I have been saying so long is my interpretation of how Kokichi knew about the word “despair” and the secret of the outside world. That book COULD already have the meteorites and the unknown virus written down. But in a way or another, even without having it, the Key card Monokuma gave really was the motive AND gave directly or indirectly (I think that’s the case, because proofs above) the knowledge about the secret of the outside world. Anyway, all of the information about the outside world and Hope’s Peak and the Gofer Project (but not the information of them being students at Hope’s Peak, because this only would be used in Chapter 5 and Kokichi didn’t know about the information) was put in the virtual FL in the killing game simulator by Monokuma when Kokichi asked for reuse his “motive” (giving all that info) in the virtual world. As always, Monokuma made that to make the game more exciting ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPT, and not to whatever Kokichi was trying to meant by “exciting”, because I’m sure even Kokichi didn’t know whatever he meant by that when talking with Monokuma AND let the word “exciting” make throught Monokuma’s imagination. After all, in Chapter 4 after-trial, Monokuma, the game Master who put a new and replaced motive, asks Kokichi why there’s no exciting things happening unlike Kokichi promised him, and Kokichi answered that was a lie, since Kokichi never meant something specific. And then Monokuma says:

Just a lie. He just laughed off. Yeah, he’s not mad…

Anyway, Kokichi made ALL of that, imagining Miu was making some settings in the Virtual World (VW). Well, he was right. He didn’t want to believe in Miu’s map, since she was the one who made it. Gonta saw Miu strangely coming from the wall and told Kokichi. Of course, he knew about the secret of the VW and her modifications when Gonta told Kokichi that he saw Miu coming from the wall.

While Kokichi followed Shuichi throught the investigation, he made discovered some facts as well. He already had saw everything he could inside the VW, so he didn’t want to follow Shuichi to the VW because he wanted to figure out the rest of Miu’s intentions and tricks while Monotaro worked to extract more information. And because he wanted to have time to prepare himself mentally and see how Gonta has doing. Of course Gonta was strange, but nothing really out of ordinary from normal Gonta who helped him murdering Miu, besides the fact he kept repeating the “I don’t know anything!” defense. When Monotaro told about the avatar error, he only told it to Shuichi and Maki. Of course, that was scripted (since Monotaro is a Al) to make Kokichi realize it when Shuichi told so and to make him angry at Gonta and being one of the factors to make the debate really tense (and exciting).

Also, it’s important to notice the proof Kokichi already was planning to become the mastermind in Chapter 4:

This above was said before the trial. Normally, who says it is Monokuma before the Voting Time. He really wanted to make him look like Monokuma in trial 4, and that’s according to his plans, anyway. This strange change (this chapter compared to chapter 3) in his way of talk and act is something that means he really changed his strategy much in chapter 4 alone. So yeah, his plan of becoming the mastermind probably was made in Chapter 4, or at least his decision of becoming the mastermind was in Chapter 4. That’s my proof.

Now, let’s get back to how Kokichi acted with Shuichi and Kaito. Kaito is a prefered from everyone, and Shuichi is a reliable in class trials. Also Kokichi probably didn’t like Kaito much, but admire Shuichi and his detective work. However only at Chapter 4 Kokichi speaks with Shuichi for real. Even with Kokichi having that plan, he still was insecure about what was real or not, and a little desesperate about that too, meaning that he probably, deep down, wanted some kind of help, from the most reliable guy. Also, making the most reliable guy your future friend and pal in his “mastermind plan” is great, mainly because this reliable guy naturally could deduce he wasn’t the mastermind and discover his lies. Also, it’s pretty much accept that Kokichi wanted some hard worker, like a detective, to compreend him, as showed in his love hotel scene, specially when he got lots of plans and complicated thoughts about everything. IMO he just needed to talk with Shuichi, since Shuichi even asked if he used the card, but he said no, because he is literally suspicious of everyone, and suspicious of how anyone can act towards a liar like him. And when I said he wanted Shuichi to compreend him, I also said DEEP DOWN, meaning it’s a thing in Kokichi’s heart and not in Kokichi’s plans. Also I doubt Kokichi evaluates people who confess directly what they are saying, because of his nature of suspicion and his view of how the world works better with suspicion and evaluates more people who discovers other people’s feelings, like his ideal version of a detective.

Also, he wanted Shuichi to discover the truth of C4 murder, since he knew no one would believe a liar like him since Kokichi was specially suspicious in this chapter. So he wanted to split out Shuichi and Kaito and talk with Shuichi alone. Of course, Shuichi said to Kokichi that he will always be alone. I don’t blame Shuichi and seriously someone needed to stop Kokichi from his act. Anyway, Kokichi already had been pissed off on Shuichi during the trial because Shuichi lied to everyone to prove Kokichi was in the rooftop and to FORCE Kokichi to confess the truth. Again, I don’t blame Shuichi and it’s perfectly reasonable. But looks like Kokichi was hoping to Shuichi to discover the truth by saying already something like “Kokichi can’t be the culprit because he would be frozen if was touched by Miu. Miu touched the culprit during the strangulation, so it can’t be him… Only Gonta can be the culprit.”, but instead Kokichi’s lie about never going to the rooftop was caught by Shuichi and Shuichi pressed Kokichi for information. Kokichi was so messed up that he thinked his “revenge” would be, aside from making Shuichi accuse Gonta, making Shuichi unconfortable taking the “mystery-solving fun" away. This means Kokichi reproved Shuichi in his mind and despised what Shuichi was trying to do. This is serious and is said by Kokichi again in chapter 5:

And all of that shows how much Kokichi wanted to despise Shuichi. Anyway, Kokichi’s opinion on Shuichi was clearly wrong, since Shuichi surpassed his expectations… like in trial 2, trial 1 and trial 4. And of course, trial 5. And of course again, it’s because of his twisted view of how a detective works, IMO.

Anyway, Kokichi is seen in and after trial 4 being sincere about many things, but after he was acting again, to make everyone hate him. When Shuichi scolded Kokichi, Kokichi stopped, because he clearly already had fullfiled his goal, and also because that hurted. Later he is seen going trying to speak with himself alone in the night, walking outside the school, probably going to the elevator, excited to end the killing game at the same time that he was nervous (proved by him walking outside and talking for himself to reassure he’ll end the game).

Oh my. I’m tired of Chapter 4. Kokichi’s fans, don’t hate me. But Chapter 4 is the Kokichi chapter, not Chapter 5. This still is gonna be long.

Kokichi was hiding in his lab while morning, while he was in his room sometimes during nighttime. His lab have the front entrance starting in the room before the door for outside the school too, so he could, by whatever tricks for hiding the passageway, come and go from the room too.

However, he still explore the new unlocked places. The question is if he secretly followed Shuichi or if he just come to the hangar later to ask about the hangar and it’s settings to Monokuma only to discover the alarm control is with Shuichi, anyway. And Monokuma probably knew about the remote control via nanokubs and yet kept silence while Kokichi got to know where the Exisals were.

In a important note, the C5 FL wasn’t delivered during the process of discovering new areas. It was got much later, after Kokichi’s lie.

When Kaito was gathering weapons to fight Monokuma, and probably gathering everyone to fight him, Kokichi saw him. He then got his electrohammers and threatened the students to see if they were willing to fight and escape the killing game, then when he gave the electrohammers, they could go to the one exit they knew about: the tunnel. Once there, they were going to learn Kokichi’s deductions as the truth. He always made this plan as he predicted everything, to look more powerful, but he really calculated when the electrohammers would get off, since Miu probably warned him in the question of eletricity charge for her inventions for her clients.

Kokichi lied, but Kaito charged at him. He needed to pull the act of being the mastermind. Kokichi gladly captured a wild Kaito. Shuichi hold Maki and give Kokichi the alarm control given to the threats. Kaito was put in the hangar bathroom.

A important fact is Monokuma being trapped by the Exisals, making him unable to making the Morning and the nighttime announcements. Great, because that doesn’t make sense, because Motherkuma could birth more Monokumas by the mastermind’s “birth”. Well, script.

Also, after the trial 5, there’s this:

No way. He was dying and did he write this whole act? No way. This is the point of divergency I have with others people. These other people told Kokichi didn’t die and was never poisoned to begin with. A friend of mine stated his death at the hydraulic press was faked with pink ink from the hangar and he switched the poisons, to Maki make the arrows actually “non-poisonous”. But I say he was dying and a huge part of his script has to be prepared beforehand. Why do I say that? Because he knew his lie could or couldn’t work for a long time, since he knew the real mastermind still was there somewhere and could or couldn’t make a move.

Anyway, I can state two vitals points from this friend thinking Kokichi being smashed is something faked:

  • No sound from bones and others corpse’s parts being smashed were heard during the video.

Ok, so the video was made by the beta of all beta of cameras in the world. I mean, when you play the video and the press finally go down, you actually hear muffled sounds, probably from the corpse, being muffled all together with each sound from the corpse and mainly with the outstanding sound of the press going down quickly and not slowly. The camera, being pretty much outdated, was really able to distingue these sounds? Of course not.

  • There should exist strong smell because of that gigantic volume of blood in the room for so long. The characters never mentioned that, so that means the blood is fake. Actually is pink ink.

Well, I pretend to explain the pink ink being there is really impossible, but now let’s focus in the smell. I agree it’s the first time there’s so much blood in a case. The blood should smell.

The thing with blood is: everyone knows it stinks. There’s no need to put in the game that the room is smelling like blood, because DR isn’t exatcly a horror game anyway. And have you seen in some detective games or stories that have detectives with experience don’t saying nothing because of the smell because it’s not important for the case or for reasoning?

Do you want to know if DR wouldn’t tell if there’s smell or not with blood? Let’s remember Angie’s case, with dried blood:

It isn’t big as the blood puddle of case 5, but blood smells. And dried blood stinks, anyway.

Angie died in 2 AM, and if I’m not mistaken, they got pretty early to the crime scene, like in 7 AM? But while the blood definitly should stinks, the characters (Shuichi and Maki, who have been close to the corpse and the blood) didn’t say anything about the smell. And yet Maki, who is someone with experience with corpses, can tell the blood being dried, but still don’t make ANY comment into the smell stuff, because it’s not important to the game. Anyway, back to the hydraulic press:

(I have no ideia why the image is like this) The blood puddle is much larger. But the time of death isn’t put in the Monokuma file. If the blood is dried or not isn’t spoken by anyone. And of course the smell isn’t spoken too. Why? Because if all of that blood had been dried, it would smell raw, but there’s no way all of that blood got dried in such a small time in a closed room (not a open room). Because of that, the blood smell should be different, but not-so-much to Shuichi or Maki mention it. Actually, if there’s no smell at all, so then Shuichi, who gotta find all the clues and inconsistencies (specially in this case where he gotta find everything he could), or Maki would mention it, or at least NOTICE IT, and it WOULD be important to the story.

Yeah, I know the whole body got crushed if I’m right, and blood isn’t the only thing would smell. However:

Nearly every microorganism works in the decomposition process, so it’s produced such a variable number of gas and smells. However, unlike this guy above, in case 5 only the blood “escaped" the hydraulic press, then you can consider the rest of the body not only smashed, but actually revested by the upper part of the press. There shouldn’t be so much decomposition in this state. Again, if in game didn’t exist any smell, Shuichi and Maki would notice it.

Now, let me deny the theory once and for all, at least until someone comes to counter-argument. Look again to the image:

Ok, so the image above clearly says the blood comes from between the parts of the press to outside. For that much blood to come from it, it needs a recipient. However, if you watched the video, the blood only goes out when the press is already almost totally down, meaning the height from the recipient must be more or less the same size as the thickness from a human. To that much blood to come out in that way, the lenght and width mustn’t be small, because the recipient’s depth is already small. A convenient recipient with such measures needs to be fulfilled with much pink ink from that high “ink spray” (I don’t remember the name) in the hangar. This process needs to be careful put in such a way because it probably needs a hose or something to extract the ink from the “spray”, in such a form it doesn’t leave a trace of pink ink anywhere close to the “spray”. Kaito probably wouldn’t accept something complicated and insecure like this and Kokichi already was bleeding much anyway (he was poisoned too, but some people don’t want to hear that as a cool point, so…). I don’t see why would be pink ink in some other place than the “spray” and Angie’s lab, but it’s impossible to get pink ink from Angie’s lab since anyone of the two would be seen by Maki or the Nanokubs anyway. And no, there’s no way the recipient has already ink pink and already was prepared beforehand in the hangar, since the recipient, if it exist, wasn’t originally in the hangar, but probably in warehouse; such strange object would be seen by Kaito before and he could told Shuichi, or could be seen by anyone seeing Kokichi wandering around with a strange recipient that probably isn’t easy to carry out. The ink pink theory, to work, needs to this process to be clear, without leaving any trace and even the characters' mind needs to participate in the theory, ok? Let me say this:


Anyway, I already proved my point. So, Kokichi prepared a great part of his murder and script beforehand. He thinked Monokuma, however he didn’t write his whole plan on the script. What he actually wrote was what his partner (yet to be choosen) would say mostly in the beginning of the trial, showing the video camera he brought from the warehouse (just you know, I think it was Maki, but someone saw Kokichi exitting the hangar for a few moments, probably to catch the camera; but whoever saw him didn’t mention a small camera; however that ridiculous recipient I created in my imagination couldn’t not be said if Kokichi was seen while carried it), and the alternatives possibilities of counter-arguments to the video and the partner’s counter-counter-arguments, and also scripted some of his usual bullying tatics and some of his jokes.

The mastermind, however, finally made a FL. Maki targetted Kokichi. Kaito and Kokichi. And Kokichi admires Kaito’s desire and determination to finish the killing game and thinks of how manipulate him to work as the partner. You know what happened with the electrobomb. Kokichi finished the script fast, giving instructions for Kaito to debate normally until the came to the point of cause of death unknown.

Well, some of you have appointed that Kokichi was going more complex than he needed, since the video was his downfall. And his arrogance and his nature of suspicion too. Well, he was pretty desesperate and thinked too much about different possibilities to actually think about the trick failing because he made himself obvious. He probably thought over and over how he could minimize the chances and how he could avoid a situation he asked about in the last trial: if there’s a tie in the votes and the blackneded is one of these voted, the blackneded still would be punished. Kokichi probably wanted to avoid this, so he thought about a partner. But it still followed a script, that somehow made him, like Kirumi, Kiyo and Gonta make unecessary complex stuff in their murders. These “somehow” that I said too much I pretend to explain in points 8 and 9.

I pretend to write more about Kokichi in my review about DRV3. Nothing to be afraid.

Kokichi said he’d lied for himself before his death. Of course, the kind of guy who does that is already delusional and crazy. You’ll always be remembered, Kokichi. You aren’t my fav character by far and I’m finally free from you, but at least I like you, even if you are the tragic anti-hero from the script.

On a side note, Kokichi really learned the word “despair” here and says it at the end (Proof he actually read the book):

Posted in: 12/09/2017

This long, but raw analysis of Kokichi was made in my theory because people insisted the guy was something to do with the killing game. But he actually was more suspicious than he should and he never interacts much with the protagonist in chapters 1, 2 and 3, so I knew he was gonna be important, but when he actually was distant of me in these chapters, I thought: well, the game wants to blow some unfair surprise with him. When he actually come as important in chapters 4 and 5, but with his plan failed, I could say I was to tired to be worried about a guy who is smart but can’t even properly greet Shuichi, so… I don’t think he is cute and great as much of these people think he is. I knew he was basically a bait, and Chapter 5 basically was a chapter of baits imo (ending with clear signs of a tragic hero, a tragic anti-hero and an almost yandere), but I liked the chapter much. Well, it’s not my favorite, but I still liked it a lot.

Finally, I gonna miss Kokichi. But it’s gonna be like I’m reborn when I write about other thing. I actually could write about him like a character from script. Yes, the Kokichi many love. If I could write about him in this way, even if it’s a little wrong or something, it proves a script exists. Because he’s a complex character, even without being a deep character.

EDIT (12/27/2017) {


The next point is going to be… some disappoints twists for some people, and great news for me and other people. Stay turned!

8. Explaining some bugs

So, I made some promises to explain this and that at this point and at the next one, but let’s start slowy. There’s one more thing I’d like to point out.

The killing game was organized in such a way that trees, plants and nature was like, everywhere! I mean that, everywhere! But as Gonta points, there’s no bugs in these places, even outside the school, where water and light should help bugs to live there.

However, we know that the bugs are all in Gonta’s lab. One strange think we know is the fact that the bugs don’t want to go outside. Of course, openings in the lab make possible for the bugs naturally to go outside the lab, and there’s no indication of dangerous substances in the openings for these bugs, so they naturally should try to escape, where exist more nature and all that. Gonta also was searching bugs everywhere before and continues to do so after his lab being open, but at the same time he and everyone else never even talked about the minimal possibility of bugs getting out of Gonta’s lab. Of course, we know that was because the Nanokubs shouldn’t have bugs in the same place with them to slow down them. But the fact no one has ever talked about it is strange enough to you say: This is scripted, but FL shouldn’t be able to make this.

Another thing about the bugs is: how they removed them? I mean, some kind of agrotoxic or something would be enough to take down EVERY BUG? And without damaging the plants? EVERY BUG. Do you know what is EVERY BUG?

Script attacks the cast in such a unknown way again! And unaturally makes every bug in Gonta’s lab without damaging Nature. And no bug has ever tried to go out of Gonta’s lab.

Ok, now I pointed it, I want to remember that logic Kodaka wanted us so bad to learn in trial 4: find before ALL the contradictions, and throw away your common sense, to then find the answer.

Ok, let’s begin. But let me warn you: this isn’t a unfair answer. It’s something we all have seen before.

Like I pointed out in point 5, the script can’t work with FL alone. However, like I pointed in point 4, we don’t even know how the FLs work.

What we know about the FLs is the fact that Monokuma’s explanation is failed, intentionally. The FLs is also explained as a way to overwrite old memories with new ones and the old ones never come back, but what I deduced from point 6 is the fact TDR OFFICIALLY preservated Shuichi’s real name means it’s still relevant to do it, what’s strange because OFFICIALLY “Shuichi” wanted to be part of the killing game, meaning that OFFICIALLY Shuichi’s real name still have rights of privacy. Because of this, I don’t think “Shuichi” OFFICIALLY wanted to die and forget everything about himself forever, but rather forgot about it for some time, and the audience recognizes it normally.

What means: besides participating as a fictional character AND forgetting about their true self, the true cast will have at least a chance of getting their memories back. This directly contradicts the “overwrite Memories" part of Tsumugi’s explanation.

However, this also contradicts what we thought what had happened in the prologue: “The old memories of the cast were overwrited by new ones by the FFL”. And this is a serious matter, because it looks like my deduction of point 6 can be wrong. But, as I already said, we have doubting Monokuma’s explaining and we don’t even know how the FLs properly work. So I believe my deduction is right and this contradiction will disapear. Because we need to go throught ALL of these contradictions together.

So let’s talk more about the FL, the key to these mysteries. Because of how Shuichi and Kaede strangely got a bugged MEM (talked in point 5), it’s pretty much probable the memories themselves are managed by a program or something. I mean, aside from the machine that makes FLs, there’s another machine (and there’s a motive we couldn’t see this) that manages the memories. How? I still am going to explain. Remember: all of the contradictions.

Aside from the contradictions regarding the memories, there’s still other mysteries, in how was timed the PROGRESSIVE illness of Kaito for kill him during his execution and why bugs acted unaturally.

So, we have a last mystery to think about: Kaede and Shuichi were in lockers, in the first time. Also, Kaede and Shuichi were put in the same lockers in their second time. There’s no motive to say the same didn’t happen with the others, since Keebo and Kokichi were yet in their classrooms in their second time when Kaede and Shuichi got there (not in the first time because of change in personalities). It’s heavily implicit everyone (who are innocent) woke up in the lockers at the first and at the second times. Consider it too: FLs appears from lockers, too.

Connect everything, just like trial 4.

If an unseen program manages memories from somewhere to a powerful extent, with the help from FLs, the program can preserve their old memories when these are retired or seal these memories. Of course, a program like that is really absurd to exist, but let’s throw away our common sense.

However, that program only acted when, and only if, the FLs were on. However, Kaede and Shuichi’s bugged MEM is literally the exception in the program, because that specific memory is bugged!

In another words, the program act throught FLs. But it isn’t created by the machine that creates FLs. And it can manipulate their old memories. This program actually have some relation with the FLs themselves and their creations.

So… the program have some kind of relation with the lockers, because these unnatural lockers are where FLs are made in that specific classroom in C6. And that’s kind of worrisome, because these lockers are where the cast were initially BFFL and initially AFFL!

If the program can be multi-functional and can act in the cast’s bodies, so Kaito timed and progressive death could be scripted and made!

However, that brings the question: what more this program actually can do? Maybe, for the sake of advantage, this program can do more. It can explain unnatural things, like the unnatural behavior from the bugs! If that’s the case, then… what is this multi-functional program?

How this program can act throught everybody’s minds and body to the extent that the script can works if there’s no lights to send informations besides the FLs, if there’s no wireless signal coming from everybody’s heads and bodies. (too much sci-fi!)

Well, it’s a program that creates VW.

Yeah, VW stands for “Virtual World”.

That’s the only way. And DRV3 was constructed and scripted under a Virtual World enviroment.

And the lockers? The fact the cast reappeared in the same lockers AFFL is making me worry. Really. These are likely “respawners”.

The locker being a magical place explains how can be infinite materials to FLs to be made throught that machine.

DRV3 being VW explains how Motherkuma always could give birth to Monokuma when the Mastermind would want it, because of infinite material, and managed memories from Monokuma.

The Monokubs being a new thing, together with VW, explains why still there’s no machine that makes birth to them. And why they didn’t have any old memory with them when they return in C6, because they were respaweneds, somewhere inside the DRV3.

VW explains how the executions and the high-tecno stuff are possible and expensives.

VW and script explain how ghosts appeared in C3, before the beliefs of Angie, Kiyo, Tenko and Himiko and everyone else being clashed against each other.

VW explains that scene everyone forgot, besides being so magical:

Yeah, the Ultimate Wardrobe. It was a huuuuuge hint and yet I didn’t even put it here, but now I put.

Note that they only “change clothes” magically because the clothes came closely to them. Like a event in a game. Like a “Flag”.

Flags would explain the timed memories from C6. It’s something that makes much more sense if you think about it. Like, via light? Pft- Right, right. It would explain the jnformation being uploaded in the cast:

Well, besides that, there’s still some things it’s needed to be explained:

  • So from where did the FL after Kaito’s trial come from? (Explained at point 11)
  • Don’t Monokuma would have omniscience if DRV3 was an VW? (Explained in point 10)
  • The anthena from Keebo and his camera eyes really means this is a VW anyway? (Explained in point 12)
  • The talents from everyone are real, aren’t? (Explained at point 9)

I still haven’t explained everything, but in my head I have the answer for all of these questions. But I need to explain things bit by bit, like I’m doing.

To finish it, VW would explain why the audience and the world are calm in the killing game matter. Because everyone can survive and have their memories back.

DRV3 is in a VW enviroment. The program of the VW can manage the cast’s memories and processes them by flags, like in games. Other flags exist, activating events when certain conditions are meet and putting some parts of the world to the script. The audience and the world knows that.

9. Characters' mind (Hope vs Despair Edition)

Posted in: 12/11/2017

I finally am in my computer again! What means… without more good images from my phone… Just a warning: this point and the next 4 points are gonna be the harder ones to me to write about.

Now we estabilished the existence of a VW, and still we need more explaining to do with that, we will analyse some more of the characters’ mind to how TDR influenced them via VW and more.

Like I pointed out in point 5, Kaede’s thoughts BFFL and AFFL are the same by some time until a certain point. Of course, the FFL changed some of her attitude. But the fact the FFL didn’t erased her personality completely, but rather changed with some fictional traits is something to be analyzed.

This isn’t exclusive of Kaede. Some people’s personalities BFFL looked more changed and merged than erased AFFL. We can point some specific examples:

The image above shows a line of dialogue said by Tenko. Yeah, looks like a total contradiction between her personality BFFL and AFFL, right? But look at these:

A girl who looks so nervous she can die from heart attack in any instant. But at the same time, she’s so sincere in her faces and in her reactions, that looks so similar to her AFFL. The next one about Miu is clear, with some direct but not-so-confident-in-her-brains words (contradictory), and yet with curse words and a bully attitude (similar):

This is pretty interesting, because it looks like TDR didn’t erased their personality. Still, the changes are really big. Really. Some people noticed that too and quickly make a theory, with the fact that Miu, Maki and Angie have great talents showed during the game, that actually the FL are real and makes people remembers her forgotten memories.

But… but I disagree. Not only because that theory means problem for my theory, but also because talent and personalities are being discussed together in a wrong way, and that theory creates contradictions for the game, like the audience existing and it’s actions and the FL timed memories in Chapter 6.

Let’s analyse more of the cast AFFL, to see if they are the real thing, anyway. I also want to analyze the talents and personalities. Let me ask something: if the cast really wanted to wipe their memories and seal their talents, were really necessary to change their personalities in that way of being BFFL? I mean, look at this image again:

“Piano” (talent supposed to be sealed), “Chatty”, “Friends”, “Interests” and a little more. I don’t think the “Piano” part isn’t desnecessary to be sealed, but the others are. If you feel like these others parts are just accidental sealed memories, their personalities BFFL should have been boring and bland in these aspects… But look at this:

She said: “I have a skill that I devote myself to…”, and look at that! Isn’t just a proof these guys aren’t really boring, but rather interested in skills, and putting a effort at them? At least Kaede is that way, and I seriously don’t think she has lost memories of her interests… So why has that image “Interests”? I am gonna explain that, but just forget about real sealed memories, ok? It’s not true.

I mean, I know some of these guys have, because they have some good bodies (I’m talking aboiut Gonta) BFFL:

A huuuge boy, with great muscles. I don’t know about his talent, but I know his force isn’t fictional. Hahaha. And these muscles played a great part in the script… a GREAT part. Also, that reminds me of how Gonta could goteen off the lockers if he was that huge. But lockers being respawers doesn’t necessarily means all of the lockers are all of the respawers. I just explained why Kaede and Shuichi unnaturally come back to the lockers AFFL with the VW detail too.

But, to spawn like that, with their original clothes, the VW must have been programmed to create such clothes from the memories they have when they entered the VW. The same thing with their bodies. Then, seriously, what makes you think these others people haven’t skills like that, too?

You can’t say that Maki don’t have muscles. You can’t say these others guys don’t have skills. But yeah, I agree that forged memories can contain lots of information and so knowledge talents can be built from there. Also, muscle memory maybe can be given to the cast too, because it’s a memory. But Maki’s skills and force can’t just be replaceable, right?

Well, it’s a VW that changed Kaito’s body to contain a illness for the sake of the script. So their muscles could be changed too, riiight? Maybe, but if so, I don’t think they changed much, because:

Looks like a fictional power, right? But it’s actually a power from shounen manga characters. A reference. But there’s still more:

The guy is rusty. He talks about himself in that manner because he remembers himself in his backstory being faster than this. This is incredible, because I think his backstory is fake, as well the others’ backstories. But why make a character that remembers being faster, when he actually is faster enough than Gonta to continue the script, but can’t be fast nearly as his backstory could tell? The question I made doesn’t look like a contradiction and it isn’t, but continue reading.

If you think about it, this tennis guy is actually short, and short characters in stories from mangas and animes are usually faster or agile. And what I’m saying right here is that TDR can change personalities and bodies’ capacities, but prefer to not do so recklessly. Why I’m saying these things? Because I suspect TDR can erase personalities, but can’t construct human personalities with the same ease. I mean, look at this guy:

Posted in: 12/12/2017

Even if Keebo is definitily supposed to be completely erased, and even if he was being controlled by the outside world, and even if the outside world wanted to Shuichi, Maki and Himiko to live at the end, what’s the point of a doll like Keebo showing emotions, like happiness, before he dying? This means that once again, TDR wanted to erase his personality, but only did it to a range, and sucessfully makes the outside world controlls him. His personality was rather changed, but it didn’t stop Keebo from showing emotions in his last moments, but the outside world was keeping forcibly it’s wish into Keebo to accept (if he was agreeing with it or not it’s another matter).

I suspect 2 possibilites for why TDR did it:

  1. TDR can’t completely erase their personalities in a secure way to begin with, be in the FFL and in the Keebo’s moment.
  2. TDR can completely erase their personalities, but can’t construct well enough a entire human personality that would fit well and naturally in their script, making them not wanting to erase their original personalities.

I want to believe in the first possibility, but whatever the reason is, TDR always choose to not erase their personalities completely, and that’s why the cast is similar in some aspects BFFL and AFFL. Because of that, I believe the same goes for their skills — whatever their real skills be, it’s not really far from their physics capacities showed during the game.

However that makes the risks of characters to GOS (“Go Out of Script”, remember?) greater, so TDR feels like a obligation to make small and really implicit mind controls in the characters. See that moment where Kaede and Shuichi were trying to get Miu to make the automatic cameras:

And also TDR could make some permanent implicit and small mind control moves, like the fact everyone believed the Cospox (not saying it’s true or not yet, but still isn’t something to be left unexplained. Tsumugi explains it, but no one makes even a comment saying how strange it was after Tsumugi explains.) until the very end simply because “Kaede saw that thing by her own eyes”, and while I know everyone trusts Kaede in that, in trial 1 they just accept it without much thinking, and naturally they should question it in trial 6 (Shuichi does it in the epilogue in a indirect way), but they don’t. They simply don’t.

Of course, Tsumugi showing it to Kaede was part of her show to Kaede testify in Tsumugi’s alibi and so assign a reason to the cast accept the Cospox. But still IS unnatural the Cospox was accepted without much of a resistence until the epilogue.

And who could forget about trial 4, where people think, for some reason, it’s too crazy to games and virtual world to have loops. Anyway, these things were scripted, but I will return with this trial 4 once again in the future. Let’s just say:

TDR somehow choose people who “luckly” have some good traces of personality to fit in their script and at least some of them has well suited skills, kind of similar of the called “talents” during the game. Then used the VW and the FFL (process step-by-step) to change some few undesirable traces of their personalities and changed to the mostly “anime and manga cliche” traces of personalities. That was made carefully and revised with the script, in a harmony with some permanent small mind control settings, like “Accept the Cospox ideia” or “Use common sense in a virtual world”. They COULD change some of the capacities of the cast, like Shuichi making 50 push-ups in his first try even already being tired at the start.

The reason I believed to why TDR couldn’t erase their personalities completely is because their mind control (Accept that modifying memories via flag of FFL and others FLs is a event of mind control, but what I mean before about “small mind control” are the so implicity ones), or better saying, all of the mind control the VW have been putting in the cast could somehow fail in this game, including the Fls’ ones. Look at this:

I really want to get to the point already, but I already am kind of fast in my explaining at this point. Shuichi above makes that remark remembering the Gym AFFL. And that’s something else, because it’s explicit proof that the FFL (in other words, the VW) kinda failed in his memory manipulation. For some reason, I believed Kaede and Shuichi had moments GOS in point 5. While I don’t believe Kaede and Shuichi are the only ones to GOS, they are the certain ones. and the most explicits. Why? Because they are the protagonist, but for some other reasons as well.

For the script to happen, Monophanie had to everyone make go throught the FFL. But that didn’t happen, and the Monokubs in the prologue are already in the exisals, when they say they weren’t supposed to show until later, because they were told so and showed some kind of script for them at that time. That’s kind of a error in their part. But they, besides having all of their pre-scripted error and all because they are Als, commited a error early. Why? Because TDR is dumb? But the monokubs are going accordindly to the script and makes “no errors” until the end. So the Monokubs are early in the Exisals and Monophanie didn’t turned on the FFL before… or simply Kaede and Shuichi logged in much later than programmed? That’s what I believe to be, and that’s why the Monokubs were in disorder, because TDR was late in their preparations regarding Kaede and Shuichi… And because of that, I can conclude that Kaede and Shuichi’s mind settings in the VW were put at them in a rush!

Because of that, Shuichi and Kaede happened to GOS enough times to bring DR to a end. Let’s see Shuichi first:

If you try to deny these words from Tsumugi, I don’t know what to say, because she’s really working hard for the the story go to “Hope vs Despair” vote and conclusion. Whatever script TDR has planned, it probably wouldn’t have Shuichi crying to simply ask something so sad like “So what are we supposed to do?”. Shuichi is the guy who talked about hope from going home before Keebo turned to be the Robot Hope, but instead of trying to deny all of Tsumugi’s words, as normally the detective would do, he falls in sadness. This is a particular thing about Shuichi, transmitted for the others in the class trial, and even Tsumugi goes and says “… that was surprisingly disappointing…”, because these little things to her just matter when it’s in the middle of story, to development of characters, like in the script itself and in the some of shounen animes and mangas and the majority of slice-of-life animes and mangas. When it’s in the in end, it’s supposed to be epic, not simply sad. That’s what I think about these words, because Tsumugi finally reached the stage where the audience would step up and “Hope vs Despair” would begin, but that really wasn’t exactly what she was imaginating. Even Monokuma has similar tastes:

Yep, yep. And when Shuichi goes… (*indescribable emotional state*) super sad, he already was kind of surpassing the script. This side of him helped and definitily made a difference to Shuichi decide the glorious things he did in the trial afterwards, while he go all GOS.

One thing I would like to point out is the fact that Tsumugi definitily didn’t reveal about the VW thing even in the end, and fought what she could to maintain that a secret (not hard, but she still did her best), because the handcap to her force the cast to choose between Hope and Despair was the fear of death of not voting, what could be challenged if the cast knew about the VW, because possibly would give the cast hope about returning to their old selves or even everyone being alive at the end of all, and that would make sense for them since it would make a better logic to accept the audience’s behavior towards the killing game. But I am going to explain more of that in point 11.

In other words, about Shuichi’s behavior, Tsumugi didn’t count the Shuichi’s pain neither the sadness and even the sensibility of his. This, together with his poor mind control settings, allowed Shuichi to surpass Tsumugi expectations, to the point she has to use pre-made arguments to that moment, like “Do you really want to die?”, “The outside world will always love killing games!” and “Maybe everything what’s happening here, even your feelings, are just fiction created by me!”, and nothing else. She is speechless, because she isn’t prepared for these kind of situations.

Because of Shuichi’s strong emotion and his airtight logic, along with his poor mind control settings, he was able to get out of the script TDR made.

What a guy. His weakness is his major strong point. His weakness is his major strong point because he trained to fight WITH his emotions and his logic at the same time! And his great memory allowed to defy the weak mind control from the beginning. But of course, many things happened and the majority of Shuichi’s actions followed the script until trial 6… I think.

The same happening to Kaede. Thousand of things happening in her mind, since the Prologue. Kokichi and some others being bullies to her, Monokuma announced a killing, the suspicion of a mastermind between them and a freaking time limit to kill everybody. Now imagine her being implanted false memories, and one of them have “Friends” in that image of her in the FFL: her fears just exploded. She was literally a guinea pig, for sacrifice, waiting to help the mastermind to get the Survivor Perk in the script and then die, for then the weak Ultimate Detective could development. A tragic, messed up, cliche story of a hero growing up because his love died, just to Tsumugi’s tastes!

But that’s not all. “Strength” or “Fear” or “Weakness” weren’t in that image. She was STRONG since BFFL. She wasn’t chatty, neither was someone who gotta love making friends, but she was probably was choose to her role because of how strong and determined she would look. That’s wasn’t a lie. But her weakness also wasn’t a lie, since the prologue, while was meeting all of the Ultimates, even before Monokuma announcing the killing game:

A girl who simply tries to be strong, but at the same time accept she’s scared, and at the same time tries to move foward. Normally, she wouldn’t express these kinds of emotions for anyone, but I think Shuichi was with her at that time. That’s the kind of girl TDR wanted? No, TDR wanted a more superficial girl, a more straightfoward, strong like these misterious girls in mangas and animes, who left some sort of impact at heros while living, and a major impact at these same heros when die. But TDR only looked for the Kaede BFFL in the way she treated everyone in daily life, not really showing her weakness, because that would be ridiculous. Would you show your weakness for someone you don’t freaking know?

But she showed her weakness to Shuichi and that proves that Kaede already trusted Shuichi because: first person she encounters and because she’s been given the personality of being friend of everybody! Shuichi and Kaede’s pairing and ship is something scripted. However, what’s been scripted is a story of a strong modern girl pianist and chatty and really friend of a weak and timid detective. TDR underestimated Kaede and Shuichi, and as a result, both of them showed deeper feelings with each other, trusting each other more and also a deeper heatred for the mastermind and a killing game. Shuichi definitily didn’t forget Kaede, because even if her actions have been scripted, their pain and their sadness, as well their promise and feelings are real.

But, buuuut… Kaede had GOS, and I will explain why: Tsumugi and Monokuma wanted to Shuichi uncover her identity and discover some truth and fallen for some lies until the point where the plot cames to “Hope vs Despair” vote and conclusion. However she murdering Rantaro wasn’t originally in the scripts, and that’s because:

And that brilliant theory was made by lilaclegionnaire! I will post a link to the theory when it’s done. Hope you enjoy it. If you wanna check these scenes, I will put the images from Rantaro’s death here:

These two images above are kind of contradictory, but Shuichi’s explanation doesn’t explain fully neither of the two. But the real image (and the others are real too) is probably this:

I really believe in this part of the theory. I will link the theory when it’s done.

Anyway, Tsumugi definitily killed Rantaro without planning it in script. These blood marks definitily helps it. And the fact that the Body Discovery Announcement was late really makes you think that the murder happening because of Tsumugi wasn’t scripted. So what happened? Was it because Kaede’s trap had to luckly suceed, but did not? Of course not. TDR or Tsumugi would never make a script that instably lame, unless there’s a true Ultimate Lucky student somewhere.

I don’t even think Tsumugi breaking the rules herself is something she would script, because I don’t think that would be much good from the audience’s eyes, besides easily changing the votes in the FINAL moments to “Hope vs Despair”. Kaede made her trap first opening the vent, then organizing the books and then set-up the camera with the flash on. The problem with this sequence, or rather with this kind of preparations is the fact Kaede wouldn’t know in any way the position where she would set the camera to put correctly the encicopledia right above. And that’s why Kaede’s trap failed. But with luck in the preparations, it could work. And that’s why this part of the preparations isn’t scripted, because incertain things probably GOS, since Tsumugi and TDR tend to act nervous about these things.

It’s uncertain when Kaede actually GOS, since she already has a lot of strong emotions since the beginning, but her strength and her fear are really her true theme and probably that’s why I personally believe that “You noticed, huh… Yeah, I’m shaking too.” and beyond that wasn’t a lie and neither scripted. She’s supposed to be strong, so she could bring courage to the weak detective, but instead of just showing strength, she shows her weakness, and says that Shuichi is the one who helped her to stand to whatever she could do in that moment. I will talk more about it in my review of DRV3, but I think it’s really nice. I understand parts of that talk were scripted, but there were other parts, real parts. She is friendly the entire time, but that’s also something to be considered because even she’s manipulated via FFL, her word aren’t lies from her, and so these are her true feelings in the matter.

EDIT (12/27/2017) {


I believe Shuichi wanting revenge on Kaede wasn’t that scripted too, influencing him too to make his decisions later in the trial. And the mastermind killing one favorite character from the audience early by breaking the rules isn’t really a good move to please the audience. I remember seeing something like “Man, this guy should had died instead od Kaede…”, showing some fans of Kaede a little unhappy already.

I just want to point out one small example of how super strong feelings can make certain characters GOS:

See that ansious Kirumi above? Yeah. When post trial 2 came and Kirumi was talking non-stop about “everyone”, she looks determined. But when her punishment was clearly going to happen, she gradually changes her behavior:

Ok, she really emphatizes her nation much. That’s really her character, until the end.

What a great determkination as “selfless devotion”…

I actually believe in you.

Uh… but what are you gonna do?

She’s really nervous…

Ok, ok.

No matter… what it takes…

Kirumi, you’re out of character… but I know you’re just thinking about your people, right?

“Anything” doesn’t include any sort of harm against your nation… I hope.

Ok, fair enough, I guess. That’s just natural.

Well, she looks so determined, but also so scared…

Yeah, can you mention the nation you selfless devotes your forgot to mention like in the last 3 or 4 lines you said? I mean, it’s pretty common to have these kind of emotions before death, but this girl killed Ryoma because of her nation and so she would kill everybody because of it. And I don’t believe she was talking a lie.

She just did that, huh…

Ok, is this really about your nation or about dying? Because geez, you’re the only one who run before your execution, but these last lines are about you don’t wanting to die in a hellhole. Understandable, but out of character.

Oh, good. I literally believed you forgot about them…

Oh my, you finally made a scary face and it’s an “I will not die!”. Fair enough, I guess.

What I wanted to point out is how Kirumi got out of her character for some moments before her death, because Kirumi BFFL is showed to be at least a little nervous. Strong emotion (in the case, fear) made that.

In other words, Kaede got GOS and helped to make Shuichi end the killing game, for a lot of reasons and because she had thousand of thoughts and emotions and her sensible heart. Strong emotion also made other people, suich as Kirumi, go out of character for some moments. Maybe some other character also GOS or just got out of character.

Posted in: 12/13/2017

10. Monokuma is what he seems

Monokuma sure can be scary if he has unknown skills. He can be born and reborn from Motherkuma, giving her thoughts to him. And Nanokubs can give footage to Mothermuka, who give footage to Monokuma. This only is brought up because Kokichi suspected the lack of bugs, the tiny bugs and the lack of cameras in the moment he saw the killing game from the book, then Kokichi asked and Miu made the bugvac, capturing the Nanokub. Then Keebo, via essential upgrades given to him by the same Monokuma in chapter 4, solve the mistery: Nanokubs! You can bet this was scripted! And the Nanokubs were used as the solution to how the Mastermind knew about the interval timing of the cameras, progressing the story to the conclusion in “Hope vs Despair” vote!

While I was in point 8, I mentioned the possibility of Monokuma having omniscience (like Al Junko) due to DRV3 happening in a VW. Remember that Junko was the Ultimate Analyst, analyzing the information given to her and reaching conclusions, what was helped with her omniscence, since the omniscience is her source of data in what’s happening in the VW, in the “present time”. While I was in point 9, I mentioned Monokuma as a typical person who seems to like the script, since the same script is good according to his fanservice tastes. Let’s begin, however, with this image:

Like son, like father. His quickly created Alter Ego Gonta with his knowledge of creating Als from the “Neo World Program”, but also typed so fast a human can’t control him like that. So he’s a Al, by my logic, without a doubt.

So he probably was helped with Motherkuma and the Nanokubs, right? I don’t doubt that! But the way the explanation was pratically given to Shuichi via script is something suspicious. And I wouldn’t bring this if I didn’t have proofs of how Monokuma has omniscence. The proof he hasn’t it is presented in Chapter 5:

The image above is when Exisal Kaito implicitly confronts Monokuma about always knowing how the murders are done. The next images are:

He stops, to think.

Then answer nervously, in a great way of speaking. This should be enough to suspect Monokuma of not knowing the murder itself, right?

Yeah, he doesn’t know. Monokuma, give up.

Uh… give up, man. You’re just looking more suspicious.

Yeah, he looks real flustered.

Ok, Monokuma. This is already ridiculous. Stop.

This is ridiculous. You almost seems to people to believe you don’t know.

Finally acted and gave up, huh…

But man, this is what I am saying. While it’s possible he simply didn’t know, I already said that he was following a script, so for the sake of the script, he has to let people knowing “he don’t know”, while the same script wants after to give you the explanation: “Nanokubs and Motherkuma!”. And also the same Monokuma in the same chapter acts really strange after Kaito’s execution, when his death was really scripted and timed:

And what’s more; he never actually acted that way in the Chapter 6 after Shuichi GOS. His reactions that time were actually different, what means his act in Chapter 5 was definitly for the sake of script! Anyway, I will present more proof about this. The Electrobomb is supposed to work like that:


And that’s something to consider. For two hours, the electrobomb is effective within 50 yards! But looks like “completely disabled” isn’t the right expression, but more like “affect so much” the electronic parts. I say that because since a electrobomb was launched out of the hangar, and looks like slowly was affecting the area inside the hangar, Keebo was starting to feel sick of it, in other words, it was gradual. So was that TV announcing the BDA (Body Discovery Announcement):

And… so was the robot Monokuma who truly is a Al. Look at this super strange second appearence during the investigation from Monokuma. He first says “It’s fine, it’s fine.” and says:

To be completely honest, it brings really a sense of relief, because I can say that Monokuma has omniscience based on this. According to the scripted explanation, Monokuma couldn’t know the truth because the electrobomb disabled the Nanokubs (probably true), and it probably would affect him as well. However, the same effects of the electrobomb launched before the BDA that slowly affected Keebo, probably affects Monokuma as well. But this image above is already the second appearence of him since the investigation has started, being this a short (and pratically a useless and adversiting) appearence, and his first appearence short too.

I mean, he can endure the effects as well. It’s been proved, because the electrobomb doesn’t disable completely the electronic devices. And he probably appear in the hangar in any place too. So, what really prevents Monokuma from watching the murder happening in the shadows or even openly, even if he really needs to be put out of the room for some time because of the electrobomb and so returns to the hangar while the murder happens? Even if Monokuma has been sick while watches it, he could be replaced by another Monokuma born from Motherkuma (which again, is scripted, so Monokumas weren’t reborn). So the reason he really didn’t come to watch the murder happen is because it was scripted, and was he confident it was going to happen without problems?

But Monokuma isn’t a idiot, like he kinda tries to act like one during Chapter 5 trial. Tsumugi was forced to kill Rantaro and because Kaede GOS, before attempting the murder. Probably in other killing games, the same could happen, since it’s the same VW and the same program to run the VW… So actually it’s nothing new that some minimal details were changed from the script, even with memory manipulation and small mind control. however, these minimal details are pretty important before a murder, because that’s where the cast uses their brain to solve things and decide important things by vote. If things were starting to go off rails, and the chance of it happening isn’t that small since it’s a game full of emotion, TDR would have to directly take things by force, making a stronger mind controll, killing the naturality. For preventing such a situation, a moderator and game master, Monokuma, was put in the game with the privilege of having omniscience, to see when exactly things would happen and how. Remember that the Monokubs are a new thing in VW, and much probably that includes the Nanokubs, so Monokuma having omniscience is nothing strange, even with hidden cameras in the previous games, because these cameras could have hidden spots (weaknesses), and omniscience is such a better way to dealing with it.

Like I said, TDR really tries to make the killing game keeping going. And the script has to be followed to make TDR feels secure. The script has a murder where a electrobomb disabled the Nanokubs, so of course the Monokuma’s omniscience would be a essential part of this game too. Then the mastermind and Monokuma himself could interfere in a more natural way if things GOS.

And remember how the script is filled with fan service and funny moments and emotional plots? Saying that Keebo’s eyes were the audience’s eyes probably isn’t a lie, but that doesn’t make the audience really immersed in the story, does it? I mean, Keebo’s eyes probably has seen some exotic scenes (Miu), but this looks more like a really cool device (not the Miu scene). How the audience has watched the previous killing games in a not strange way? Probably because of well placed cameras, like in DR1 and SDR2. So why the Nanokubs, who are everywhere in the game, couldn’t serve as the audience’s classic TV stream, while the Keebo’s eyes are the new and more natural view in a DR game for the audience? When a emotional moment happened there, if according to script, the stream of the audience would have watching then from a “pre-determinedly” placed Nanokub who would be close by the place of the event. If a murder happens, the stream would not even make the audience see suspicious scenes of a murder being planned or being executed. If it’s true, a murder with Nanokubs being disabled makes more sense in a dramatic way to the audience, because C5 murders and trials are famous by being really twisted: C5 case could be the audience watching some things transpire in the hangar, but suddenly Maki comes, and a little after the Nanokubs are cut off, because they were disabled, causing a strange effect in the audience’s stream and much thriller!

Monokuma is a Al with the omniscience capacity. And the audience can see throught Nanokubs’ cameras, AND Keebo’s eyes.

Posted in: 12/14/2017

And remember, TDR was kind of trying to please the fans with cliche and fanservice and shounen and shoujo development. Monokuma supported it, mainly because he is a Al created to bring “excitement” to the killing game, “excitement” in the sense of exciting the fans with “Hope vs Despair” and the cliches aspects I already mentioned. This actually isn’t surprising, but a little important. I will talk more about it in the next point.

11. Tsugumi isn’t what she seems

This girl is one hell of plain mistery. But from what we had seem in my theory, she’s just a plain fan of anime and manga, mainly DR. While I want to believe the script has been done by someone smarter than her, the cliche of the script, together with the fanservice and the great moments, is to please a fan of anime and manga and cliches. I can’t believe Tsumugi wouldn’t, at least, be a huge part of the creation of the script.

People have been judging Tsumugi as a true victim of the FFL, to make her look like the mastermind, because she also was acting as she always acted BFFL. The problem is: it’s still possible she was acting that way, so everyone would just get together in the gym, without suspecting her and without making risks in the attempt of making everyone pass throught the FFL and, finally the script would begin.

What happens: we can’t conclude much just BFFL. Since she was the same afraid person BFFL and AFFL (typical simple afraid plain girl (or guy) that scream (or shake) always when something bad happens), we have to look further. What she claimed in trial 6 is that she was a TDR member and worked hard to maintain DR for 53 seasons (and more).

Talking about Tsumugi is hard since we can’t really conclude her reactions, her act or if she is just giving some reference to something. She is probably a better liar than Ouma, because Ouma is a liar since the beginning, making me look more at his actions than his words, but even Tsumugi’s actions are confusing, since that could be a act to make the script go further or a desesperate reaction, or some kind of reference, or something. The fact she always talks she’s plain throught the entire game doesn’t make it less suspicious of her, but that’s the whole point in the entire game: she only talked about getting out of the school together with everyone, about cosplays and about how plain she is, and about how sweet some people are, and about how cruel and scary some others are. Do you think these things made her obvious as the mastermind? Kinda, from a meta perspective. But these things actually confuse me more than anything, because that’s the only actions Tsumugi has done. What am I supposed to do when she don’t reveal information and only says she’s plain and nothing more?? So yeah, even when she is desesperate when things GOS, she’s actually is a better liar than Ouma, and makes obvious she is the mastermind, mentioning the bathroom and all of that.

So actually I was trying to kept track of some of her actions. And some of her actions are really strange. But let’s begin with her BFFL: like I said, there’s no much of a difference between her BFFL and AFFL, because we seen much little of her BFFL, but what we’ve seen is her being a picky about other people’s little details and being a afraid person, pretty much like her AFFL. But a interesting detail is the fact Rantaro probably didn’t recognize her BFFL, even asking who was behind all of these ridiculous things. So Tsumugi Shirogane probably didn’t appeared in his killing game at least.

This is a important point to be cleared, since she could be a simple girl being manipulated by the FFL to be a mastermind, or she didn’t appear in his killing game at all, or even she appeared, but in a different form, since she has powers of changing clothers super fast, as well her corpse and voice, in a unnatural way. Of course, this unnatural power can be explained with the VW’s settings. Anyway, it’s safe to say that at least since FFL, Tsumugi acts as the mastermind.

Because she acts as the mastermind and a member of TDR, she knows some things, like: there’s a script going on and the risks of the people GOS… And so, she only knew much about the fictional characters in the script, as TDR selectioned some real people to fit as these characters. Knowing this, her reaction when Kaede and Shuichi meet Tsumugi AFFL makes more sense:

She repeat more or less the same line, even with Kaede talking with her, then repeats it more times, even when Kaede poked her, then repeats it, until Kaede forced Shuichi to poke her. Then she finallys:

What a fascinating discovery, right Tsumugi? With this line, we can say that Tsumugi actually was kind of watching Kaede’s reaction to her, and also Shuichi’s reaction. Even when she claimed to actually paying attention to the dragon. She didn’t speak even when Kaede touched her, but only when Shuichi touched her too she talks “I never thought I’d be poked from both sides. How truly unexpected.”

This made me think how Tsumugi wanted to confirm if these people are suitable to their roles, since that’s the only thing that matters. But that bugges me, because if the cast were already choosen, why did she wanted to know them better? Probably Tsumugi wanted to know them better, and yet she should have done that while TDR (and her) was searching properly the suitable cast. Then, why Tsumugi was doing her own research now?

Does that means Tsumugi wasn’t with TDR the Search for the Proper Cast (SPC) was made? Does that means that Tsumugi wasn’t present and didn’t participate in the SPC? Yes, probably. Actually, that would make her cliche reactions of screaming or her decisions of following the group’s decision have more sense, since she probably have some fear about not knowing the specific real risk of each character GOS, and that’s why too she’s picky about little details, showing her pickness even to things she already knew to avoid suspicion.

But, anyway, she not participating in the SPC made her look like she isn’t really in TDR. But if that’s the case, TDR would simply put the real cast’s data in the FFL with other things and Tsumugi wouldn’t act like she tries her best to see with everyone if there’s something out of character. Yes, TDR would put the real cast’s information in the FFL. Because I believe TDR didn’t do that, I think Tsumugi is actually a mastermind and not manipulated to be a mastermind via FL. I think I can explain why she wasn’t present in the SPC with other reason. Let’s continue:

He is talking about what they have done changed the world with their sacrifices, even being fictional characters with supposed scripted feelings and backstories… What a man.


Copy from who? Junko Enoshima?

Every antagonistic plan in DR games failed in the end, even if it made many tragedies. Maybe she was talking about somebody somewhere else. Maybe it just means that Hope’s Peak characters exists in V3’s universe as real people… But these answers doesn’t represent the Tsumugi I explained: being a cliche, fanservice (like, when she served some drinks to Shuichi in chapter 4; what a snake) type of creator and having dificulties with understanding the real part of the cast.

Anyway, she copied someone at the same time she cosplayed the same, huh… If she just copied someone, then that means she and that someone are considered in the same level of existence, in the same universe, meaning that someone exists how much as she exists. But at the same time she was cosplaying the same someone… Yeah, look at your face, seeing what I’m trying to say here. Tsumugi Shirogane is fictional! She admits that! And the reason she is obsessed with DR is because she was created to love DR so much that the killing games would continue or she wouldn’t have any reason to liveeeeeeee! She’s a Al, a messed up one, pretty much like Monokuma!

And… she was saying she was coping and cosplaying Junko Enoshima. And, she was saying she was able to fail, pretty much like Junko. AND she was saying she was feeling the same way as the others because she had masterminded a epic story in that characters changed people in the real world! And why that matters for her? Because she was fictional in the first place and she knows that! Then when she finally workship her favorite character:

To after she saw her plain fail, pretty much like Enoshima, she was so happy that have made changes in reality, as she described Enoshima’s death as a thing that have put events in motion, she was pretty much doing the same thing. And her major dificulty of understanding people comes from being a Al who doesn’t talk much with people but TDR, making her more into characters, anime and manga, as distancing her from contact with real people.

And that’s because TDR designed this Al to search in the media, mainly the internet, to discover current trends from foruns, from social medias, from everything the weebs and otakus and people put in the internet. At the same time, she was designed as someone who love characters, fictional characters like her, so her searching the internet to watch popular anime and read a lot of mangas not only give her the opportunity to blatantly drop her references everywhere, but to make a cliche and fanservice script! With her deepest efforts, because:

It’s the long-waited sequel!

She not only thinks it’s what people think it’s the best content, but even she herself thinks it’s the best content. You can see it when she follows the DR formula (like two people dying in C3 and muscle person dying in C4), writes the imprevisible C5 with last-minute-tragedy hero, anti-hero and a tsundere who is almost yandere in the chapter! Oh my, speaking of fanservice, just look at her freaking love scene hotel! Seriously, watch it:

She just, admits, it being cliche, even when it’s probably her ideal opinion of “How to be a lover”! Do you know how much it makes me angry? It’s a messed up personality and Al that TDR created for the killing game, for the purpose of doing fanservice, to attract more the audience. The “Oni-chan and Imouto” thing is a popular thing, as many characters in this kind of story worries about forbiden love, a hot thread. It’s so sad it makes wanna vomit.

The fact she and Monokuma are like TV presenters of a Japanese TV show, and together, they act like a Japanese TV game show:

Oh, this really is sad. To create such personalities that lives for this kind of job.

Do you wanna see the meta-proof Kodaka put us to see Tsumugi as a Al? Let me break your heart a little more! See the similar things between Tsumugi and complex “baitwaifu”:

Both have dificulties to speak with real people in the beginning…

Both were waving together with their Al partner.

And both were crushed with their Al partner.

I don’t know exactly where Tsumugi was put in a killing game, since she could have used a different form in Rantaro’s killing game anyway. But Tsumugi is the perfect writer for TDR in their opinions.

A important note is that the Ultimate Cosplayer talent is something made based on VW’s settings. When the cast’s corpse, voice and clothes were registered in the VW based in the cast’s BFFL memories, it could be more easily used by Tsumugi (well, cospox) or by any other way in the VW by TDR to do the fake audition tapes.

Speaking of Cospox, while I believe there’s no indication of Tsumugi using pink powder or her talent to falsify the allergic reaction, the important part is the fact the Cospox gave her, the Ultimate Cosplayer, a alibi in the script, making the argument “She could be that person” sounds impossible. This kind of alibi shows how much prepared Tsumugi was for introducing herself in a killing game, anyway. That’s why everyone forcibly accepted it via implicit mind control, because TDR saw it coming. And so that’s why I think it’s her first killing game, since Cosplay and Cospox was used by her as things of her as “the big bad mastermind could do”. Even when she herself probably could be used for the creation of past killing games’ script, as she claimed.

And even so, that’s why she is despaired when things GOS.

Tsumugi is a messed-up Al who searches in the media, mainly the internet, the trends and popular tastes of everybody, as well tries to know much more about the fictional characters (since she consider herself as one), and loves so much DR and Junko Enoshima because TDR created her that way. All of this helps TDR to make Tsumugi create the ideal script in TDR’s imagination. She’s pretty important to the show, knowing the script as Monokuma, and so they act like TV japanese shows’ presenters.

Posted in: 12/15/2017

Knowing this all, and knowing the VW program could still be used by TDR while DRV3 was live (since the only time to make the audition tapes was while the DRV3 was live), it’s not hard to imagine… a special and unique last FL, spawned in-game to Monokuma, and when it’s atived, allows TDR to directly appear memories in the right time. Since memories were only allowed to appear during and a little after a FL was on and it was programmed in that way, a ultimate FL was also programmed, in case it was needed to TDR to directly give memories to them.

Of course, that was scripted. The order of the memories brings the followings topics in the order: hero, memory back, friends, sleep together, woke up by Monokuma. This was scripted, and even said by Tsumugi, so Shuichi and the others could have the resolution to host a class trial to defeat the mastermind, even if Tsumugi breaking the rules wasn’t scripted to begin with.

Also, Keebo’s personality being “erased” was decided by a survey in the right moment, but the whole programation to do that was already implemented before. Why? Because the main gimmick of DRV3, according to Tsumugi, was the audience’s participation. Keebo would be “helped” by the audience, leading more directly the trial to the “hope” route. Many things were scripted and programmed before, like Kaito’s illness killing him gradually until the rocket in his execution stopped.

TDR could make any kind of scene and tape and memory thanks to the complex VW’s program and the data. But in case of giving memory, the usual would be memory given via FL, for simplicity of actions and for flexibility for the owner of the script, Tsumugi, can choose the best course of action in case things GOS. But for a FL with precisily timed memories for all, it was needed a special FL spawned to Monokuma that allows TDR given the already pre-made memories anytime and in any order TDR wanted. TDR programmed the majority of things before DRV3 went live, according to the script.

12. Is Keebo what he seems?

Finally, we couldn’t leave our favorite robot out of discussion: Monodam! Uh… I mean, Keebo. This sweet is actually a giant red herring.

Like I said, many things were scripted. But we need to know exatcly what. The upgrades in Keebo’s lab since chapter 4 proves the script wanted him to gradually change his mind and actually get these weapons. Many people says: “it’s thanks to Kokichi who caused Kaito’s execution to happen luckly removing Keebo’s antenna and making Keebo upgrade, making the whole chapter 6”. Like, seriously? I mean, many things here is just variables, you know? Kokichi would have to be the Ultimate Lucky student or something (considering no other talent like that was invented by Kodaka and some talents are just plain crazy to invent by yourself, because that’s Kodaka world) to make this event happen. And I already said Kokichi acted following the script, and Keebo’s weapons were given by TDR alone.

So, first of all, what caused Keebo… to upgrade himself? Was it him losing the antenna? Much likely, but it was not essential. The essential was Keebo having the will to destroy the despair himself, even him being to distinguish Monokuma’s power and how cruel despair is, at the same time he doesn’t think much ahead of his actions, not being able to seeing the evil and despair in his actions (Munakata, yeah). This point is so interesting, so interesting, that Keebo got your own spoke lines by his VA, to show how much he changed since he losed his antenna, and it’s a point many interprets only made him act like that for the first time because he lost his antenna.

However, before we see him being upgraded, let’s discuss him losing his antenna. The script to the final class trial would need a investigation, thing not directly given by Monokuma, and so Keebo’s weapons were available for the job! Let’s discuss if him losing the antenna was scripted too.

Monokuma giving the special FL after Kaito’s execution is suspicious, because it could have been given after some time, unless the next time Monokuma would see the cast was to fight Keebo!

Also, Keebo protected the cast’s front not only because he gradually wanted to be a hero, but because he have seen some potential danger coming from the speedy little debris in Kaito’s execution. These executions are have a strange precision, making it look like it already was programmed before too. The little dangerous debris could have been programmed before as well.

What means, Keebo actually lost his antenna via script! “But man, Tsumugi said that they received many reclamation from the audience for losing Keebo!”, and of course they received. But Keebo destroying the academia was the only way the investigation could start without Shuichi suspecting Monokuma’s actions. And it isn’t what interesting to the audience to destroy and fight, because they, by themselves, said to Keebo that what he did was wrong after receinving his antenna back. In other words, it was a risky move, but a necessary one, to Keebo and the audience don’t delay the upgrade and attack process anymore, now that trial 5 was done and the killing game needed to be “exciting” and not having any kind of filler.

Keebo losing his antenna was programmed and scripted. That’s the way Tsumugi have seen to naturally bring the investigation and the class trial of Chapter 6.

Ok, talking about Keebo is gonna be hard, because I don’t have much of a evidence. But since I have one conclusive evidence, I think I can bring down my reasoning. Let’s put this image once more:

This unusual look of him (his clothes) looks like a try of TDR to hide the fact he’s a robot. Actually, this guy truly doesn’t look much like a robot, but since these chothes are long, it’s hard to see… (Kodaka, man…) But there’s one decisive fact it can’t be missed: his appearence, his clothes of a robot came in the Ultimate Wardrobe.

Anyway, these are just his clothes, right? But the thing with “only clothes” is the fact it changed more than just clothes:

These marks that made him looking like crying; yes, these marks under his eyes that made him looking like a robot… only appeared after the Ultimate Wardrobe(UW). In other words, the UW not only changed his clothes, but changed his appearence in his own body.

One curious thing though, is how his clothes just make him looking more like a robot, with light in front of it and some green painels around the neck. In a way, this clothes made him looks like a obvious robot, pretty much like these marks under his eyes. However, these clothes aren’t simple clothes, and heck yeah these clothes are fashion:

For self-destruction!

Now, Keebo really is a robot, because Miu installed such important upgrades in him. But at the same time, I feel like that clothes are a testament of Keebo being a robot.

I have to agree with the fact the UW making clothes with such appearence and funcions, like compatibility with Keebo’s upgrades in chapter 5, is something that actually makes sense… But when the UW happens to change even the appearence of the body itself with marks in the eyes, I can’t help but to feel uneasy if the UW could have changed something more drastic.

Because Keebo already surprised me before when I thinked he was just a Al in a robot trying to be human.

He always was the troubled with comunication in the past, being bullied for some and being called out for not even managing to read the mood in the right times, and eventually being more and more nervous of wanting to be a human. Even so, he would follow the group’s decision (and mostly likely, the audience’s decision) and tried to be gentle to everyone, even if some times he wanted to be praised.

But I can’t leave the feeling that all of his characteristics have some other explanation, because my view on him was from a simple Al, to be changed in the end of chapter 5 to another type of simple character. Why? Because he said the silence “is quite refreshing” and “means my will is now my own.”, meaning that he actually feeled a little impacient with his inner voice after all. A robot who tried to be gentle and praised and never stopped evaluating his inner voice sounds more like a teen human that looks like wanting a little of space and the called “freedom”.

Posted in: 12/16/2017

Keebo usually can be considered a robot and a Al because he’s one (obviously), but also because he doesn’t understand the mood and some of human feelings, like it’s said in the entire game and in his love hotel scene. However this part of him actually was scripted, because the Monokubs can perceive emotions (even if is just between themselves) and were born recently, meaning that TDR can make personalities that can perceive emotions, even if they are twisted personalities. So that Keebo air head is scripted too.

It’s actually part of his character and his development that he didn’t even could properly read the mood. That was scripted. Easily scripted if he was a Al. But if he was a Al, I think his personality could be completely erased in the final execution, but that didn’t happen:

Again, Keebo probably isn’t an Al.

And his body was virtually changed after the UW.

In other words…

Keebo is a human that maintained his personality changed like everybody else, but his virtual body was changed in the UW.

Also, he not being able to read the mood properly wouldn’t really be realistic in the DR universe, since Als are pretty attentive to details, such as human’s reactions. Sure, he could be programmed in that way, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t grow up in human feelings matter, like showed in his Love Hotel scene much above.

And Keebo isn’t that smart, but seriously, This is dumb:

We know that’s wrong. But the thing I want to point here is how he reached that conclusion.

You shouldn’t feel sorry, Keebo. This isn’t your fault. You tends to want to learn about humans in scientific ways, and I don’t know how you would miss that avatars doesn’t eat. Or how you forgot about the bowel movements. It’s almost like that lack of knowledge was scripted and made by the VW. One another thing I wanted to point about Keebo’s humanity is:

How his feelings made him a little strange, wanting to cry. It’s not strange wanting to cry because of the deads, mainly when that dead for him is Miu. But him, the robot, saying “I want to cry, but I can’t…” all of the sudden makes me think his feelings made him a little out of character in the VW, wanting to instinctively cry!

And, if you still doubt Keebo’s humanity, remember his Love Hotel scene, where he wants to learn to be a lover and already is exaggerating it, much less like a robot Al and more like a shy and antisocial human (and probably virgin). He constantly tries to learn human’s feelings and the mood at the same time he feels his own emotions too. Look at him being a antisocial being:

Because of his antisocial behavior, and his constant wish of being befriended, he probably was selected to be our “can’t read the mood” robot! But why TDR wanted a robot like that? Because according to the DR formula, the protagonist needs to participate in the good side of the entire game, be a bland character (to the audience see themselves in the character) and be the final star in the final moments of the 53 season of DR!

So, of course, saying the audience made Keebo grow and progress throught the game is a fanservice way of telling the audience that they are great and made a robot who couldn’t initially read the mood be an Hope Hero in DR! I imagine the audience’s surprise and rage when Keebo suddenly, in the final moments of the final trial, rebels against the audience, haha.

And of course, TDR wanted to a human’s personality to gradually grow as a robot who couldn’t read the mood to be the real man, the real human hope. So I think TDR using the method of using human’s personality to create Keebo rather than creating a Al (looking at Monokubs, Monokuma and that twisted Tsumugi) looked like a safer choice to them.

To do that, they rapted a antisocial and shy being, put him in the VW, changed his virtual body and clothes to be of a robot via UW, and DRASTICALLY changed some memories, included muscle memories, like bowel moviments, and maybe made some implicity small mind controls when necessary. Because of that, if Keebo (if it’s his name) was already a person who couldn’t read the mood naturally, he couldn’t read the mood yet more in the game, making him a vague and almost bland character who always was bullied (or feeled like being bullied) and tried to gain attention and learn about humans and trying to prove he was a human too. In other words…

TDR made Keebo look like a lunatic trying to prove he was a human. For that, TDR severely changed Keebo memories to make his antisocial nature look less as human. All of that because TDR wanted to please the audience with a fictional hope. This is so sad, man.

13. FINAL POINT: The culprit of this case is…

With everything we looked as the estruture of DRV3, we need now to look one more time in how TDR could do all of that and a little more. Are we going to be able to discover more about TDR?

Let’s remember what I said… when I started deducing. Point 2: The Ultimate Hunt was never seen by the Monokubs. The Monokubs only have been told about it. However I never said the Ultimate Hunt was fake or not.

To make a point or two about the Ultimate Hunt, we need to look one more time in Rantaro. Rantaro was considered to be participating in the last killing game, and so he left a video to himself, maintained in his lab in the 5th floor, and left a message to himself in the Survivor Perk. The Rantaro in the video knew that the video would be gotten later in the game, because the same had said:

“It” reffers to his message and the maps at the start of the game, just to clarify. If Rantaro in the video is the Rantaro we know, then we can trust Monokuma said some things in his killing game that would definitily happen in DRV3. To see if this video isn’t fake, we need to know if there are some indication of it being fake… and it don’t have any. Even the way Rantaro speaks here is similar to our Rantaro from Chapter 1. Unless there’s some ability like Ultimate Cosplayer in this VW (It exists), the Rantaro we know in the video can’t be fake. But there’s a strong indication that what he said in the video was true and so he was:

The rule being said is: the killing game will continue until there’s two people left. Not only Shuichi deduced that Rantaro was in other killing game (Rantaro reveals this fact afterwards in the video ) because of this rule during the class trial, but also:

The video Rantaro was talking about wasn’t in implicit control of TDR, since it wasn’t scripted, so they had to cut it themselves, with the whole wall of his supposed lab turned in bright red and making a alarm noise. The reason for this is because Rantaro probably was about to talk about the punishment of the final trial being related to the the rule Tsumugi used (2 people left), being related to the motive of him participating in another killing game. That’s how Shuichi deduced the punishment — you have to participate in another killing game. Since that helped Shuichi take the killing game down, and how Rantaro was trying to finish the killing game with his Survival Perk, I doubt this thing was scripted. Meaning that what Rantaro was trying to say in the video was true, and he was our Rantaro of a last killing game.

So let’s come back to the point: Monokuma, or the mastermind, or someone, after his killing game, told Rantaro a little about what was gonna to happen in DRV3. In the first image, we see Rantaro talking that Monokuma said for him he was gonna him a puzzle to Rantaro himself to find the video, for example. Well, that didn’t happen to Rantaro; the puzzle was made, but Shuichi solved it. Of course, this was scripted. And what Monokuma said for him before probably has some tone of promises, but nothing really much truthful.

The maps in the Survival Perk were only from the school (don’t show Kokichi’s lab, neither something else outside the school). I don’t know if Rantaro from the his killing game knew about it though. The point I want to talk about is: the message in the Survival Perk mentions Monokuma wanting to make more spares AND about the Ultimate Hunt. Now this is something, because obviously Rantaro wanted to convince himself in DRV3 that the message was real, so he said something like “the first think Monokuma is going to say is about the Ultimate Hunt.” I dunno why he said that, because I don’t see how Rantaro would have been given information about something (Ultimate Hunt and the first things Monokuma would mention) from the plot for DRV3 unless there’s Perk-related, like Monokuma saying that the video was gonna be given after a certain puzzle be solved.

So, these strange informations probably come from his own killing game, since he probably isn’t different from everyone else (“they wipe your memories and you start killing each other” or something) and Monokuma would be the one (together with mastermind and TDR) to given him informations. He somehow thinked that Monokuma making spares (correctly) and the Ultimate Hunt (…wrong) were gonna be the first things, the first informations given by Monokuma. He was wrong, but to think that, it’s because he deduced that in his killing game OR TDR told him and he believed it somehow in his killing game, or both. Then, he believed, when he found out about Ultimate Real Fiction or a little after, that the script for all of the killing games wouldn’t differ too much. He wasn’t dumb, he probably has a reason to believe these things got repeated in the script.

Rantaro in the videos is the real one. There’s no indication of him being a fake in his Survival Perk. His message in the Survival Perk shows that he thinked the Ultimate Hunt and Monokuma making more spares were some things repeated in the plot. Obviously Rantaro was convinced of that and TDR never countered his ideia. This made “Ultimate Hunt” look like a classic theme of a plot of Dangan Ronpa.

However, the Prologue is the real, real thing. We need to analyze it.

Posted in: 12/18/2017

Let’s begin from the start. Shuichi and so Kaede both said they were rapted. Ans so Kaede said something more:

Her losing consciousness is important, because as I already talked, it’s pretty much improbable this memory in particular was fake. I really don’t see any contradictions, because she woke up in the locker, already inside the VW.

With this, we can conclude the memories they have in the prologue BFFL are probably real, right? Because of that, we can analyze more of how the world is itself. Kaede herself said some depressive things in the first 2 images, making me think she is kind of, or at least a little, used to the world being rotten. Why? Because she made that comment a little casually, after telling Shuichi EVERYBODY in the streets and nearby ignored the girl being kidnapped. This comment, along with the information that EVERYBODY ignored a school girl being kidnapped, makes me think how really the world is rotten, and it’s not really a surprise to Kaede, neither to everyone else in that scene.

Kaede and “everybody else” at that scene are used to the world around them being rotten.

Continuing the prologue BFFL, when Kaede asks herself why she was kidnapped, she also says:

It is a normal talk about kidnap’s motive, because normally a person who kidnaps another would want money or fame. But, the abnormal part is that, besides the common sense’s motives of kidnap being similar to ours, people probably consider kidnap almost like a routine and unstoppable thing. Why?

Analyzing the prologue a little more, you’ll find that Kaede sees the window being trapped with barbed wire, sees a monitor with megaphones, and the two also wonder why they are both in a school. The problem I have with this scene is Kaede noticing classical and similar details from DR1, supposedly popular, or at least known event or game. Well, I guess DR1 isn’t that popular, neither known, anyway. Kaede and Shuichi, as some others, also don’t recognizes why 16 is a special number in DR, since Rantaro is the only one who brought that number. Kaede and Shuichi didn’t even recognize Rantaro, a past participant of a killing game.

If you think back in trial 6, Tsumugi and Monokuma said their show was so popular, and everybody in the world watched. To prove it yet more, the audience started to throw DR1 characters names as “Sakura is may waifu” or something like that, and said something like “DR 25 was the best” and more. But I pointed out in point 5 that the audience is real. And not only that, but I also said the audience is a bunch of fanatics to DR. This clearly contradicts Kaede, Shuichi and the majority of people who didn’t even recognizes classics DR elements. The audience itself probably much smaller than we thinked.

And the show probably is more focused in Japan (I’m calling it “Japan” because that’s from where the game came, but it could be whatever fictional country or nation or organization represented), since all of the so called “fraction of the audience” displayed in Trial 6 talked in japanese with japanese slangs and so on. If you consider almost all the cast japanese (I said almost because Angie is there, but even Angie talks japanese BFFL), then you have it. The show isn’t worldwild, and even in Japan the audience is fanatic and small.

The DR TV show exists, but much likely in Japan. Even in Japan it’s pretty much unknown, meaning it’s audience is pretty small and the real fans out there. TV DR show is always tring to get new fans as well trying to maintain the old ones, and that’s why there’s so much fanservice in the killing game!

Let’s continue our analysis in the prologue BFFL! They start recognizing some other elements from DR. Well, not really Kaito:

Maki connect this from some far memory or ideia…

Surprisingly, Ryoma follows the same reasoning Maki probably was doing, but instead of recognizing the Monokubs, he has some attention to the name. Probably because the Monokubs are something new, but the name “Monokubs” resembles “Monokuma”.

Kaede is also making some connections, even when she and other people (except Rantaro and Tsumugi) doesn’t recognize DR elements before.

Yes! That’s right, baby! Kaede is surprised too, even doesn’t recognizing the Monokubs at first. She is also surprised with the name “Monokubs”, probably by the same motive.

She knows, she knows something about Monokuma! She knows something about Monokuma! What happened to her don’t knowing about killing games and DR, and at the same time she knows about Monokuma? And why is she worried, even without changing her way of thinking to think about killing games? It almost looks like the “Monokuma” or “Monokubs” ideia brings her another reason to worry, and it’s not about a killing game, neither DR.

Of course, the bear who vomits words without thinking much is the one who asks that! Well, it isn’t a bad question.

Surprised by the term, right Kaede? There’s no way you can answer that toi these strange and dangerous bears naturally…

…Unless you already see yourself in a danger situation and can’t do nothing more besides answering. And something important to note here is the fact she’s not even considered asking what “Ultimate talent” means, and naturally answered she doesn’t have one, like she already is kind of used to the term enough, or at least knows what that means and not considered much strange them asking… something that looks like existed in the outside world and you naturally knows what it is.

She talking like this made it look to me that “Ultimate talent” is a real thing in the outside world, so much it can be comparable to skills and talents in development… But, have you noticed? Kaede looked down while she talked this line and that last one. Almost like it’s a bit painful to admit that.

Shuichi almost always looks like nervous, but facing more the character in DRV3. However, while is natural to Shuichi in the beginning to look to the side, he also stopped his sentence a little, with the use too much of suspension points.

Mister Kaito Momota also looks a little troubled admiting that.

Look Kaede, even with the Monokubs talking between themselves, tries to regain composture and tries to guess what’s happening.

After more of Monosuke saying they didn’t need to talk about themselves, but about them, the “Ultimate” students, Monosuke said they forgotten the talents. And this again is mroe a proof of how they didn’t knew about the DR Tv Show (Rantaro already made throught it, so he doesn’t count xD):

Exactly. She doesn’t even know she’s an “Ultimate”. Because she didn’t know they’re in a tv show killing game.

Ahd of course, after all that, Tsumugi tries to follow everyone’s confusion, as always.

But looks like a certain Monosuke is with his lips closed, because a certain gamemaster told secretly to do it, so… Of course I’m talking about Tsumugi and her secret message to the Monokubs when she talked.

It’s a confusion! And of course, Kaede isn’t the one is confused.

Please, just because Tsumugi tried you to change the direction of the debate, that doesn’t mean you have to be so aggresive.

Now this is ridiculous. Yeah, as always, in the morning announcements and in the nighttime annoucements.

I would call it: Kaede just happened to see a lot, and the first thing she says, while talking with fear, is the most normal thing she could process in her mind: “H-huh? W-What am I wearing?”. Please, don’t be so afraid, best girl.

Again, they looked troubled with the situation… But still they are used to the term Ultimate and appears to have some ideia of what the Ultimate are.

The image above happens when Monokid says something like “The seal is going to be broken and we’re gonna be the domaints of the killing game!”. And so then Kaede thinks, with surprise, in the killing game. Well, like I already said, they don’t know about killing games.

And that’s precisely why the prologue is so important to solve this case, folks. But I just did that in the end because we needed to know about DRV3’s structure first. And now that we analyzed all of these clues, we need to organize everything!

“The killing game being unknown for the cast” isn’t much of a help for reasoning right now. I want to focus first in what the cast is and what they were doing. Like I pointed in point 9, this specific cast was choosen because TDR judged them to be good enough to be part of the script, based in their personalities and some skills too. These skills exist, as already being sadly compared by Kaede a few moments ago. I wouldn’t say that far that her skill was playing piano (but I believe to it be), because there’s really a proof she practiced piano? Only in her FTEs… Well, I think she practiced piano.

The crucial part is HOW TDR judged teens in Japan to encounter their “candidates”. I don’t believe a organization named Team Dangan Ronpa would trick every teen to audiction to a killing game without the teens knowing it was a killing game, because “Dangan Ronpa”, in japanese, have some “killing” meaning, if you know what I mean; and an audience already existed, so I don’t think TDR hide his name neither his show.

The first thought I had is using cookies, or something, to spy in personal information from people trying to spread their talents in internet. And for that, I considered Tsumugi! But that wouldn’t make sense, because I already pointed in point 11 she never have participed in the SPC. Well, even if Tsumugi wasn’t able to enter in the internet, nothing really prevents TDR from trying to encounter thousands of personal information in the internet by creating another programs or even another Al, right? I… don’t think so, because that would be unnecessary if they just used Tsumugi, the one who wrote the script in the first place, but for some motive, they were unable to do so.

The… only way I can think is… the possibility of: what if actually did the personal information come from inside the “safe box” of personal information? I mean, what if personal information was illegally given to TDR, instead of TDR extracting it? This is something I’d like to consider.

I want to point something else. Rantaro was… in his normal way of talking in the prologue BFFL: He talks about knowing something (the killing game), but calmly doesn’t want to say nothing. Now, it’s clear he isn’t happy with the situation, and at the same time he isn’t despaired, even with him not knowing what was happening in that moment, probably because he already gave up in trying to do anything in that point. Why did I say that? Because Rantaro in his killing game was do decided to win, to END, the killing game. And this feeling came and decision came more strongly after Rantaro learning DR was a tv show, because his video was made after that moment and he demonstres his wish to end that.

But, when you look at Rantaro BFFL, he looks more calm, less agitated, almost like something more powerful pressed him, forced him to be calm, to not talk, even in a situation BFFL the cast not knowing about what was happening and he knowing, and he tries to talk in a ineffective, but at the same time, he doesn’t talk. Well, look at the situation: more and more virtual killing games were happening and with it more participants being kidnapped, with thousand of terrible emotions and manipulation! And so, why TDR freely kidnaps them, and no one feels like has something to be done?

Everyone knows that kidnap someone is wrong. But when something wrong is made 1000 often times, it can become a “normal” thing to do. Still, with it alone, TDR wouldn’t be able to kidnap as much it did, because people could still fight them because that disturbs the peace. So there’s another reason… like, there’s no motive for them to actually fight and defend the city, for some major reason.

But a attack or official international enemy force pressuring the city or the nation itseld would be portrayed by the audience in some way, as a joke, as a concern or as a criticism, when this was mentioned:

But this dear audience never mentioned that. So probably… there’s some kind of internal force that maintain people in Japan feeling incapable of helping a school girl from being kidnapped or others usual kidnaps, and this probably was explored by TDR itself, but that wouldn’t be made publicly in the name of TDR, because that would pass a negative image in TDR and in the killing game itself.

Posted in: 12/19/2017

Coming back to why Rantaro and probably others participants never could end DR in the real world, they probably were shut down, with some kind of force on them: blackmail or simply threat for them or the people they loved, because the only way to end such a malicious TV show is by prosecuting them, but apparently TDR somehow forced these teens to do nothing. Even if it was by threat, it could exist one or two people who actually were bold or crazy enough to report TDR. But apparently they weren’t heard by the Court or something. If it was heard, people would know about killing games, because the news would given a more complete story about Monokuma and the killing games.

But since this wasn’t heard, these people who reported TDR probably wanted to make cospiracy theories in the internet, and such thing made the teens look more or less on what was happening (because the majority of people don’t give cospiracy theories a serious look), in disgusting ideia such as killing games and kidnaps, because these disgusting ideas in cospiracy theories are normal and kind of outdated. But when a mysterious bear called “Monokuma” (“Mono” means “something” and “kuma” means “bear”, so “Monokuma” is a funny name haha) with a strange and funny design appeared in such “cospiracy theory”, probably existed teens who find such tecno-advanced bear unprecedented, really funny and almost like it’s existence was a joke directed to such conspiracy theories, and existed teens who made the connection of that bear with the Monokuma in DR1. With these 2 groups of teens (teens, adults, weebs, whatever), the “Monokuma” figure was spread in the japanese internet as a joke and as a cute thing at the same time! So “Monokuma” spread in the internet much longer than the cospiracy theory itself!

Since police or investigation in reports of such “normal” kidnaps never happened to appear and nothing to say much about TDR, I have to think there’s something wrong both with the judicial system and with the security system in Japan or something. However, both of them is too much of a coincidence.

When I came to this conclusion, I thought “How TDR has so much implicit power, even with a small audience and tech-limits?”, and then I thought about how this implicit power could never have come from TDR itself, but from some powerful organization, much more powerful than TDR itself, and who have control in the security and in the judicial system. And I thought to myself: “If it is just one powerful organization who has such control, it has to be a corrupt government.”.

When I thought that, one other piece of the puzzle made sense: how TDR could have personal informations (such as personality and skills) from the teens? It was given to them… by the government.

How Kaede and other people knew what was a “Ultimate talent”, knowing it existed and it was a name given to such people really amazing in their talents, so much that normal people tend to compare their skills to “Ultimate talents”? Because that system was put by the government.

Why exactly Monokuma was well known by Kaede and some of these people BFFL, but they didn’t know about classic details from the DR universe and never associated “Monokuma” to “killing game”? Because Monokuma is a top quality fashion meme sensation. And TDR and DR game aren’t popular, and TDR isn’t known by the news or by reports in the Court, because of the government.

So why? Why do government would do something like that? I think I can answer this based more in some evidence. But like I said in the beginning, DRV3 doesn’t have a end. The first evidence I have is this:

The same image. But that says much about the audience. The audience itself didn’t think for one mere second there’s even despair in the world to make some kind of comment.

And yet, for some reason, there’s some influential organization compelling people to reach the skill’s level of “Ultimate Talent”, like some kind of training or something.

The problem here I have is because the government could be able to control the news, to such a extent people wouldn’t know if there’s wars or not, or actually if there’s peace for the nation or not, because the news wouldn’t mention much of the outside world, or would mention fake news (hahaha, a actual theme for Kodaka to write about). If that’s the case, the same government wanting to development a new powerful generation to the called “Ultimate” level is something to be worried about, because that peace itself can pretty much be a lie. It’s more likely the government is preparing this new generation in a desesperate implicit way: Media.

That’s where TDR and DR comes. The government couldn’t sponsor such a problematic show game. So whatever the government was trying to do with TDR in the media, TDR itself would have to use the media and not the government. It’s been really many killing games (we don’t even know if there’s really 53 seasons, but I believe it is this way), where the audience believes the lie TDR, the fanservice game show, told them: DR isn’t that popular, but the people who loves the killing games definitly sign up for it. Perhaps there’s few people who actually signed up for it, because they believe “it was cool” or “it isn’t so bad as my life is” or some other motive TDR actually showed to the audience with their fake audiction tapes. For example:

And that’s the most typical motive to someone to participate in a killing game show. And that’s the motive I think TDR wasn’t trying to gain money, because with such small audience, TDR wouldn’t gain much money at all with his killing game.But it isn’t any killing show. It is a killing game show propped by fiction, created by the government, where “Ultimates” who actually have made amazing things just did it oficially (how TDR explained it to the audience) in a “placebbo sorta way”. You know, if you just do it, it will all work out. That’s the message TDR and the government wanted to pass to the audience. That’s the corrupted motivation to the audience to both participate in the killing game (and probably be rejected) and to train their skills to the called “Ultimate” level.

And TDR even says to the audience (via audition tape) that’s okay to participate in a killing game and gain fame for making such amazing things AND killing each other. That’s probably what the Shuichi’s tape (Shuichi saying these next things when he was the smartest) was meant to mean: a implicit message from TDR to say that’s okay to make horrible things, like killing, when you actually is gonna make much more “incredible” and “amazing” things (such as be Ultimate talents and exercise and use these talents) in exchange. And… Kaede’s tape (Kaede, who was given the guinea lovable pig role by Tsumugi and TDR, and is a strong and determined person, probably loved by the audience) was meant to mean the core message the government wanted to give to the audience:

This is DR the government wants to everybody have a crush on it, and be alienated on it!

This is why this corrupted government wanted to have a growing audience in TDR.

And the government even needed to do such a thing? After all, the “Ultimate talent” was something really spread by the government, after all everyone knew about it. I don’t know. But I know such a government wanted to have results, which it wasn’t showed to be much satisfatory by normal people even in DRV3:

And exactly what the government is hiding from the news? Perhaps there’s more hidden cards than just TDR? Who knows? I don’t know. And that’s why I think Kodaka will continue this story, even if “DanganRonpa” is dead, because “Dangan Ronpa V3 has no end.”, according to Kodaka himself.

I have this feeling he will continue this story, and I have my motives, but I already explained one or two of them in a comment of mine in youtube:

And that’s why I said: there’s only 95% of the story in this theyro. Because… even if I missed something, the conclusion I think Kodaka wanted to us to reach is this. And with this, it will have more things to be wrote about. My theory feels to me like the endings of the DR1 and SDR2: explains almost everything, and leaves some things with loose ends. Everyone, thanks for reading until here. I don’t know if I will correct my theory if someone comments and wins against me in a rebuttal showdown, but I probably will (well, stress from real life, you know? hahaha).

It’s been a fun ride, even if english isn’t my native language.

A special thanks to justonegamr, who always made LP without comments and gave me a good gameplay.

Ah, and go watch Razzbowski’s LP, pleaaase. That guy is funny.

I will write one review or something about DRV3. I have to put my feelings somewhere.



