Today Is Anything Can Happen Day

Luka Bönisch
6 min readOct 27, 2023

The following is something I have written for a past self, for a self that was afraid of following his intuitions, afraid of taking risks, afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being honest with himself, afraid of death, and ultimately, afraid of life. It’s something I wouldn’t and would have liked to hear.

Today is anything can happen day

Today most of us wake up (some don’t but let’s keep the morbid bit for later). And most of those todays we feel like we already know what the day holds in store. Even if we acknowledge that we can’t know what will happen we usually think and feel and act as if we exactly know what will happen.

But today is anything can happen day.

Today might be the day when you run into the love of your life, or find $1000 in an envelope saying: “Enjoy!”, or decide that enough is enough, walk out on your current life and steer it in a completely different direction, or a bus runs your over, or a meteor hits earth and eliminates us all, or aliens land on the lawn of the white house, or you adopt a puppy.

I think you get the gist.

The point is that we don’t know what will happen. Not in the least.

