Luka Haruna
3 min readJul 9, 2024



Secured by Bitcoin, backed by Polychain. Nubit empowers limitless innovation with the most secure and scalable data availability layer.

What is Nubit?
Nubit is a scalable, cost-efficient data availability layer secured by Bitcoin, designed specifically for the Bitcoin community. By enhancing Bitcoin’s data capacities, Nubit empowers applications like Ordinals, Layer 2s, and price oracles, thus expanding the functionality and efficiency of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

- Validators: These nodes use a consensus algorithm rooted in NubitBFT to propose and verify the integrity of blocks and transactions. Nubit’s innovative consensus mechanism supports an exceptionally large validator set, potentially reaching 200,000, to facilitate robust chain consensus.
- Full Storage Nodes: These nodes reliably store all data received from validators, ensuring data integrity and availability. To combat risks such as data withholding or tampering, Data Availability Sampling (DAS) requests from light clients are employed to verify data availability.
- Light Clients: These clients receive block headers from validators, which include data commitments. They may initiate random requests to full storage nodes to verify data availability, enhancing the system’s resilience against threats.

Why We Need Nubit
The recent surge in demand for Bitcoin inscriptions has resulted in over 14GB of data being stored on the Bitcoin blockchain, leading to significantly high costs. This highlights a critical need within the Bitcoin ecosystem: expanding data throughput to prevent bottlenecks. Nubit addresses this need by providing a data availability solution that aligns with Bitcoin’s fundamental principles. Riema Labs has pioneered Nubit, the first Bitcoin-native data availability layer, guided by the principle of trust minimization.

Why Build with Nubit?
Nubit offers applications and users within the Bitcoin ecosystem a data availability solution secured by Bitcoin’s proven security. Here’s why Nubit stands out:

- Security Inheritance: Nubit fully inherits Bitcoin’s security, including economic security, tamper resistance, and censorship resistance, through Bitcoin’s native staking and anchoring methods.
- Trust Minimization: Nubit employs a CometBFT-based consensus powered by SNARK for signature aggregation, known as NubitBFT, creating an unparalleled decentralized validator network.
- Data Availability: Nubit’s consensus protocol includes light clients to ensure data integrity. Data Availability Sampling (DAS) enables participants to verify block data without downloading the entire block by conducting multiple rounds of random sampling. Each successful round increases confidence in data availability. Validators, full storage nodes, and light clients each play crucial roles in maintaining data availability through their designated protocols.

Nubit represents a groundbreaking advancement in the Bitcoin ecosystem, ensuring secure, scalable, and efficient data availability for future innovations.

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Watch out the next post for Nubit Alpha Testnet is live!

