Linux for Beginners: 5 Commands You Didn’t Know About to Boost Your Productivity

3 min read2 days ago


As a developer, you may have stumbled upon Linux. If you use it often, I want to show you some features, both known and unknown. Let’s dive right into them:

Photo by Lukas on Unsplash
  1. Discover Terminal Shortcuts

Linux terminal packs power, and mastering shortcuts amplifies productivity. For example:

  • Ctrl + R: Starts a reverse search in your command history. It retrieves prior commands with ease.
example of using Ctrl + R
  • Alt + .: Inserts the last argument of the previous command, saving you time typing.
alt + . example

2. Create custom aliases for efficiency.

Custom aliases enable the simplification of intricate or oft-repeated commands. For example:

  • alias ll=’ls -lah’: Enhances the ls command by adding more details.
example running ll in /root
  • alias gs=’git status’: Shortens the git status check command.

3. Use built-in system monitoring tools.

Linux has built-in tools to watch its performance. They can help you keep an eye on the system.

  • htop: A tool that shows system processes, CPU, and memory usage in real-time. It’s an interactive process viewer.
Htop example
  • glances: A comprehensive monitoring tool that provides a multifaceted view of system health.
glances example

4. Master File System Navigation Tricks

Efficient filesystem navigation can save a lot of time:

  • cd -: Go back to the last directory you were in.
example cd -
  • pushd/popd: Use these commands to manage a directory stack. They let you push directories onto a stack and pop back to them as needed.

5. Explore the Power of Shell Expansion

Shell expansion can simplify complex command inputs:

  • Brace Expansion: {} creates flexible command sequences in a straightforward way. For example, use mkdir dir{1..3} to create dirs dir1, dir2, and dir3.
pushd & brace expansion example

By using these features in your workflow, you can improve your productivity.
Thank you for reading and have a great day. If you have other tips and tricks let me know. I always love to learn something new.

