I’ve switched from Bullet Journaling to using Obsidian — My conclusion after six months

In October 2022, I stopped using my Bullet Journal and started keeping my notes and tasks in Obsidian. Now, after six months, I’m ready to draw my conclusion.

Lukas Krimphove
5 min readApr 3, 2023
Obsidian’s Graph view shows You all Your notes and their relationship to each other

What is a Bullet Journal?

Bullet Journaling is an organization method created by Ryder Carroll. It uses a notebook and a pen instead of any software. One of its core concepts is rapid logging. Rapid logging is a form of note-taking where You use different symbols to abbreviate and organize information.

Now there is a massive online community about Bullet Journaling. Many made Ryder Carroll’s initial idea their own and extended it. Online there are a ton of new modules and concepts one can use for their own BuJo. Those range from creative todo-lists to habit trackers and finance logs.

How did I use my Bullet Journal?

Im working as a software engineer and consultant. Therefore I have multiple tasks from multiple projects each day. I also have a lot of meetings. For those meetings, I like to take a few notes in advance and have to take some during them.

