How Fan Art Made us The Most Popular Table in the Galaxy Far Far Away

Lukas Lukoševičius
4 min readDec 1, 2015


“Just when caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly” — Barbara Haines Howett

To see the real meaning of this you’ve got to see video bellow…

Amazing friend and artist Gediminas Pranckevičius drew these fascinating illustrations after being inspired by The Force(c) and our LED lights. You can’t really blame him. The resemblance is uncanny.

…this is the video that is bellow.

Wherever you are, you can’t run away from the hype of the upcoming sequel to the most amazing story ever told! New Star Wars movie is almost here but what could be better? Maybe if we got some fan art? And yes of course, that happened. We’ve received these images and I’m super grateful and understand that not all products can get so much love as TableAir, it’s all due to wonderful people that surround us. Gediminas, thank you so much of the bottom from my heart! Everybody else, please feast your eyes on these wonderful pieces of fan artwork…

LED light doesn’t only makes TableAir a centerpiece of any interior but also helps a lot to illuminate under the hood.

… and as you scroll through these immersive worlds and enjoy vivid colors of the LED light, let me tell you a bit on whats cracking, and boy it’s cracking.

Wow, what a year this was. Company grew to 9 people (I’m super excited, it’s full of new challenges ahead), we’re moving to a new big office, we’re shipping all over the world. Got clients from NY, Miami, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, London, all around Europe. We’ve improved the TableAir to match even higher industry standards. Also it is right to say that we’ve matured as a company as a whole, if you’d compare us what we were 12 months ago you wouldn’t believe it’s the same team. There is so many exciting things happening every day, that I started waking up at 7AM without an alarm clock, this never happened before. It’s just when you start feeling the work you’re doing is materializing into even better product experiences, it makes you believe you’re doing the right thing. I wonder, if me, from a year ago, would see these pictures and this post would I see this as a success? I think I would.

When it’s Good vs Evil, Good always wins.

Concept of the table hasn’t changed in millenniums. Few products been so resilient to unavoidable Force(c) of innovation. And there is a good reason why. It simply did its job for so many years. Horse and a carriage was more than enough while moving a pile of hay but once the need of traveling greater distances and bringing heavier loads was there, trains came into being. Humankind reached a tipping point now. So many healthy and young people are spending all of their time sitting in front of computers. And they do so for more than 8 hours per day, this is insane!

Our mission is to make people want to come to work. We’re achieving that by innovating in an area that hasn’t been touched for millenniums, and we’re doing it whilst giving management quantifiable results so that they could make educated decisions.

If you believe in yourself you can do it.

For the last year I’ve put all my time into TableAir and could not be happier with where we’re at. Here at TableAir we’re on a mission to make your work lives more pleasant and improve wellbeing. The ultimate solution is getting 100 TableAirs for your office, but if these fantastic illustrations helped to make you feel at least a tiny bit better I’m happy :) if not, dude there is something wrong, go and check all the previous parts of Star Wars before going to theater. Guaranteed you’re gonna love it.

This one is my favorite… Love the color palette and sensuality of it.

And just for fun a picture of one of our happy customers. Did you know that TableAir is the friendliest work table ever?

Also we want to show something really cool, really soon, so stick around. So anyway wish you all amazing upcoming celebrations.

Long live the force.

Lukas Lukoševičius
CEO, TableAir

PS. To all those who wonder, we make the most beautiful standing table in the world (with LED lights, beautiful design, immersive UI and intuitive controls) and one friend of mine decided to draw these illustrations with TableAir inside of them.

