Docker Compose, PHP & Composer: The Missing “vendors” Folder Issue

Lucas Pereyra
6 min readApr 14, 2022


A couple of days ago, I had to work with a very simple PHP Slim web application setup that was totally containerized with Docker. I managed it to make it work by means of a Nginx Docker container, a PHP-FPM container, and the Slim app container. All was working good when I started to struggle with a docker compose build problem when attempting to install my PHP dependencies using Composer, inside of the Dockerfile’s container building steps (these are the steps executed when you run a dockercompose build). I decided to share with you this issue and a couple of workarounds you can apply when facing it, with a simple yet practical example.

Basic project setup example

So, as a starting point, let’s consider the following project structure:


A pretty basic and minimal structure for a small PHP project, that makes use of Composer to define its dependencies. Let’s take a look at the docker-compose.yml file:

container_name: my_php_container__
context: ./php
dockerfile: ./php.Dockerfile
- ./php/:/usr/src/myapp

This only defines a PHP service, which uses a shared volume with the /php folder and its Dockerfile instructions are defined in the php.Dockerfile file. Let’s see it:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
zlib1g-dev \
libzip-dev \
RUN docker-php-ext-install zip
COPY --from=composer /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
RUN composer self-update
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
COPY . .
RUN composer install
CMD php main.php

Here we start from a PHPv7.4 image; install and enable the “zip” library, needed to be able to use Composer; we install Composer by means of the copy from Dockerfile feature; copy all the files from our project; install the PHP dependencies; and finally execute the main.php file.

Let’s suppose our main.php file is just as simple as the following:

<?phprequire './vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
printf("Right now is %s\n", Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString());printf(
"Right now in Vancouver is %s\n",
printf("Tomorrow will be %s\n", Carbon::now()->addDay());

For this to work successfully, we’ll need to install the Carbon PHP dependency, so our composer.json file may look like:

"name": "test/app",
"description": "Simple PHP Composer app",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"nesbot/carbon": "^2.57"

The missing “vendors” folder issue

With the previous provided setup, we’d think nothing could go wrong if we rundocker compose up --build . Well, let’s take a change and give it a try:

As we can see, PHP cannot find the vendors folder that should be generated when composer install is executed. Note that the composer.lock file doesn’t exist neither. So…, what’s happening here?

It took me a couple of hours to figure it out, but what happens results to be quite simple: when building the Docker PHP container, docker executes each of the building steps defined in the Dockerfile, hence, running the composer install command and generating the /vendors folder and the composer.lock file as expected. At this point, these file exist only in the container filesystem. When docker compose up is executed, Docker mounts the host machine’s (our machine) filesystem into the container’s filesystem, thus overwriting the container files. That’s when the /vendors directory and the composer.lock file are removed from the container’ filesystem. Since Docker doesn’t mounts the specified volumes during the building stage, all the files stored inside of the container during this building stage will be erased and replaced with the files you’re storing in the /php folder when you start the containers. Having this in mind, note that the COPY . . instruction we defined in the php.Dockerfile is useless, and we could remove it without producing an unexpected result.

3 alternatives to prevent the missing “vendors” folder issue

To avoid having this issue, we must remove the RUN composer install instruction from the php.Dockerfile file. Without this, we won’t have our PHP dependencies installed once the container is built, so we’ll have to run this step afterwards, at the moment of starting the container. Here I provide 3 alternatives for doing this, starting with the simplest ones:

Manually installing the dependencies after each docker compose build

As this self-descriptive tittle suggests, we could just manually install the PHP dependencies we need each time we build up the container. This seems to work if we’re sure we won’t need to run composer install more than just a couple of times for a project.

We can install the composer PHP dependencies via the docker compose run command, like this:

docker compose run php composer install

Note that after running this command, we should have the composer.lock and /vendor files already existing in our initial project files structure.

Installing the dependencies every time the container is started

The php.Dockerfile we’re using executes the CMD php main.php command as the starting command for the PHP container. Here we could include the extra step of installing the PHP dependencies by modifying it to be:

CMD bash -c "composer install && php main.php"

With this approach, we won’t need to care about manually installing our PHP dependencies every time we build up the container. Whenever we execute docker compose up, this will first check for all the packages status, install the missing ones and run our application.

Installing the dependencies once during docker compose build, by scoping volume bindings

There’s a way we can achieve the PHP dependencies installation only during docker compose build execution. Since in our previous setup we’re binding the root directory with the container’s filesystem, all the files get overwritten when we start the container. We could just scope this binding to only have a bunch of our files linked to the container’s filesystem.

Let’s say we just want to link our .php files and the composer.json file with the container’s filesystem, hence, any change made to those files, both from our machine or from inside of the container, would be reflected in both directions. We’d need to modify our docker-compose.yml file to explicitly tell it which files we want to bind/link:

container_name: my_php_container__
context: ./php
dockerfile: ./php.Dockerfile
- ./php/main.php:/usr/src/myapp/main.php
- ./php/composer.json:/usr/src/myapp/composer.json

With that, our php.Dockerfile can be responsible for installing the composer dependencies:

WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
COPY *.json . # copy the composer.json file
COPY *.php . # copy the php source files
RUN composer install
CMD php main.php

Every time we run docker compose build, our PHP dependencies will be installed, a /vendors folder will be generated as well as a composer.lock file, BUT ONLY INSIDE OF THE CONTAINER. Hence, we won’t be able to see these files in our host machine. Anyway, since all we need will be in the container itself, we’ll be able to run docker compose up and see the expected results:

docker compose up
[+] Running 1/0
- Container my_php_container__ Created 0.0s Attaching to my_php_container__
my_php_container__ | Right now is 2022-04-14 14:31:04
my_php_container__ | Right now in Vancouver is 2022-04-14 07:31:04
my_php_container__ | Tomorrow will be 2022-04-15 14:31:04
my_php_container__ exited with code 0

Moreover, if we install a new PHP dependency using Composer (composer install XXX), that new requirement will be injected into our composer.json file, allowing us to always have all the required dependencies listed there, in a cool portable format (nothing bad, uh?). Something similar will happen with the .php files: we’ll be able to edit these files in our host machine, and changes should be reflected in the container’s version of the files. For that, you could even have a /src folder with all your .php files there and just bind that folder into the container.



Lucas Pereyra

Systems Engineer, full-time Backend Developer, part-time learner.