PHP __sleep And __wakeup Magic Methods: How And When To Use Them?

Lucas Pereyra
4 min readApr 24, 2022


PHP __sleep and __wakeup methods are magic methods (methods that PHP will invoke during special moments or cases) that PHP provides for dealing with serialization/deserialization of class instances (objects) during runtime. Serializing an object basically means creating a string representation of that object, so that it can be temporarily stored or saved (e.g. dumping it into a text file) and restored later.

PHP serialize function allows you to create a string representation of any object that can be restored in the future by means of the unserialize function. Furthermore, you can also serialize primitive types such as ints, floats, arrays, stdClass instances among others.

PHP serialize and unserialize functions in practice

Let’s get into some code examples to help us illustrate how serialize and unserialize functions work. Take a look at the following snippet:

Here I have a pretty basic class called Greeting that’s used to greet somebody. Once we’ve instantiated this class, we can make use of the greet method to show a kind greeting through the CLI. Besides that, here I serialize the $greeting instance and put that result into the storage.txt file. By doing this you may get a strange string written into that file. Well, that’s our $greeting instance string representation.

Let’s suppose we have another file in the same directory, that runs the following:

Here I’m just reading the file content and using it to re-create the original $greeting instance as a PHP object which can be then invoked the greet method. Note that this would be executed in a different PHP script than the first one, so we could think we’re communicating these two files by means of the storage.txt file and the serialization mechanism: we can store a snapshot of an in-memory object in a storage mechanism (e.g. a text file) from which we can restore it later. Also, note that in both files I needed to include the Greeting class definition, since it’s necessary not only for creating the original instance, but for re-creating it during the deserialization.

Dealing with resources during serialization

PHP’s serialize function can’t create string representations of PHP resources. Hence, objects that hold any kind of resource types as private or public members can’t be properly serialized and PHP will throw an error or behave rarely if we attempt to do so; like in the following example:

When I run this code I get:

>Hello world from a simple .txt file
>Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, int given in /usr/src/myapp/FileWrapper.php on line 16
>Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, int given in /usr/src/myapp/FileWrapper.php on line 21

This is because the file property is being stored as a resource type, which makes PHP fail at serializing it. Any result that the PHP resource functions give us, shouldn’t be directly serialized when trying to use the serialize function.

Okay, so, how do we tell PHP which properties should ignore and which should include when the serialize function is being invoked?

Using __sleep and __wakeup magic methods during serialization/deserialization

PHP’s __sleep magic method should return an array holding all the object’s properties that should be included in the serialized version of that object. Properties that are not included in that array, will have a default null value in the re-created class instance. PHP will call __sleep method before start serializing the object in order to know which properties should be included in the string representation.

On the other hand, the __wakeup method should contain any initialization code that should be executed once the object has been re-created. Initialization code could include restoring internal used resources, internal object relationships, restoring configuration variables, etc.

With this in mind, we could refactor the FileWrapper to make it serializable:

Here I’m telling PHP to only store the filename property in the string representation of any FileWrapper instance. This, in conjunction with the file() access method, ensures that the file resource is only created and used during the current runtime.

To illustrate the usage of __wakeup, let’s take a look at the following example:

Here I have a basic TableAccess object that makes use of a Connection instance, -which could be a singleton, as usually-, to access a database table and fetch some results. Since the Connection instance is likely to be or hold a PHP resource type, as if it stored any result of the mysql_XXX functions, we wouldn’t serialize the $connection property (as shown in the __sleep method). Having said that, we’ll need to initialize its value whenever we get a new fresh instance from the unserialize function, and that’s what we’re doing inside the __wakeup method.


The PHP serialization mechanism is a powerful resource that allows us to get a string value representation of an in-memory class instance. By storing that string into a file or any other storage mechanism, we can access it later, hence accessing that class instance capabilities. Having said that, we could use the same in-memory object in two (or more) different execution threads (wow).

PHP’s __sleep magic method should be used to let PHP know which private and public properties of an object should be included in the string representation that is obtained when calling the serialize function. PHP resource types properties should not be retrieved by this method, since PHP will be likely to fail or behave rarely either during serialization or deserialization. Moreover, any properties whose values could be easily calculated or obtained during deserialization, might be not included in the __sleep’s result so as to have a shorter string representation.

PHP’s __wakeup magic method should be used to initialize the re-created object once the unserialize function has been called. Code that restores or re-creates PHP resource types should be here, as well as code that restores any other kind of necessary properties that were not returned by the __sleep method.



Lucas Pereyra

Systems Engineer, full-time Backend Developer, part-time learner.