The Stance Towards Digital Funding Sources

Luke van Harskamp
9 min readAug 5, 2020

For a long time, the funding of startups is done through traditional funding sources such as small business loans, venture capital, angels, and loans of family and friends. Nevertheless, the technological developments of the last decade have led to the rise of digital funding sources — those that are executed completely digital. This started with crowdfunding approximately ten years ago, but currently, developments in blockchain technology have given rise to several alternatives such as an ICO, STO & IEO. But what is the stance of people with finance & investment knowledge towards these emerging funding sources? Do they make use of them? Does their preference match the characteristics of these funding sources? What is the focus of education? And how do they see the future of these funding sources?


In order to find an answer to these questions, two surveys were conducted with people with finance & investment knowledge — one with professionals and one with students. Furthermore, it involved 40 persons, of which 52.5% male and 47.5% female. 75% of the respondents are Dutch, and 25% involve a wide variance of nationalities. The respondents were mainly from the finance field of education (70%), but also the field of business (12.5%), economics (5%), and other (12.5%). Moreover, most respondents were younger than 25 (47.5%), followed by…



Luke van Harskamp

Co-Head Corporate Strategy Dealblock | International Finance Graduate | 📧 | 🌐