A step by step walk through for using a Google Analytics custom report template

Luke Piper
2 min readNov 28, 2018


I recognise a Freedom of Information request can be a time consuming affair, so to reduce the workload I have setup a Google Analytics custom report template which, if you permit, will automatically compile the Google Analytics data I am requesting into one simple report. The data can then be exported into a spreadsheet document like in a typical FOI response.

To carry out this method please follow these 5 quick and easy steps.

(Please note. This process will only work if your organisation uses Google Analytics to manage its website data)

Step 1

Before clicking on the ‘Custom Report Template’ URL link provided in the email please ensure you are logged in to your organisations Google analytics account.

Step 2

Once logged in, click on the ‘Custom Report Template’ URL in my FOI request email.

You should see the following:

Select the view used to carry out reporting on the organisations main website domain.

Click create.

Step 3

The custom report template should now be automatically filled with the data we are looking for.

However, there are still a couple of things you will need to do in order to send data back to us.

The first thing is you will need to set the date range to 31st July 2017 to 31st July 2018.

Step 4

After this, for each of the custom report tabs (named ‘Day of week’, ‘Device category’, ‘Channel grouping’ and ‘Campaigns’) you will need to export each individual report tab separately as a CSV file.

(Unfortunately the export tool only exports the data in the current open tab. This means you’ll have to export four times. Once for each tab.)

Report tabs are located just above the data. The export button is situated at the top right.

Step 5

Once each report tab is exported you can combine the data into one Excel file/Google Sheet doc.

You can now attach the file in an email and send it back to me. Hooray!


Hopefully this has been easy enough to follow. If you need any further guidance please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

P.s. You might be interested to read our report on ‘The use of local authority websites in Wales 2018’.

My name is Luke Piper

I work for the Satori Lab.


Twitter: @slbluke

