From Slaughterhouses to Battlefields: War and Peace in a Meat-Centric World

Luke Alexander
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


The quote “As long as there are slaughterhouses there will always be battlefields” by Leo Tolstoy is a brutally honest assessment of the violent and bloody consequences of our meat-centric society.

This quote is not just a philosophical statement; it is a warning of the dark karmic energy cycle we create when we consume meat. Every time we take a bite of animal flesh, we’re consuming the pain and suffering of another living being, and that negative energy becomes a part of our own bodies and minds.

Tolstoy, who was known for his works such as “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina,” was an advocate for nonviolence and believed in the idea of universal love.

Tolstoy’s quote has profound implications for our society. It suggests that the violence we inflict upon animals will inevitably lead to violence towards humans. The quote challenges us to reconsider our relationship with animals and the impact that our actions have on both them and ourselves.

The slaughterhouse is a place of horror, where sentient beings are violently ripped from their lives to satisfy our insatiable appetite for flesh. The animals are crammed into small, dirty spaces, surrounded by the stench of death and fear. Their lives are filled with misery and pain, all leading up to a violent and bloody end.

This cycle of violence doesn’t stop with the animals. It infects our society, as those who work in the slaughterhouses become desensitised to violence, leading to a greater likelihood of engaging in violent behaviour towards other humans.

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between animal cruelty and violence towards humans. In a study conducted by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University, it was found that individuals who have a history of animal cruelty are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans. The study also found that individuals who commit animal cruelty often have a history of domestic violence and other forms of abuse.

This cycle of violence perpetuates itself, creating a never-ending cycle of destruction.

This link between animal cruelty and violence towards humans is not a new phenomenon. The FBI has recognized animal cruelty as a predictor of future violent behaviour towards humans, and many serial killers, including Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy, have been known to have a history of animal cruelty.

The relationship between violence towards animals and violence towards humans can be explained by the concept of desensitisation. Desensitization is the process of becoming less responsive to a stimulus due to repeated exposure. Individuals who are exposed to violence, whether towards animals or humans, can become desensitised to it, leading to a decreased sensitivity towards the suffering of others.

What if we broke this cycle of violence? What if we chose to eat only plant-based meals? What would happen if all prisons provided exclusively plant-based meals? It’s a question worth considering. By removing meat from our diets, we could break the karmic energy cycle of violence and promote a more compassionate, peaceful society.

The benefits of a plant-based diet extend far beyond just reducing violence. It has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Additionally, a plant-based diet is more environmentally sustainable, requiring less land, water, and other resources to produce.

It’s time to recognize the horrific consequences of our meat-centric society. It’s time to break the cycle of violence and choose compassion instead. Every time we choose a plant-based meal, we’re choosing a more peaceful, healthier, and sustainable world. So let’s take action and make a positive change for ourselves, for the animals, and for our planet.

Let’s eat our way to world peace.

