Top ways to get your work noticed on Behance

Chouaib Blgn
3 min readDec 7, 2018


Top ways to get your work noticed on Behance

I am sure that you have a Behance account, you maybe asking yourself what next ?, today we will give you some tips to get you noticed on Behance.

When someone opens the Behance homepage the first thing he see is Featured Gallery ( the Featured Gallery is a selection of chosen projects by Behance Team ).

So Behance Team try to select innovative and well crafted work , the question is how do you get your work selected for Featured Gallery ?, in fact there is no secret recipe or something magic, just few tips :

1/ Highlight the work :

Highlight the work

When you uploading a single image into your project to represent your work , this is not enough, so think of your project as advertisements and you’re selling your work or you have a job interview and you need to show your works in a creative and professional way so try to include enough detailed images ( maximum 20 images ), remember you don’t need your project to be too short, it’s nice to be little bit long included 6 to 20 images well detailed and organized.

2/ Choose a nice cover image :

Choose a nice cover image

When you deciding to represent your work or project, you need to choose a cover image, this image will entices the visitors to see your project, it’s good idea to prevent using text in cover image unless your project is about typography, let your work speak for itself, the cover image should leave the visitors impressed.

3/ Publish when finish the work :

Publish when finish the work

You Should publish your work when it finished, once you publish it the visitors can see it, the visitors cannot see the unfinished work, the unfinished work goes to the ( Draft Projects ) section till you finished it.

4/ Use the social media sites to create Buzz :

Use the social media sites to create Buzz

Using the social media sites will help you to extend the visibility of your project to your friends and followers, so you need to create some buzz, try to use : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc…

If you follow these tips, you can improve your odds that your work it will be featured, and represent your work in the best way.



Chouaib Blgn

My Name is Chouaib ,I am 25 years old from Algeria, I am Front End Web Developer and UI/UX Designer .