The NBA’s Bench Problem

The NBA has a problem with their benches and it needs to be fixed before it’s too late!

Luke Goodman
6 min readJan 29, 2017

When players express dissatisfaction, they expect to be accommodated. If owners, managers, or coaches want their players to perform, it’s their job to keep their talent happy. Some players request trades. Others request for a new coach or better teammates. But every time a request is made, the organization is expected to do whatever they can to fix the issue.

This has been tradition in the NBA for decades which is why I am astounded that a certain problem in the league hasn’t been addressed. Players across the NBA have been overt about the way they feel and yet nothing has been done. No one is even talking about it! Let’s be clear: NBA players are clearly sick and tired of sitting in folding chairs instead of on a literal bench.

I’ve never had the opportunity to use the seats the NBA passes of as a “bench,” so I’m not sure what the problem is, but it’s clear that there is a problem. Maybe the seats are too soft. Too cushy perhaps. Maybe players simply feel nostalgic for the hard metal nirvana they used in high school. Either way something needs to be done.

The Evidence

It’s no surprise the first public protest was performed by a rookie. Joel Embiid had never used an NBA bench before this season, and it didn’t take long for him to get fed up. For years he had dreamed of getting to sit on a real-life NBA bench, but his dreams were shot dead. He quickly realized there was no bench at all, but instead a series of folding chairs. He decided then and there that he wouldn’t stand for this. Eventually he needed to let his anger show.

Some attributed Embiid’s abuse of the “bench” to frustration over his minutes restriction, but make no mistake: this was a statement with much higher stakes. Sure, he was frustrated with not being able to play in the second overtime, but Joel knew the cameras would be on him to see his reaction. He obviously knew this was the ideal time to make sure everyone saw his demonstration.

Surely this isn’t the first time a rookie has felt this way, but Embiid knew that if he didn’t take advantage of the stage his wild popularity had given him that this issue would go unresolved for heaven knows how long. Embiid was the first brave soul to let the world know how he felt. And he certainly wasn’t alone.

Embiid’s courage emboldened other players to demonstrate their frustration, and no player is bolder than Boogie. It had been months since Embiid’s initial outburst and no other players had picked up where he left off. Cousins refused to let the movement die, and showed his support with an even more overt display of anger.

Cousins unleashed his fury with the current seating arrangement. As you can see in the screenshot above, many teammates were shocked at his display and moved away in fear. But teammate Matt Barnes was unaffected. It appears that he was previously informed that tonight was the night to let the player’s true feelings be known.

Barnes didn’t have the courage to join in, as was most likely previously planned, but Boogie clearly expressed what he didn’t have the courage to say. The “benches” have got to go.

Oh how I wish this would have been enough to show the owners how serious the players were. If only the owners had given in then. But they were too stubborn. The players had no choice but to escalate even further to get their point across.

The most recent outburst is also the most tragic. Enes Kanter was infuriated by the lack of acknowledgement or media coverage on the “bench” issue. So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

By breaking his arm against the chairs, Kanter has shown the world how serious the players are about this issue. He sacrificed his body to show that if there’s not a change then players will stop playing. Kanter is out for 6–8 weeks and it’s clear that he expects this problem to be addressed before his arm is healed.

If we’re not careful, players will soon continue in this precedent that was set by Kanter. We’re on the verge of seeing Jimmy Butler bashing his head in on the cushioned bottoms. We may see Marc Gasol sawing off his leg with the bitterly rigid metal legs. We’re just months away from seeing Javale McGee start gouging out his eyes with the pointed tips of the legs. Because of the Pandora’s Box Kanter has opened, anything can happen.

Possible Solutions

Now that we’ve established how big of a problem this is, let’s talk about the options of how we could appease the growing anger in the players union.

I am begging the owners to make the change as soon as possible. My inside sources tell me that this was one issue that the player’s union couldn’t get approved in the new CBA and that certain key members are bitterly disappointed. If fans want to keep enjoying this league, someone needs to do something to keep the radical movement of self-injury to a minimum. I’ve even brainstormed some ideas for the owners to look into if they choose to appease the players.

Solution 1: The Classic



  • simple, sleek design
  • cost effective
  • brings the players back to their roots; reminds them of their middle school days; nostalgic


  • metal gets cold very easily
  • no back rest; doesn’t help players rest effectively
  • uncomfortable; unforgiving; uncushioned

Solution 2: The Hotel Model



  • stylish; chic
  • cushioned
  • welcoming; inviting
  • pulls together the aesthetic of a room with pastel wall coloring


  • still no backrest; still doesn’t actually help players rest
  • still not comfortable even though it’s cushioned
  • requires a re-design every few years as the home decor styles change

Solution 3: The Park Bench



  • has a backrest; functional for actual rest
  • armrests
  • common and familiar design


  • made of wood; hard; uncushioned
  • can only hold approximately 2.25 NBA players at a time
  • people may mistake the bench to be for public use

The solution is a complex decision, but something needs to be done fast. The players are clear with their message. The league has been mocking them for years with their use of the word bench without providing an actual bench and they have had enough. The protests have escalated out of hand and I don’t want to see where it goes next.

Owners, please don’t let your players or your fans down anymore. Do the right thing. Bring back the bench.

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