CS371p Spring 2020: Luke Hill (Second Entry)

Luke Hill
2 min readFeb 3, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This week I began setting up docker on my laptop as well as creating a coding environment for C++. I also started brainstorming a few ideas of optimizations for the Collatz project that I could test after I get a working version.

What’s in your way?

I struggled a bit at first with getting docker set up because I found out that the main version is not supported by Windows 10 Home edition because it doesn’t have the required Hyper-V feature. Luckily, I was able to find another version that I am still in the process of getting to work correctly. My priority is to get that working before I begin any coding for our current project.

What will you do next week?

Hopefully I will have docker working correctly early enough this week that I will be able to begin coding within the next couple of days. I would like to have a working version by this coming Wednesday so that I have plenty of time for testing out different optimizations.

What was your experience of assertions, unit tests, coverage, and continuous integration?

I had not seen assertions before this class, but it seems like a very useful tool for debugging. Unit tests are something that I expect most of us have seen and used before and personally I should probably use them more often. The coverage testing was another thing I had not seen before that seems like a very useful tool. I have definitely heard a lot about continuous integration but haven’t had to write much code working in groups yet so that is another thing I hope to get more experience with this semester.

What made you happy this week?

I’m glad that I finally took the time to setup a C++ environment on my own laptop instead of having to remote connect to the lab machines.



Luke Hill

Hello! I am a computer science major at the University of Texas at Austin.