What I Learnt from The Book Of Acts Of Apostles- Chapter 2

Sandeep Thomas
2 min readOct 17, 2021


Following are the Highpoints from Chapter 2 of Book of Acts of Apostles

1. Acts 2:1–11 The God of the Bible is using the exact Days of Jewish Feasts He ordained to fulfill His Promises. The Feasts are called Gods appointed times and the People are asked to assemble together/convocation. The word used for convocation is “Miqra” (H4744) which also Means “Rehearsal”. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 for more Clarity.

As disciples of Christ we are to Pray and devote “Time Together” for the Falling of the Holy Spirit and Him filling us up with signs of Speaking in tongues as a confirmation.

2. Acts 2: 11 Holy Spirit will only exalt and declare the mighty Deeds of God (also Read John 16:13–15)

3. Acts 2:14–42 God is the Same he never changes as Human kind. He will bring to pass that He has declared through the Holy Scriptures. The coming of Jesus The second Person in The Trinity in Flesh, His Crucifixion and Resurrection and the Lineage of the Christ as per the Davidic covenant God has fulfilled. Having fulfilled all these the Focus is now on the “Day of The Lord” which is coming for Jesus has been Declared as Lord and Christ as per the divine will of Our Heavenly father.

The filling of Holy Spirit will give Disciples the boldness to speak and exalt God without fear. Apostle Peter who denied Jesus thrice having filled with the Holy Spirit gave his first sermon which lead 3000 of his hearers into salvation which comes through Faith in Jesus Christ.

4. Acts 2: 43–45 Wonders and Signs will accompany when The Gospel is preached as a sign from God to confirm the message. The Holy Spirit will Bring Disciples together shifting their focus from “This Age” to “Age to Come” and Leads them to sell their properties and possessions and share it with all. No one will have any lack and had all things in common.

5. Acts2: 47 As Disciples we need to just proclaim The Gospel devoid of “Human Means” to Attract. We are asked to Honestly Proclaim The Gospel and leaving the rest to The Lord who will add (to the Number) to confirm The Message Preached.

The Law, The Prophets and the writings (Psalms) is about Jesus The Christ (Luke 24:44). The New Testament is the fulfillment of what is already declared in the Old Testament. His Second coming is for the restoration of all things which is declared in the Holy Prophets (Acts 3:20, 21)

The Message of the Bible in simple terms is “The Restoration of All creation” back to the Edenic Glory by nullifying the effects that The Fall brought in through the First Adam.




Sandeep Thomas

Follower of Christ |Pilgrim |A sinner saved by GRACE |His Second Coming means RESTORATION |Mathew 28:(18–20)