
SIWIKE: Stuff I Wish I Knew Earlier — the podcast

Luki Danukarjanto
3 min readSep 5, 2019

Where I’ve been featured

Podcasts that I’ve been on as well as those that I listen to.

Canvas Series with Raphael Wong

Accounted For with Daniel Lee

Life on Hi-Fi with Dominic Justina: Part 1

Life on Hi-Fi with Dominic Justina: Part 2

Podcasts I listen to

Kwik Brain by Jim Kwik

One of my favourites is #KwikBrain by @jimkwik. For those that are into self-development, Jim shares lots of tips for better learning, faster reading, an improved mindset and health tips to keep your brain on top shape.
The podcasts are short. Usually about 15 mins and still packed with so many tactical and practical tips and techniques. How to remember more using mind palaces, link systems and MOM (motivation, observation, mechanics). How to read faster with higher recall with a visual pacer, reducing sub-vocalization, asking questions. And even challenges that make applying the learning practical. Plus so much more!

The Gary Vee Audio Experience

Another one of my favourites is #TheGaryVeeAudioExperience by @garyvee. I treat Gary as a mentor I have yet to meet. For some it takes time to get past his brash and energetic delivery style, and for those who can, you find a lot of wisdom. He embodies many of the soft skills characteristics I look to teach others:

  • Empathy
  • Self-awareness
  • Mindset, positivity
  • Kindness
  • Hard work

Plus he shares some hard-skills for marketing, and business in general. A must for any entrepreneur, and also for those that are looking to do more with their career.

Originally published at FOCUS inspired — careers not jobs!.



Luki Danukarjanto

Career catalyst, DJ for personal development, personal trainer for careers and Toronto’s millennial career coach